October 8,195 b CHIPPY CHIPMUNCX Continued,,. Since Stan "THE MAN" has been elected president, hp has been walking around like Eisenhower., It looks like JUBA Marchesp and a few pther students are his secret servicemen* A belated Happy Birthday to Larry Moyer® Could he have pelobri himself or did he go to Freeland to < ' celebrate with his female : Whoso*s knee did we see Janet Druraheller sitting on the other night? How about it John? Who's the "GOBO" with the long sideburns? He seems to have attracted the attention of one of opr freshman girls* ED Bradley knows what the P vocabulary ares "I don't know**' That *s ail there is this week* I seemed to have run out of gossip * ®h . Next week the Chippy box will be placed in the ■. foyer of ; Main Building* /my student knowing any bit of news of interest to other students please feel fx*ee to contribute to this box* LILLI JTJNAS MART LU LOTITO MARY FRANCES VEALB *M1 , ,111•$••••••.1•11.1. ••• OUR STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE OF COLLEGIAN IE CAN CALL THIS THE "MARY" STAFFiI (supervised by Lil and Mick—No reflection at all) HAZLETON COLLEGIAN most uded words in a college st- Love, Chippy Page 5 MICK OHL MARY JANE SKOFF MARY ANN WASSEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers