October 8, 195 k THE ROVING REPORTER Hi, gang, I'm here to give you the facts and only the facts about some of the goings on around school. This week I have diredte my question to the men hero on campus„ Well, the question is, "Do you prefer blondes or brunettes:" Tommy Gaydos—*~' : l like them alia I prefer brunettes, but there are some pretty nice- blondes around campus," Randy Gras ley— - !: I like blondes, especially the petite ea . one who has been running around," Bab Matterv--- , BrunetteS'j(4lthough he doesn't know why,) Don Kellner'——"Blondes, because Marilyn Monroe is a' blonde Leo Korshner—-"YAH," Bill Blose-—"Oh, Six brunettes and one-half dozen blondes will do," (Who asked bpw many you want,) Jimmy Anzalone—"Blondes, since they are better-build, nicer--looking, and more intelligent," Bob Scott-—" Brunettes * because bbendes arc dumb a " "HOU" Yandall-—"Brunettes, with long black hair and dark eyes," (Sorry, Hr* Yandall, but I'm not Santa Claus*) Dave Drasher—-''Blondes ape cute and brunettes are outer bu - I prefer blackheads, because you can squeeze them*" Bye now, be bc?,ck next week with some more interesting facts concerning you. CHIPPY CHIPMUNK Well hare I am, I have done some snooping this week and Xam raring to tell you the latest gossip* Mary Jane Skpff hasn't even opened a book this year,. So far, the most she ha 3 dpne is play pinocle in REC.HALL* What can possibly be so interesting in Rec, Hall this year. Why wasn't Jimmy Johnson named Eddy? Everytime I am around I hear the students, especially the female ones, call him Eddy* Dig the crazy hat that tops T.J,Anthony's crewcut? this year, T 0 J«, how about wearing your beaver coat for the benefit of the new students. "Oh, isn't it beautiful," exclaimed Mr, Steel as he watched an enormous spider crawling up the wall of the library, Joe Svetz didn't agree with the Senator , What's the matter, Joe, don't yoi got Zoology i My, how handsome our men look in their uniforms, although they ali aren't potfhot jfits, Ray Stewart's hat covers his ears in speh a fashiihr. that - : it shelter? him from rain' like an umbrella* As I was hopping across the highway Tuesday nite, I almost got my tail ni;opedi-}c>».-v,>ap,£’inoby a green Chevrolet truck which wa? bulging ws fch students from Miss Garbrick's chorus, Seems thab Moose and Ray oand them on a wild goose chase to all the ’ barbershops in the valley, continued- on the following Page k
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