PSH contributes 132 pints to blood bank By Michelle Sutton Penn State Harrisburg contributed 132 pints of blood to the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank Oct. 31. Thirty potential donors, denied because of medical reasons, and seven faculty members, who donated, were not included in the 132-count total. Each fall semester, York, Allentown, and Harrisburg campuses, compete in the annual Blood Feud. The competition is not exactly based on total number of pints received, but on the percentage between number of full time students divided by the number of accepted pints donated. York campus came in first with a total of 96 pints received, Penn State Harrisburg came in second with 132, and Allentown campus took third with 41 pints. University Park, which is not in direct competition, only received 101 pints. This is an unofficial tally according to one UP nurse. Joseph Kupec, XGI blood drive SAC announces semester's By Levette Parish "New Directions" is the theme of this semester's seminars sponsored by the Student Assistance Center. According to Linda Meashey, academic assistance counseler of the center, "the programs are fun along with learning new things." The programs were designed to help the student cope with normal problems involving students, such as, test anxiety, stress, and other factors that can affect a student's work abilities, she said. Most of the topics that are covered during these sessions are "choosen by students." If there is an interest in a topic and ... ••• •• •• :**::::: :::::::::.:::.„:: 41 :,.:„..{......:::::::::, ........................................... ::::::::::::::,::::::, •••••:,::K:::::;*:*.::::::::isi:::::::::i:m:i*:x __::::::::„...:.:„ :.:.:.:::, _..:is:]ii , :iig* ...„.:,.:::::::::::::::::,.x.:„.., ...... ••••_••••••••••••••••••••• ..... .................. i:•. l gn ...,, •-• ".""""""••"••-•••" • •••••• ....... .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .......................................... .....................,...,..........,..........,..._,.......„ ........................................... The next meeting of the Capital Times staff will be held Friday, Nov. 18 at 2 p.m in W-337 Olmsted. Please try to attend. Articles will be assigned remaining seminars for the final issue. chairperson, said the goal for the blood drive this year is to explain the benefits of donating blood. "If any student, faculty, or staff member of Penn State Harrisburg needs blood, he should contact either someone in the Student Activities office or in the XGI fraternity and tell them who needs the blood and what hospital they are located in." Last year two Penn State Harrisburg students needed blood and this year, an XGI social member, requested to withdraw from the PSH account. Kupec added that even "needle-fear" people donated. By giving blood you insure that your immediate family is covered if they ever need blood. "God forbid you need it, but it's there." In addition to the food, soda, and cake offered after donation, the XGIs gave prizes to donors. The prizes,which were donated by local merchants, included a $l5 gift certificate from the Hair Salon, a case of motor oil, a $25 Jamesway gift certificate, a $5 gift certificate from Giant Food Store, and 10 personal pan pizzas from the local Pizza Hut. many people inquire about the same topic, the Student Assistance Center staff will try to conduct a seminar that will answer questions and give insight concerning the topic, said Meashey. The Student Assistance Center is located in W-117 of the Olmsted Building if there are any questions or concerns. The staff in the Student Assistance Center is not only there to conduct seminars, but also to help students with graduate school preparation or just to listen when a student needs someone to talk to. There are four counselors on board at all times to listen and give insight on problems and concerns. Dr. Ruth Leventhal, provost and dean, joins other brave souls to donate blood DEC 12 IMK_LILI U.% 8:00am-10:30am common/ conflict 11100 - I:3opm 2toOpm- 4130 m SeoOpm- 7130 p. 16,17 MN 164,17 A M Ilsoolo-10 :30pe 20.21. MM ISA,I9A M mu (W) StOO - II i 50as 2 9:00 - 9:300 12 9:30 -10:45am 3 10:00 -10:30am 11100 -11150 am 12:00 -12:50pm 1100 - IssOpst 2:00 - 2:sopa 3soo - 3:50p. 4soo -4150 p. 5:00 - swop. Common Stamm and Conflict lame may be scheduled an Saturday, December 17, 1991. Conflict Examinations occur when (a) two or more final examinations are scheduled at the same time, or (b) three or mote examinations are scheduled an the same day. Students heat* Conflict lianinetions must file a Conflict Ricadmatiom Request Perm im the Registrar's Office", Nomdmy Rasember 21. 1911. Final examinations fulfill two important academic objectives: student integration of instruction:, material and end-of-semester evaluation of student achievement. However. valid moans. other than the final examination also accomplish these objectives (e.g.. tee: paper. final project report. take-home examination. etc.). Course instructors determine which of these methods is most appropriate. In addition, course instructors are expected tot 1. Offer • full schedule of buttructioe. 2. Schedule no examinations during the last week of classes. (Quizzes and narrowly limited tests may be given.) 3. Schedule final examinations during the established final examination period 4. When a final examination is not required, require the submission of an alternative means no earlier than the first day of the final examination period. final exams must be taken as scheduled except for conflict situations. loos to tbs Sisal osasheatios Final Exam Schedule DEC 13 I_lll_DAl DEC 14 WEDNESDAY 16.17 TTR 166.17 A T 16A,17A W 18.19 718 1118.19 A i 111,19 MW 189,19 A W SCHODULI Of PIRIOO6 Tin atop • 9t15 11100 -12:15m 12e1S - 2:00p. 2:00 - 3:lSpo 3:30 - ♦:43pi wst. be INURSDA common/ conflict 16/1.17A TB 20.21 TT! ISA.I9A TB lin 6:00 - 7:14s 6:00 - B:3opm 6:30 -7143 p. 6:30 - 6:OOp• 7100 - 9.30ps 7125 - Sal Op. 7130 -10100 r 7:55 - 9:10p. SOS • 9,20 is 1i45 -1000 pm DEC 17 MEW common/ conflict common/ conflict Ilia 9100 - 11330sia 11:00 . -1130 p. 12100 • 2:3opa
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