blah cont. ~~ ~~~ Percent of the student body (if that) attend. Don't get me wrong. Partying is FUN!! Of course ...but don't you think eight times a week is a little much? Let's take the dances for example. We've had every kind of dance - from beach, toga, and video, to dances that show a little too much skin! (You know which one I mean.) We've tried everything to get people to come. Why not spend your time in a constructive way (meeting new people or if anything - burning off the zillions of calories from the Dining Hall's dinner) rather than doing the same old exercise - "lifting 8 Oz. at a time - if not more) Do we have to supply booz or bods, for anyone to show up? Dances aren't the only thing that the clubs have to offer. We've had some great comedians, mimes, mocktail parties, DJ's, theatre groups, movies, etc. A lot of people say, "Hazleton? Man, there is absolutely nothing to do in that town." And you know what? You're right! That's the whole purpose for our providing "things" to do. If we denied the problem, we wouldn't be fooling anyone. We've accepted the fact that Hazleton doesn't have much to offer if you're not a "mall rat" or one who likes to see "hot" movies (as the Hazleton theatres debue) that have come out three years ago. The main problem with students now is that they know there will be a minimal showing (if any) to these activities; therefore, the people who VI. %POW are interested, don't go. It's like the domino effect. We have to change that. The lame excuse that you don't have any money won't work here. The dances are The most expensive activity of them all. Are you ready for this? Two dollars!! Man, that's enough to rob a college student blind! If you have enough money to pay your way into a party, buy cigarettes, or ultimately chip in to buy beer for your suite, you have enough money for these activities. What happened to "clean fun?" If you must party, there is time to stop by for a z hour or so to these events. You can always get back to your "lifting" schedule later. I'm not putting down those people that like to party. Those of you whose boyfriends and girlfriends are your books need a break too! Come on.. college is supposed to be filled with some fun. Maybe those obsessed with studying can be convinced by the "lifters" to loosen up! ("Lifters", you have an advantage. Remember : "Strength by numbers.") What do you say? The clubs work real hard advertising, setting up, breaking down, cleaning up and scheduling these activities - for us!! It wouldn't kill show up - even for a couple of minutes. Who knows? Maybe one day they'll turn you away because the place is packed! Also, if you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see or do, you can talk to any club or SGA member. This campus was made for the students BUT the students are what make this campus. DEAN'S Acri, Raymond Bader, Jay Bagley, Stacy Barney, Patrick J. Bell, James W. Bergamo, Carolyn Betz, Richard E. Blecher, Todd H. Borneisen, Christopher G. Bouton, Bradley J. Bredbenner, Russell J. Breidenbaugh, Melinda K. Bren, Michelle A. Brogan, Laurie A. Brown, Jennifer J. Bush, Scott R. Centobene, Joseph D. Checefsky, Christine A. Chernansky, John M. Colangelo, Louis J. Connor, Judith M. D Amato, Neil J. Deeb, Cyndi L. Delarche, Laura V. Di Pippa, Peter A. Diehl, Nanette R. Duda, David A. Ebert, David H. Ebert, Lisa Evans, Scott R. Fischer, Traci A. Franks, Joseph M. Ganc, Rosemary C. Gatski, Lynn L. Gelatko, Michele G. Gilligan, Lawrence E. Graver, Michelle Greybosh, John Hammel, Charmaine M. Harper, David C. Hartzell, Jason W. Heckman, Jacqueline A. Holmberg, Wayne G. Horne, Gregory J. Houser, Jeffrey L. Hrusovsky, Robert S. Kalinovich, Mary J. Kane, Lisa Kaschak, Melissa 1. Katrishen, Michele F. Keiner, Larry E. Kellner, Traci C. Kilmer, Victoria G. Klevence, Jennifer A. Koch, Stacie L. Kocon, Waldemar C. Koval, Michelle R. Krebs, Roland P. Kucinski, Leonard F. ou to FALL CONGRATULATIONS! READ THE COLLEGIAN! LIST Lee, Cynthia M. Letcher, Sandra J. Lockwood, James C. Long, Joel E. Loss, Randall E. Maddon, Vincent B. Martin, David A. McGeehan, Jill E. McMurtrie, Lewis M. Merenich, John J. Miller, Luann J. Morgan, Brian R. Muschek, AMy L. Nevedal, Leanne M. Palmer, Michelle L. Pampanin, Joseph V. Pauline, Damian M. Pavlik, Mary A. Pekar, Cheryl L. Phillips, Debra E. Pleban, Christopher R. Podlesney, John J. Pohida, Christopher G. Polchin, David M. Pollard, William L. Racho, Stephen J. Rehrig, Scott M. Reimer, Sheri L. Rick, Donald W. Rodick, David M. Rutz, Donna W. Sabatino, Maria L. Salata, Mark W. Salerno, Andrea M. Sarosky, Thomas J. Schadder, Cynthia A. Shemansky, Michael J. Shostak, James P. Skeath, Karen Starruick, Kelly A. Stettler, Lynn M. Thole, Catherine A. Urban, Patrick W. Valeant, Lisa M. Velchko, Anthony J. Wagner, Christopher H. Warner, William T. Wayne, Karen L. Wayne, Joseph J. Wentz, Richard A. Werkheiser, Sterling D Wesner, Melissa A. Whitenight, Jeffrey A. Winn, Jeanne E. Wright, Steven G. Yakupcin, Mark A. Yoder, Michael A. Zola, James A.
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