JVoted Holstein Sire Purchased For SPABC Use Holstein breeders in South eastern Pennsylvania and Dela ware are soon to benefit from the constant search for “top bucket” proven sires according t 0 an announcement made by jail L. Groff, Strasfcmrg, Pal, who is chairman of the Holstein Sire Purchasing Committee of the Southeastern Penna. Artifi cial Breeding Cooperative at Lancaster Groff announced the purchase of the Holstein sue, “Osborndale Sir Ty Vic Fobes” fiom Monford S. Kelsey and Son at Canastota, New York. This bull has been moved into stud following the com pletion of the necessary pre liminary health tests, Groff said, but will not be offered for service for at least four more weeks during which time he will be undergoing tests for Trichomoniasis, Vibrosis, Leptospirosis and additional tests for Tuberculosis and Bi ucellosis. What you don’t see can hurt jou So don’t flower your um biella in front of your face and step blindly into street traffic. DAIRYMEN! Get Our New 101 Page 800 k... DAIRY PROFITS the , / Farm Bureau Way A guide to dairy feeding and efficient management Yours Absolutely FREE Just send "your name and address to Lancaster County W FARM BUREAU Manheim New Holland Quarryville Branches: &£%&*■ »t*t l It 'f«| ffK/T' Top beef animals, all prize winners, from the Pennsylvania State University herds will be on exhibit during the second annual Livestock Field Day, Oct. 6 on the Penn State campus Shown above with the three steers judged champions of their breeds at the 1956 Ohio State Fair CONTAINS COM- PLETE INFORMA- ' TION ON Selection of Breeding Stock Dairy Nutrition Dry Cows Dairy Health Calf Raising Keeping Records Barns & Stables The Dairy Bull and hundreds of other j useful facts on good i management PSU Wins at Ohio Fair Congress has passed a narcot ics control measure that would let juries recommend death sen tences for the 1 sale of heorin to adolescents. It stiffened other naicolics penalties. Steel output set records m June, first half of ’56. L - i Hillmac Soverign—noted bull in service at the South eastern Peensylvania Artificial Breeding Cooperative—died Sept. 11. The famed- Gold Medal Holstein was mated to 66,070 cows, and now has more registeied progeny than any bull in the nation. J. C, Snavely & Sons, Inc. Landisville, Pa. xxxxvvxxxxxxxxxvvvvxv<|^xxxxxxxxxxxxx\xx\vvw are (left to right): Glen Kean, acting head of the animal husbandry deartment; Tom King, head of th£ extension animal hus bandry department, and Herman Purdy, in charge of the purebred livestock at the University. Gold Medal Sire Dies Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration call ration Millport Roller Mills J. C. Walker & Son Paul M. Kessler & Son Lititz, R.D.4,- Pa. Gap, Pa Paradise, Pa. Ross C. Ulrich Peach- Bottom. R.D. ra j ffiei .if Jki« /ii.iyi'i'i Dr. Dupc-nt Querry, opthalmol- ogist, Medical College of Vir- ginia, at Richmond “All basic optical principles have been completely ignored in today’s wrap-around wind shields in automobiles ” Grows big, healthy calves Calves really "feel their oats” when you feed them vitamin-rich Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration. It’s whole some oat-based feed . . . and oats are famous for building healthy bodies and strong bones. Calves love it. For best results, feed Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration with new Ful-O-Pep Calf Sup at 3 to 6 days of age. Your calves will grow fit and frisky. stop in soon Grubb Supply Elizabethtown, Pa. Friday Sept. 21, 1956 Hillmac Sovereig Dies; Top Sire in Service at SPABC Breedeis of Holstein cows in Southeastern Penna and Dela waie experienced a disappointing loss when the Gold Medal Hol stein sue, Hillmac Sovereign, died on Sept 11 accoidmg to an announcement made by David Yoder, Manager of the South eastern Penna Aitificial Breed ing Cooperative A condition of arthritis that has become prog 'ressingly woise during the past two years finally pioved fatal, Yoder said. Hillmac Sovereign at six years of age was purchased by the Cooperative from Da vid J. Roberts, Sauquoit, N.Y. for $lO,OOO in July 1951. Dur ing his stay at S.P.A.B.C. he was mated to 66,070 cows, a figure unchallenged by any sire East of the Mississippi River. Resulting from this high number of services he has now more registered prog eny than any other bull in the nation, a record once held by his late stablemate, Lauxmont Admiral Lucifer, who died in January of this year. Yoder explained that services to Sovereign were not termin ated by his death The Coopera tive has 3.033 vials of fiozen se men in storage which will be available to SPA B C. members The Best Broiler Cross at its Best Martin fuses the work of the no tion's leading breeders to give you top quality chicks that matur* early for quick broiler profits. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW MARTIN'S HATCHERY POULTRY FARMS, INC. Lancaster, Pa. Phone 2-Zl 64 \ George Rutt Stevens R. D. 1. Pa. D. IV. Hoa\ er East Earl, R. D. J, Pa. Lancaster Farming—7
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