Poultry (Continued from page 2) change, 20.75; 29, Indian River poultry (Harry F. Hess), 9000 Indian River pullets, 10 wks, to Victor Weaver/ Inc., 19 79; 30, ■William R- Myer, 13,000 White Vantress, 9 wks, to Mandata poultry, 20; 31, Reid Wisslet, 1000 White Vantress, 9-5, to Victor F. Weav ei, Inc, 19.75; 32, Harold Wis her, 800 White Vahtress, 9-5, t 0 Staiiffer Fat-ms, 19.25; 33, p all l W. Martin,* 5000 Indian Pivers, 9-2, to Victor F. Weav eti me., 19.25; 34, Paul W. Mar t,n, 5000 White Vantresj, 9 wks, to Mandata Poultry, 19.75; 35, D. H. Sharrer & Son (Mel vin Meals), 1000 Lynn Broad White capettes, 14 wks, to Pro ducers Cooperative Exchange, 20 75; 36, D H. Sharrer & Son (Mel vin Meals), 1000 Lynn Broad White capettes, 14 wks, to Pro duceis Cooperative Exchange, 20 75, 37, Miller & Bushong, (Harry Hess), 9000 Indian Riv eis 10-2, to College Hill Poul fiy, 19 75; 38, James H. Martin, 1000 Red Vantress, 10-6, to Roy E Ream, 20 25. f **c k live poultry PHILADELPHIA, Sept 19 (USDA) Unsettled. Supplies of all classes were in excess of the fair very selective demand. Laige rock pullets in slow sale at 26-28 cents, few lots 30 cents. White Rocks 25-27 cents. White Rock caponettes large 28-30 1-2, medium sizes 25-27 cents with bulk unsold, small sizes 22-24 cents Few lots roasters did not cleai at 18-20 cehts. White Rock stags cleared at 10 cents. Cross fryers caponetted 25 cents, Silver ciosses caponetted 26-27 cents, White Rocks 20-23 cents, Colum bias and Indian Rivers 20-21 cents, mixed 20-21 cents, Van tress Reds 22-24 cents. Light type bioilers 20 cents. Turkeys un settled Demand fair for more than ample supplies. Heavy type young hens 38-40 cents, youiig toms 25-30 cents as to size afid quality. Light type young toms 30 cents with bulk unsold. Receipts Sept. 18 included Delaware, 17,000 lbs; Maryland, 7,000 lbs Wholesale selling prices No. 1 and fancy quality broilers, light tjpe under 3 lb 20. Broilers or fryers heavy type 3-4 lb 20-27. Roasters 18-20. Pullets 4 1-2 lb and over 25-30. Hens heavy type 15-22, light type 13-17. Old roosters 10-11. Ducks Muscovy 26-28, Pekin 28-30. ' Turkeys, joung hens' 38-40, young toms 25-30. PHILADELPHIA, Sept 19 (USDA) Steady. Supplies of top quality large were no more than sufficient for the good de mand Mediums were ifi improv ed demand with supplies ample but more closely held in view of the U S Government announc ed offer to purchase carlot quan tities Withdrawals from storage weie moderate in volume Small lot sales of mixed color smalls (pullets) were at 24-24% cents Wholesale Selling Prices Min imum 10 per cent A A quality Large 45-48 lb white 56-58 brownss-57, medium white 39- 40 brown 38-39 Extras, min imum 60 per cent A quality laige 45 50 lb white 49-51, mix ed 48 50, medium white 37-38 mixed 33%-34. Standard 36-38, checks 25-28. Receipts Sept. 18 3,800 cases, a 'l by truck. Winter Wheat Acreage Deadlines Extended Washington (USDA) Extension of the final date to S'Sn agreements for participa tion m the 1957 “winter” wheat Act cage Reserve program from Se P f 21 to Oct. 5, 1956 was an nounced today by the U. S. De triment of Agriculture. Soviet airmen have orders not 0 file at foreign planes that toss the nation’s borders, the e Puty commander of the Soviet Air pores said. London Visitor Home, Astounded Yet at Yankee Flying Farmers (Editor’s Note: Below is a letter received frftm A. R. Bo wen of London, England, who was a stateside Visitor last spring, 'fills tittle was relay to Lancaster Fdhfling through the Logans Of Kennett Square); '* ft Well here I dih Back in dear old LoildOn, alter a visit to Keti nett Square, Rd., and 1 haVe to thahk you for the most interest ing interview which yoiir editor, Ernest J Neill But In your pap er of Friday June 9th when I had the great pleasure of at tehdmg the Pennsylvania State NEW ALL-MASH LAYING RATION for Produci Here’s the news you poultrymen have been waiting for. A new high-energy, high-effici- ency Early-Bird All-Mash Laying Ration. The mash that gives you all the nutritive factors needed to produce AA quality eggs with the proper yolk color. The New Early-Bird All-Mash Laying Ration is formulated to substantially lower feed re- quired per dozen eggs saving you money on every dozen eggs produced The next time you buy feed buy Early- Bird ALL-MASH Laying Ration and get AA quality eggs with lower feeding costs. MILLER & BUSHONQ, INC. Flying Farmers meeting in Reading. ' To begin with, I should like to put on record the wonderful hospitality afforded me, not only at that meeting, but at all places I went m your great country. On'my return to England, I shall endeavour to tell the people of your kindness to me, and inter est in England, and so perhaps further the good relationship which must exist between our countries. It was certainly a surprise to find the Farmers having planes \ x \l 11/// Manufacturers of Fine Feeds Since 1875 to such degree, and the casual way they take the air, ladies included, certainly made a deep impression on me. I can fully understand their use, having regard to the vastness of your Country, but find it difficult to make my London friends ap preciate how strong you are, and what a necessity a plane is. ' I had the pleasure of staying with the L. L. Logans, Mrs. Lo gan the retiring Queen of the Pennsylvania Flying Farmers, and was happy to be present whenTVlrs. Gail Kimmel of Enon Valley, Pa., was made the new Queen. To her, and all the mem bers, I sincerely wash Happy Flying and Safe Landings A. R. Bowen. ng Rohrerstown, Pa. AA Quality Eggs Lancaster Farming—s Friday Sept. 21, 1956 USDA Issues Tomato Temperature Tables Washington (USDA) The value of maintaining toma to shipping temperatures at 55 to 65 degrees F. is emphasized in a leaflet prepared in the Agri cultural Marketing Service and being distributed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Overcooling may injure toma toes, since temperatuies below 50 degrees increase decay in stead of preventing it, market ing researchers have learned.
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