16—Lancaster Fanning Friday Sept, 21, 1?56 Milk Prices * Set at $4,26 ■ NEW YORK Dr. C. J. Stan ford, Maiket Administrator of the New York metropolitan milk marketing area, Sept. 12 an nounced a uniform price of $4.26 per hundredweight (46.5 quarts) for milk delivered in August to 383-plants in the New, York milk shed. The uniform price in July was $3.92 per hundredweight; in August, 1955, it was $4 15 per hundredweight. SFor Top Profit! ; Use ■ ! ROHRER’S : ■ Quality ■ iSEED GRAINS! ■ ■ ■ SEED WHEAT ■ ■ Certified Seneca ■ ■ Certified Dual 1 ■ Select Pennol « SEED BARLEY ■ g[ Cert. Wong Barley H B Cert. Hudson Barley B ■ WINTER OATS . ■ Cert. Lee Cold Proof S Leconte _ il "» ffl Orders Filled Promptly |P.L.ROHRER 5 & BRO. INC. || a Smoketown, Pa. ■ Ph. Lane. 22659 » STRETCH YOUR POWER DOLLARS FURTHER WD-45 4-PLOW POWER $2380 with dual front wheels $2475 with adjustable front axle las shown) Standard equipment includes power take-off, two-clutch power control, starter, lights, battery, muffler, Traction Booster system, Snap-Coupler hitch, adjustable hy draulic seat, power-shift rear wheels and fenders. TRACTION ROOSTER «nd SNAP COUPLER «r» Allu-Chalm«rt Irad.marki. PticM iub(«ct t# chunt* wjth«ut nottc*. ALLIS-CHALMERS A lAIBS AND SERVICE \r Mann & Cmmelli Farm Serv R. S. Weaver i Quarryville, Pa. Stevens. Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lancaster. Pa. K. G. Myers & Son v Rheems. Pa. Champion steers at the Southern Lancaster County Com munity Fair Wednesday afternoon were Angus, first going to Ernst Frey of Quarryville, second to Donald Herr of Refton. (Lancaster Farming Staff Photo) Prices f. o. b. factory Snavelys Farm Service New Holland. Pa. L. H. Brubaker'* Lititz. Pa. Champion Steers Grand Champion - Ernst Frey Champion-Donald Herr Reserve ASG Committee Voting Monday Quarryville, and Joseph Hess, R 3 Quarryville, tied for mem ber and Ist alternate; Martin Irwin, R 3 Quarryville, 2nd al ternate. 13 Ira'Walk, R 1 Strasburg,- chairrtlan, J Robeif Hess, R 1 Strasburg, vice chairman, Omar L Houck, R 1 Paradise, member, Mark E Hershey, R 1 paradise, Ist alternate; Einest Eshleman, R 1 Gordonville, 2nd alternate 14 Elmer Huber, R 1 Pe quea, and Ivan Sollenberger, R 2 Holtwood, tied for chairman; J. Fred Shenk, R 1 New Providence, member, Heishey Ressler, R 2 Holtwood,'lst alternate, Landis Kreid’r, R 1 New Providence, 2nd alternate. "15 Frank Aument, R 1 Holtwood; J. Lehman Burkins, R 1 Quarryville, and Joseph Sinclair, Drumore, all tied for chairman; Charles D. Scheib er, R 2 Quarryville, Ist alter nate* William Bucher, R 1 Quar ryville, 2nd alternate. 16 John Long, Peach Bot tom, chairman; Thomas Gal breath, Peach Bottom, vice chairman, Howard Walton, RD Christiana, member; Francis Kirk, Peach Bottom. Ist alter nate; Harold Jackson, Peach Bottom, 2nd alternate SAN PEDRO, Cal. Attracted by a dog and a puppy on the front seat of a parked automo bile, Harbor Guard H. E. Mc- Mahon poked his head into the car and then sprang back In the batk seat were thirteen live rat tlesnakes and a chuckawalla des ert lizard, in cages, and 15 tur tles were crawling on the floor. The car belonged to Jasper N. Mans, herpetologist and cannery worker, who said his - hotel wouldn’t let the creatures in. (Continued from page 13) ZOO IN CAR Angus 4H FFA Field Day at Fox Hill Sept. 29 Programs and regulations the Brandywine 4H -and FFA Angus Heifer show Saturday. Sept 29 at Fox Hill Farm near Unionville are being distribut ed today by Scott L. French, fieldman-secretary of the Penn sylvania Aberdeen-Angus Breed ers Association. From 10:30 to 12.00, the Fox Hill Angus herd and pastures will be open for inspection. Lunch will be served at noon, with compliments of the Brandy wine Association. A demonstration of fitting and grooming will start at 1- p. m., with judging of Angus Club "The time to feed a cow IK PRODUCTION when she’s Strange as it sometimes seems, dry cow feeding is a true course to milk production and long cow life. Extra body weight and built-up reserves of strength resulting fronra good dry cow feeding plan put a cow in shape to deliver a big, strapping calf and go right to work on a long, steady lactation the day she freshens. Purina on-the-farm research tells us that 100 lbs. extra body weight on a dry cow means up to 2000 lbs, more milk in her next lactation ... in addition to the benefits of health she gains. Purina D and F (dry and freshening) CHOW is tailor made for dry cow feeding. It contains ample quantities of body-buitding nutrients to build both cow and unborn calf during this critical period. It contains minerals for strong bones, vitamins for health. Properly fed, quality Purina D & F Chow not only gives cows a big head start on their next lactation ... it keeps them in condition to breed again and again and again... for long, profitable, healthful productive life. See us for details of dry cow feeding the Purina way TODAYI Snader’s Mill John J. Hess II Mt. Airy Intercourse—New Providence John J. Hess John B. Kurtz Kinzers—Vintage Ephrata S. H. Hiestand James High Gordonville ' Salunga H. S. Newcomer Wenger Bros. Alt. Joy Rheems B. F. Adams Warren Sickman Bird-in-Hand Pequea J. Fred Whiteside J. H. Reitz & Son Kirkwood Millway W.V.W. .-.VW.V' 1 Donald Quaifles, Secretary the Air Force: ' “The grave danger m th present situation is that h* talk of peace and the imi( ' from' behind the ron Guru may delude us into a sen,s e l! security and cause us to i e |,, our guard to the point wW terms can be forced upon Us ! heifers at 2 and presentation awards at 3 p. m. Prize monies, $2O for f second $lB, third $l5, $l2, fifth sltt, sixth $7, and 8 to 12 inclusive $2 each, are b ( , ltl j donated by Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Montgomery, owners of Aslt Grove Farm. New Hope, p, and the Brandywine Angm Breeders, Inc. .says Purina Research
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