Vol,Xra* No* Itz A Fact Conin' Up When you point a finger at some— TOOAT—»«Elections—Go and VOTEIIi one- else, you.*re pointing three at MONDAX—GirIs Sorotity Elections at yourself# 8:30 a»m# in # 209* Be there 1 TUESDAI-Chorus practice at 7:30 p,m* in music room* Thursday-Theta Sigma Pi meeting in Main Lounge-lst of semester* This Afternoon—lst meeting of the College Arts Society# See main bulletin for time* YOU DH>N*T FORGET DID YOU?? Today is election day, and if you havenlt already voted—-Drop every thing and go over to the Bee Hall now and VOTE# It's your duty and privledge# Whom you elect will represent you,so make your decisions exact# Consider the following before making a checks (Sophomores, that is) For Student Council For President For Sec. Treas. Lillian Junas Mary Jane Skoff Max Mehalick Jack Polchin Mary Lu Lot it o Ed Bradley Art Teel Bob Scott Ed#Note—Freshmen candidates will have to excuse the' absence of their names, since most of them are not familiar with our "press room" as yet# Anyway, their publicity on the trees, driveways and roofs will act for itself# orority Initiation This week the freshman girls have undergone the sorority initiation, but because of a little poor co-operation, it was not as successful as was expected# Maybe initiations are not as heavy as they were years ago, but the giils will have to remember that a Freshman Week is coming up# We'll blame this beautiful "Indian Summer" weather for the existed condition,O.K.? MU DELTA SIGMA TO RE-ORGANIZE Since there are no longer any dorms on our campus, the boys who are rooming in homes in the vicinity of Highacres are asked to meet and reorgan ize a Fraternity , which existed for the past few years# Hopes are high that these boys will become more active than those of previous years# If your name is on the list on the main bulletin board pertaining to matter, try to be at the meeting and see what you can do# HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University (Je»t< Highaeres Stan Gruszews Jack Burggraf For Vice-Pres. Tommy Breslin Ralph Catino Jack Pretti Elaine Ferko
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers