KillWillOtt THANK YOU'S Campus Community: tee - I would like to take a few moments to thank everyone who participat ed in and donated for the campus wide food drive in conjuction with the WNEP-TV "Feed-A- Friend" program, food and money were donated to the Hazleton branch of the Catholic Social Services for the needy families in this area With the support of the entire campus, this food drive was a great success. I thank you again for your support! Cathy Salak Advisor for the Residence Hall Council 680 K DOWN, 7 The Penn State Hazleton Campus campaign for a new academic center recieved good news early in the new year with a $25,000 gift for a classroom in the proposed Highacres Academic Center. The gift of cash was given anonymously to the campaign. This gift sets the Penn State campaign off to a good start in 1988, and brings the campaign chest to a total of $680,000 in cash and pledges. Among the earlier gifts were the Carmen DeLese family gift of $25,000 for a named classroom, an anonymous cash gift of $35,000, and gifts of $15,000 from the Reidler Foundation, and $15,000 from the Samuel and Hannah Cohn Foundation for the Academic Center lobby. Other major gifts include $25,000 each from the People's First National Bank of Hazleton, Hazleton National Bank, and the First Federal Savings & Loan of Hazleton. As the five-year campaign moves into 1988, the campaign leadership will focus upon support from the area industries, and individual and business gifts. Hazleton, PA January 27, 1988. . . .Dr. Carl Frankel, assistant professor of Biology at the Penn State Hazleton Campus, and nine students in his class organized a recycling project on campus. Headed by Debbie Goodrich, a freshman baccalaureate science major from Glenshaw, PA, the group raised funds for the Luzerne County Youth services. The funds were used to purchase Christmas presents for families with whom the Luzerne County Children and Youth Services organization work. Other students involved in the project were Michele Carlson, Tara Canero, John DeLeon, Joelson DeVictoria, Natalie Handler, Gary Homan, Julie Meckley, and Scott Merlo. The recycling project is continuing through the Spring semester, with the proceeds again going to a community organization. 20K TO GO Upon recieving the gift of $25,000 for the classroom, Dr. James J. Staudenmeier, campus executive officer, expressed his pleasure at such a generous gift for the new academic center. "This gift, given anonymously, is a most generous one, and represents the commitment of the donor to Penn State and to the role that the campus plays in the Greater Hazleton area. The entire Penn State Hazleton Campus community joins me in expressing our appreciation for the gift. We look forward to an energetic new year for the campaign as we move toward our campaign goal of $1.5 million." Bob Smith's Flowers Smith Floral Company Ft MUS GOWN IN OUR OWN GREEN MOUSES AT WEST MAMMON PHONE 454.7701 WOAD it PINE !MEETS NAZLETON, PA. SURVEY SAYS... Ask today's college students if winning a million dollars would alter their plans and eighty percent would tell you no, according to the nationwide Hot Shot Poll of nearly 500 college newspaper editors. "I'm frankly suprised," said James H. McKee, spokesman for Hot Shot Schnapps. "I'm not sure we'd get the same kind of response from the post-yuppie "me" generation--those in their late thirties and early forties, who would likely want to retire immediately if they came into big money". Caution and stability, the Hot Shot Poll indicted, were prime factors among college students today. Almost two thirds (65.5 percent), for example, said that during their first year in the real world, they would be spending most of their income on rent and living experiences . Close to half planned to rent their own apartment or house during their first year out of school; and more than 72 percent planned marriage within ten years, half that number within five years. A similar number expected to have at least two children after they married. Salary expected first year out of college: -under $lO,OOO (7.6%) -$lO,Olll-$20,000 (54.1%) -$20,001-$30,000 (28.0%) -$30,001-$40,000 (6.1%) -$40,001 or more (3.7%) Your choice of drinks: -beer (38.2%) -low proof drink i.e. schnapps/ wine cooler (20.2%) -mixed drinks i.e. screwdriver, Bloody Mary (19.6%) -wine 10.2%) -straight whiskey (5.1%) Your drinking habits: -virtually never drink (4/.6%) -only on weekends (31.2%) -two-too-Pfive dithks per week (21.4%) -two or more drinks per day (3.7%) Number of children planned: -none (14.9%) -one (8.0%) -two (44.3%) -three (20.2%) -four or more (7.8%) survey
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