FROM BROADWAY TO HAZLETON by Beth Ann Longenecker Auditions for the musical "Carousel" proved successful as more than 50 people went to "show off" their talents. Students were instructed through a three part audition that in cluded singing, dancing, and reading parts from the play script. After a grueling 3 hours, the auditions finally ended with a "Chorus Line" t •e line up. People audi tioning were told to say their name and age one by one. Heidi E. Gibson is the director of "Carousel" while James Gibson will be the music director. The other jobs from choreographer to cos tumes, to the actors on stage will all be by PSU students. 30 students recieved acting roles, while many others will work back stage with lighting and costumes. The show will be performed March 18-26 in the Commons, with a small charge of admission. Make plans to come see a per formance and support some of your fellow Penn Staters!!! For this issue's edit orial, I'd like to re- strain all my critical views about this campus (faculty, administration, and students) until later dates. One point T do want to express is my view on how this .aper looks and reads. My goal as editor-in -hief is to first keep his campus well inform-- - d of events past, pres -nt, and future. And to accomplish this, I've assimilated two types of papers, The New York Times, and USA Today. The New York Times type of paper for it's in depth reporting and art icles, and the USA Today for it's flashy articles and surveys to secure eve one's interest. elt 01061 o'S Aft" ALSO SIMMS sinew:ha • *ANN • NNW% HOMEMADE SOUPS • CHILI • ANTIPASTO CRATE THI EVES BEWARE Throughout Pennsyl vania colleges and universities, there is a new law being whisper ed and warned about the Milk Crate Law. Yes, as of December 6, 1987 a new state law went into effect on making it illgeal to steal milk orates. If or when you are caught, the fine could be upto $300.00 or a jail sentence of upto ninety days. As Earl Fink of the Pennsylvania Association of Milk Dealers in Har risburg says, "Most stu dents do riot realize that the annual loss in stolen milk cases ex- seeds millions and mil lions of dollars in the state of Pennsylvania alone The only way these dollars can be re covered is by raising My second goal is to get this club and campus off it's butt. With a limited crew of 4 to 5 elves, these papers wont be written, printed, and distributed everyday, I've realized that. But that doesn't cover up the fact that a paper has a responsibility for it's readers, it does. With that 1 want to add that I'm welcoming any articles from anyone concerning anything, typed, written, printed, or etched in blood. (Just kidding about the blood) Articles may be received by any club member or slide your writing under the office door.(base ment of commons) As I've said before, I like flashy articles. So to keep this flashy, good-bye for now. milk prices- which is something nobody wants. It hurts consumers, it hurts the farmers, it even hurts the students who are on the school meal plan. Everybody loses." Milk crates are per fect for the college student as everyone knows. They are light, durable, and colorful. But the graetest attri bute of these milk crates are their prices. They are free, but are they? Cathy Salak, co ordinater of South Halls, says, "If it is the law, everyone must obey it." Fink urges students who currently have milk crates in their rooms t return them to any'loca store that sell milk. "That way, you can avoi the risk of a heavy fin and criminal record if caught in posession by the authorities. Fink concludes, "The authori ties now have the power to punish milk crate theives and it looks like that Bushman SUB & PIZZA SHOPPE 4591818 23 N. LAUREL STREET HAZLETON they will exercise powei." ROTC UPDATE The ROTC program is back in full swing. Everyone is looking foward to a semester filled with fun, excitement, and new experiences. This semester has brought many new people to the chain of command. I would like to welcome all those in a new leadership position. Congratulations, I wish you all the luck and success in these positions. ROTC will be doing many activities this semester. Currently the Rangers headed by Cadet Lieutnant Andy McConnel, are working hard to get in shape, and testing their military knowledge for the Ranges Beret Test on Feb. 5+6 at Collegian Staff Editor - in - Chief Robert Hagenbuch "Bushman" Assistant Editors Gina Donofrio Andrea Salerno Photography Mark Dickey Artist Mark Sabia Staff Wendy Chung Mark Dickey Bethann Longenecker Amy Muschek Michelle Noecker Mike Yoder Layout Mark Dickey Gina Donofrio Andrea Salerno Special Thanks To Kristen Chaffee Jay Kerosetz ROTC cont. pg. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers