3—Lancaster Farming, Friday, March 2, 1956 Steers Steady To 25c Lower; Hogs Higher By David S. Lorenson, Reporter USDA Market News Bureau LANCASTER, March 1, (Wednesday to Wednesday Re view) CATTLE 2677 week ago 2741. Compared with last Tues day Slaughter steers and heifers steady to 25c lower, demand rather narrow. Best action on steers grades average Choice and better weighing 1250 lbs. and lighter Cows around 25c lower. Bulls slow about steady. Stock ers and feeders slow barely steady. Bulk Good and Choice fed steers $l6 50-19.50, -a few lots and loads 1150-1250 lb average to high Choice steers $3O 00-20 50, load 1356 lb. Choice ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■• ■ ■ ■ Belmont ■ ■ 97 Per Cent Pure ■ ■ Agricultural Limestone ■ S Ml ■Calcium Oxide 30% ■ Oxide . .20% 2 ■Calcium Equivalent 57% ■ S Wenger & E ■ Sensenig Co. ; ! Phone Gap HI 2-4500 ■ ■ RD 1, Paradise, Pa. J 1llllH«lfllll>lll>i Altman’s Super-A Feeds are timed tested, scientifically balanced, vitamin complete and are manufactured daily in three modern plants. Compare our" prices. PLENTY OF CHICKS IN STOCK Fine Chick Feed ‘B” Starter B Grower Broiler Ration Quality Egg Mash Quality Pellets Scratch Super A Dog Meal (25 lbs) ALTMAN’S CASH FEED STOF^E WILLIS H. WEAVER MANAGER 947 Harrisburg Ave. Phone Lane. 4-7715 WE DELIVER 10c per hundred discount on half ton lots or more "KtjnjJJiJJ*”*'****’*'************'*'**'*'***'*******"'”****’*****"*'*****************^ ■■■■■■ MARKET-MAKER That’s the new Meatpacker Cross . . . Time and time again top place and top price bird at the Lancaster Poultry Exchange Wider bi east —heavier legs—bigger size— put the Meatpacker Cross on top' White feathenng makes cleaning and dressing easiei' Rig meaty body keeps dressing weight loss down, gets premium price from poulliy bujeis 1 COST-SAVER That’s the new Meatpacker Cross . A bud that practically grows while you watch Goes well over three pounds in 10 weeks uses less feed to get there too' Disease resistance makes the Meatpacker Cross haidy, cuts early chick loss! LET THIS NEW BIRD PROVE ITSELF IN YOUR FLOCK Order Meatpacker Cross Chicks for 1956 delivery! Call or Write. ■ R. D. *3, Lititz, Pa. Phone 6-2407 ■ * y Exclusive hatchery for g ■ THE MEATPACKER CROSS ■ steers $2O 00, One load Prime 1246 lb steers $22 25 and a part load 1150 lbs to $22.50. Com mercial and low Good steei s $l4 75-16 25 Small lots Com meicial >and Good heifers $14.00- 16 00 a few Good to low Choice up to $l7 00 Most Utility and Commercial cows $1125-13.00, Canner* and Cutters largely $8 50-12 00 Utility and Commer cial bulls $14.75-17 50; a few Good 850-1100 lb butcher bulls $l7 50-18.50. Cutter grades, $l3- 00-14 00 Most Medium and Good 650-900 lb feeder steers $15.00- 17 00, load 880 lb Good and Choice feeders $17.50, several lots Good and Choree 600--«47 lb light yearling feeder steers $l9 00-20 00, a few lots 450-550 lb Choice stock steer calves $2l 00-22.75 CALVES. 1022 week ago 1035. Compared with fast Tuesday Veal calves about steady. Bulk Good and Choice 140-200 lb vealers $22 50-27 00; high Choice and Prime $27.50-3100 odd head to $32 00 early. Utility and Com mercial mostly $l5 00-21 00, Culls down to $lOOO. HOCJS. 1491 week ago 1890 Compared with last Tuesday barrows and gilts mostly 50c higher Sows scaice mostly steady Receipts mainly barrows and gilts 180-240 lbs m Wed nesday’s trade bulk barrows and gilts U -S mixed 1-3, 180-230 lbs $l3 00-13 50, several lots mostly U S 1 and 2 went to local small killers at $l4 00 Weights 240-270 lbs $l2 25-13 00 Sows 400 lbs and lighter $9 75- 10 50, over 400 lbs $B.OO-9 50 SHEEP 60 week ago 177 Hardly enough slaughter .lambs this week for an adequate mar ket test A few lots Utility and Good 60-85 lb wooled slaughter lambs about steady $l5 00-20 00 a few Choice up to $22 00 Culls down to $lO,OO H •• g :s ♦♦ ♦♦ II ♦♦ E-Emulsion (50 lb Block) $4 45 415 E-Emulsion (25 lb Block) 4 05 Horse Feed 4 70 3.95 410 3 40 Hog Feed 15% Special Chop 3 10 16% Blue Bird Dairy 265 20% Blue Bird Dairy 285 Enriched Fitting Ration 3 35 2 05 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 4 45 2.50 3 65 3.55 Sales Limited, Broiler Prices Gain Thursday Lancaster Poultry Exchange (Rohrerstown) (Sales' Report, Sale #l2B, Thursday, Feb. 23, 1956) —Sales were limited Thurs day on the Lancaster Poultry Ex change, with 13 lots of 37,525 birds offered and 13 lots totaling 30,525 sold, 'at an average of 23 42 in a range of 22 to 26 cents WilliC Good, R 4 Lititz, scored the top on 700 Red and White Vantress, 10 wks., 5 days, that sold to John Thomas, R 6 Larr caster. Thursday’s price gain**was slight For the corresponding sale a year ago, on Thursday, Feb 24, 1955, Sale #34, 21 lots totaling 59,050 birds were offered, 19 lots totaling 57,550 were sold from 28% to 31 i, averaging 29 78 Sales by Lot' Number Here are Thursday, Feb 23, 1956 sales by lot number, seller and grower, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price 23-1, Wenger’s Mill' (David Heisey, Jr) 1100 Red Vantress, 9’j wks, to Roy E. Ream, 25, 23-2, Wenger’s Mill (David Hei sey, Jr, 2100 Red Vantress, 9% wks, to Roy E Ream, 2414, 23-3, Willis Good, 700 Red White Van itiess, to John N Thomas, 26, 23-4, Mrs Paul Watts, 750 White Rocks, 13 wks, to Victor F Wea ver, Inc, 22, 23-5, C Richard Neff, 1300 Indian River Cross. 9 wks, 6 days, to Harry H Wea ver, Jr, 24, 23-6, Harold O Yoder. 1025 Aibor Acre White Rocks, 9-2, to Roy E Ream, 22Vi, 23-7, George Weaver, 7000 Indian River Cross, KP2, no sale, 22 bid, 23-8, George Weaver, 7000 Red Vantress, 9-6, (to Harry H Wea ver, Jr, 23, 23-9, Amos B King, 1100 Silver Cross and White Mountains, 9-6, to Walter C Mel linger, 24, 23-10, Elmer Sensemg. 1150 Red Vantress, 9-6, to Walter C Mellinger, 24Vi; 23-11, D E Horn & Co, 4500 Indian Rivers, 10 wks, to Mandata Poultry, 22 23-11 A, D E Horn & Co (Nel son Fritz), 6500 White Moun tains and Indian River Cross, to Mandata Poultry, 24; 23-12, A K Earhart, 900 White Vantress, 9-2, to RJ. Brendle, 24Vi; 23-13, Indian River Poultry Farm (Lloyd H Kreider) 2400 Indian River Pullets, to Victoi F. Wea ver, Inc, 24Vi EGGS Philadelphia, Feb 29, (USDA) Market unsettled. Demand fair Supplies exceeded immediate needs and there was a moderate into storage movement Wholesale selling prices Min imum 10 PCT AA Quality large 45-48 if White 42-43, Brown 42- 42%, Medium White 41-42, Brown 41-41% Extras, Minimum 60 per cent A Quality Large 45-50# White 40-41, Brown none, Mixed Standards 38-39, Current Receipts none, checks 38-39 Receipts Feb 28- 4,503 cases all by truck LIVE POULTRY Philadelphia, Feb 29, (USDA) Market about steady Supplies were adequate for the fair but very selective demand. Large Cross Pallets 34-36 c White Rocks 33-35 c small sizes 28-30 c targe White Rock Caponettes 32-33 c few lots 34c Gross Fryers 25-27 c few lots 28c White Rocks 26-27 c Columbias 25c, Vantress Reds 26-27 c No 2 Quality Mixed Broilers 20c down to 12c Tur keys unsettled Demand fair for more than ample supplies. Few lots White Holland Young Hens 50e. Young Toms 30c Bronze Young Toms 33c. Receipts Feb 28 included Maryland 7650 lbs Delaware 23648 lbs. Wholesale selling prices No 1 and fancy Quality Broilers or Fryers Heavy Type 3-4 lbs 25-28 Pullets 4’/2 lbs and over 33-36 4-4 ti lb? 28-30. Hens Heavy Type 28-32 Light Type 15-22. Old Roosters 12 Ducks Muscovy 22-25 Pekin 25-32 Turkeys Young Hens 50 Young Toms 30-33. Broiler Prices Tuesday Steady, Average at 23.41 Lancaster Poultry --Exchange (Rohrerstown, Pa.) (Sales Re port—Sale #129, Tuesday, Feb. 28,1956) Prices held relatively steady on the Tuesday auction of broilers here with 11 lots of 46,950 birds listed, offered and sold. Prices ranged from 22% to 24%, averaging 23.41. There was no sale on the corresponding day a year ago. Elam Kauffman, Conestoga, topped the market with 500 Red Vantress, 9 weeks, 4 days, eslling to Ray W. Gibble, R 1 Columbia.vat 24%. Pennsylvania average place ments, 9, 10 11 weeks earlier, totalled 592.000. For yesterday, Thursday’s market, 65,000 were listed' Sales Tuesday by Lots Here are sales Tuesday by lot number, grower indi cated in parentheses, amount and breed, age by weeks and days, buyer and price Lot 28-1, Henry Burkholder, 5000 Indian River Cross, 9-4, to Mandata Poultry, 23 %, 28-IA, Henry Burkholder, • 5000 Indian River Cross, 9-4, to Roy E Ream, 23%, 28-2, Kenneth McCracken (Enos Eshbach), 3000 White Mountains and Indian River Cross, 9-4, to Tilley’s Poultry, 24%, 28-3, Miller & Bushong (Robert Thompson), 8500 White Vantress, 10 wks to Carl B. Ris ser, 22’i. 28-4. Miller & Bushong (Robert Thompson). 8000 White Vantress, 10 wks to C F. Man beck, Inc, 23 h, 28-5, Leßoy Horst, 2500 Indian River Cross, 10 wks to Walter C Mellinger, 23, 28-6, George Weaver, 7000 Indian River Cross, 11 wks, to Roy E Ream, 23, 28-7, Miller & Bushong (Herbert Fisher), 2890 White Vantress, 9-4, to Mandata Poultry, 23%; 28-8, Miller & Bushong (Elam Kauffman), 4000 Red Vantress, 9-4 to Walter C. Mellinger, 23%, 28-9, Miller & Bushong (Elam Kauffman), 500 Red Vantress, 94, to Ray W Gibble, 24%; 28-10, Marlin Cassel, 650 Red Vantress; 104, to Martin M Brendle, 24% Now that it is an election year, discount everything you hear by fifty per cent «»«»»***«*m****»***«*«**MMM*******4*«4** || LOANS || I: For any Farm Purpose fj * IT « Made the Farmer’s Way ♦? •* IS •• M II LANCASTER V\ | PRODUCTION CREDIT ASS’N j| t: 39 E. Chestnut St., }! *♦ Ij t: Lancaster, Pa. »• ' !J ii Ph. Lane. 3-3921 I: S i«***«»«**«**i«*««M*m*«M****i*M*»*<4**««] FARM BUREAU’S 22ND ANNIVERSARY Thursday, March 8 tO $ DISCOUNT on Cash Purchases of All Showroom Items Except Chicks & Philco Products REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES AT YOUR LOCAL BRANCH OR MAIN OFFICE FIRST PRIZE G. E. Roll-Around Cleaner with Attachments SECOND PRIZE Dormeyer Mixer 13 ADDITIONAL PRIZES During Evening in Dillerville Road Meeting Room Road Saleroom Quarryville Branch—Open 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Dillerville Road Location Open 7 AM to 9 PM Showing of Informational & Entertaining Films Diming Evening in Dillerville Rroad Meeting Room EVERYBODY WELCOME Spend The Day At FARM County Poultry Association in March 15 Banquet The third annual banquet of the Lancaster County Poultry As sociation will be Thursday night, March 15 at 7 p. m. m Hostet ler’s Banquet Hall, Mount Joy. Lancaster Mayor Kendig C, Bare, accompanied by Mrs- Bare, will give an official welcome to the new Poultry Center. M. W. Anspach, president of the Cham ber of Commerce, will also wel come the new Center to Lancas ter City. His wife will also be a banquet guest Purposes and plans for the Center will be explained, and the Catalina Quartet will offer entertainment. Tickets, at $2 each, may be secured Ifrom Lewis Mortensen, East Petersburg. A limited num bei us available, and early res ervations are urged Copper Kettle $l7 hr Auction at White Horse Household' effects offered at public auction by Mrs. Emma W. Hostetler, widow of Dr George Hostetler at White Horse, sold well in the auction conducted by Walter Wanner of Gap. A smgllcopper kettle went for $l7, a safe at $42.50, filing cabi net $27 50, medicine scales $6 and $B, goblets from $4 to $B. | for the BUY OF THE YEAR Allis-Chalmers WD-45 more performance, less money Used Air Tired Wagon Dem. Graham Hoeme Plow John Deere Plow with Blade Type Bottoms Used “B” & “WC” Tractors RlllfrCHfllMEßS SAL es AND StRVICt L. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Ph, Lane. 3-7607 Strasburg OV 7-2305 BUREAU
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