VoL 1, No. la Windstorms Rake County; Losses High Severe wind, carried east by terrific tornadoes that spread ruin in the area of St Louis, Mo., roared through Lancaster Lancaster County and other sec tions of the Commonwealth Saturday evening, leaving behind damage in the State that may run into millions Rain ranged from 35 to 65 of an inch In the county Telephone and electric service were curtailed m many sections Farms were especially hard hit Down in the south end of the County, winds shoved a 90-by-40 foot tobacco shed off its founda tion, 25 feet against a tile silo on the farm of Aaron S.--Click, R 2 Quarryville. 'Elsewhere the story was much the same, telephone wires down ed, shingles torn and scattered, plate windows broken in cities, telephone poles snapped and sag ging," roofs blown off. Follow Heavy Rain 'Mr. Click reported that the winds struck around 5 15 p. m Saturday, ]ust after a lashing ram poured down, stopped and after skies had cleared Two acres of tobacco were stored in the basement, and indications are it is allright, but the bulk of Mr. Click’s farm machinery two tractors, planters, cultivators, and ■ other equipment were buried in the debris. Had the silio not stopped the tobacco barn’s movement east, Mr Glick believes, other build ings may have been destroyed too Although he earned insur ance on the building, it is esti mated it would take $ll,OOO to leplace the barn with one 30- (Conlbinued on page bl'ree) Dr: Robertson ‘ Elected Again By Poultrymen Lancaster County Poultry As sociation directors have again named Dr E I Robertson to a second term as president. His naming was this week in a di lectors’ meeting ~at the Sexchick Co, East Petersburg. Also reelected was the entire slate of 'Officers, J R. Greider Elizabethtown, vice president; Lewis L Mortensen, East Peters burg, secretary, and L. Howard Martin, R 2 Lancaster, treasurer. Committee chairman will be Mr Greider, in charge of mem berships; Mary Myers, Lam peter, tour, and Levi H. Bru baker, Rohrerstown, program Officials believe that by re taining the present staff, work on the proposed Poultry Center can progress more rapidly and (efficiently At the same tune, they made plans for the annual barbecue June 9, to be held this >ear at Lititz See—SPECIAL OFFER—Page 11 Straight winds Saturday evening wreck ed havoc on the farm of Aaron S. Click, a mile or so south'of Quarryville.—Shown above is a tobacco shed that-was moved 25 feet east to rest against a tile silo. When the structure collapsed, many items of farm machinery were buried by debris. Fitz-Roy-Named New Baltimore Yards President Frank G- Fitz-Roy has been named president of the Union Stock Yards, Baltimore, it was announced this week upon his resignation as supervisor of the Lancaster District Office. Pack ers and Stock Yards Branch, United States Department of Agriculture IMI Fitz-Roy, who has been with the USDA 30 years, began his career at National Stock Yards, St Louis,' moving later to USDA market offices in Los Angeles, Omaha Wichita, and New York City before coming to Lancater Feb 8, 1955, when the Lancaster Yards USDA of fice was opened. Mr. Fite-Roy will succed Law rence R Hatter, whose resigna tion was effective March 1 As yet, no successor has been named to the position he vacates at the Lancaster market, which supervises livestock marketing in the 11 northeastern states Calvary Fellowship Meeting Last Night The men’s dinner meeting of the Calvary Fellowship was held last night at Banquet ( Hall, Mlount Joy. The Rev. D. S. I Clark, US. director of the iHCJB, was speaker. SAMPLE COPY QuarryviUe, Pa., Friday, March 2, 1956 Level Tobacco Shed Two-Price Wheat Favored By Grange A two-price plan for wheat in volving domestic and export prices was favored in a motion put on record this week by the Fulton Grange, meeting at OaK ryn Hall. State House Bill 1802, giving the Secretary of Lobor authority to fix price of labor on contract jobs over $200,000, was also opposed. Master Charles G. McSparran reported construction will soon start on the Grange Hall addition A spelling bee was conducted by Miss Mabel Brabson, lecturer. JayCees Name Outstanding Young Farmer Lancaster County’s Outstand ing Young Farmer of 1955 will be honored at a special awards dinner at the Stevens House in Lancaster at 6.30 p m. Friday, according to Irvun Huber, chair man of the committee conduct ing the program for the Lancas ter Junior Chamber of Com merce Winner of the local program will be eligible for .the Pennsyl vania and the National Award which is being sponsored jointly by- ithe United States Junior Chamber of Commerce and the National Petroleujm Institute Committee on Agriculture. The Lancaster JayCees will present an ‘all-expense free trip to the National Awards program in Pittsburgh, April 11 and 12, to the local winner. He will also re ceive several cash prizes donated by local merchants. The five local entries in this first annual award are: Stanley E. Kreider, Druimore; Roy H- Bode, Rl, Ranks; J. Everett Kreider, and Robert C. Groff, R 3. Quarryville, and Raymond F. Witmer, Rl, Willow Street. Damage from this storm was estimated in the millions of dollars in Pennsylvania. High: winds up to~Bo-mrles"an“htrar —■ followed a calm period that same after a heavy downpour of rain (Lancaster Farm ing Staff Photo) Benson Replies To See It Now; “Not on Rocks” WASHINGTON Anyone who claims farmers are headed for a depression simply aie not telling the truth, Secietary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson said on a OBS television program in reply to Edward R Murrow’s recent television program, “See It Now, a Crisis of Abundance ” This program, the Secretary asserted, gives a “somewhat dis torted picture of tne American farm situation,” and he urged his audience to back the adminis tration’s flexible farm price sup port program, making wishes known (through local Congress men. American agriculture is not on the rocks, it is not depression bound, Mr Benson declared “Whoever says it is is rendering the cause of the farmer a dis service and is simply not telling the truth.” “There as no problem or no crisis of abundance,” it’s “an imbalance between supply and demand a critical cost price squeeze” Unsound programs his office inherited are responsible for farm problems and surpluses to day, the Secretary tild Two others have been offered time by CBS to air their views on the farm situation, Sen. Clin ton P Anderson (Dem.-N. M.), formerly Democratic secretary of agriculture under President Tru man, and an opponent of rigid high price supports, and to Sen. Hubert H Humphrey (Dem.- Mmn ) Graybill G. Minnich, R 3 Lititz, has been elected to his 16th term as president of the Lancaster County Production Credit As sociation. MINNICH REELECTED $2 Per Year Numbers of Dairymen Off, Yields Higher By ERNEST J. NEILL In the last-five years, the num ber of Pennsylvania dairymen has dropped 25 per cent, yet there are about the same num ber of cows being milked, pro ducing 30 per cent more milk than they did five years ago. This was but one of several in teresting items given some 350 Lancaster Counity dairymen and friends Wednesday at the Lan caster County Daay Day in the Guernsey Sale Pavilion, Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster Offering this information was Joe Nageotte, extension dairy specialist from the Pennsylvania State University, speaking on “Efficient Dairy Feeding ” Home Raised Grain Cheapest “Simple, home raised grams and cheapest commercial (supple ments (proteins) are best,” he told, pointing out radical changes that have come about in dairy feeding the past few years. “We’re moving away from a gram feeding program to a rougfeage-afoeding—pian, supple-- mented by gram And this is boosting milk production Rough age has more feeding value than many realize,” he emphasized. Quite a murmur and ap plause rang through the audience when Lancaster County Agricultural Agent M. M, Smith relayed the mes- sage that President Eisen- hower announced he would run again. “There is a great change in pastures, more grass is being produced per acre than we be lieved possible, yet our courts Waste it,” Mr. Nageotte continu ed “Use systematic grazing, strap or ration grazing it’s 2,000 years old in Europe by using electric fence,” he advised. Dr H. A. Milo, director of the Bureau of Animal Industry, from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, reviewed “Progress (Continued on Page Three) , Chester County 4-H Tractor Club In Second Meet The Chester County 4-H Trac tor Maintenance Club held its second weekly lesson and demon stration meeting at J. A. Con nell’s farm machinery shotp in West Grove The first, second, and third year groups studied “What Makes an Engine Run and Operator’s Manual,” “Saving Fuel,” and “Hitch Tractor to a Plow,” re spectively. Instructors for the meeting were club leaders Pusey Moore, Dick Walter, and Charles Brosius. Dennis F. Abe, Assistant Coun ty Agent, showed a film, “Diesel, the Modern Power.” Francis Lyons, shop foreman, showed a film on lus trip through the West Ralph Milhron and George Hickman were appointed on the decoration committee for the county-wide 4-H square dance. Robert L Kunkle of Downing town won the door prize, a pair of vice-grips. Mr. Connell also served refreshments following the meeting.
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