Editorials Where's the waste? An Editorial By Linda McCarty The probability that the unknown waste buried in the woods near Meade Heights poses a serious health threat to Capitol Campus seems slight. But the in cident has posed serious questions about the University's awareness of and preparedness for potential environmental hazards. For eighteen years Capitol Campus has occupied the land once owned and utilized by the Air Force. Hasn't anyone at least inquired about the barrels only partially hidden in the ground for over 20 years? It is understan dable that those who have only walked along the Meade Heights path failed to notice. Yet Penn State has maintained houses within yards of the area and even built a path on top of the site, and still it appears as if they've never completely explored it. Had they, someone would have undoubtedly stumbled across the Air Force remains. Or maybe so meone did and their findings were deemed too insignificant to war rant further investigation. Capitol Imes Linda A. McCarty ,Executive Editor James E. Fitzroy Managing Editor Tony G. Perry Managing Editor Jeffrey G. Shatzer Production Manager Photography Editor Neil A. Myers Composition Editor Angelo M. Vecchio Sports Editor Michele S. Haley Events Editor Kimberly C. Bush Business Manager Kathleen E. Heraghty Production Assistant Donald R. Strausburger Reviews Sean C. Ferry Advertising Consultant Jerome J. Trently Editorial Consultant Advising and consulting... The 'Capitol Times' welcomes letters from readers. Letters intended tor publication must be signed by tlw author and indicate his/her club or organizational affiliation, If any. The 'Capitol Times' manes the right to edit or reject letters at its discretion, although It Is our policy to edit as little as possible. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper or Its staff. To correct our mistakes: The photograph of Joe Oddo on page three of our March issue was taken by Laurie S. Bedford, not Jeff Shatzer. The article "Short roster won't harm baseball team's spirit" that appeared on page fifteen was written by Linda McCarty, not Angelo Vecchio Thursday, April 19, 1984 Vol. 18, No. 7 Even when the barrels contain ing an unknown and potentially hazardous substance were discovered, not by campus of ficials, but by outside agencies searching for the source of con taminated water, it appeared as if Assistant Provost John Joseph was one of the last persons to be notified. He shouldn't have been. Mat ters which concern the health and safety of students, faculty and staff should be brought to the im mediate attention of those in charge at Capitol Campus, then those at University Park. Not vice-versa. Had the threat been more im mediate, the delay through University Park's Safety Office could have proved costly and perhaps deadly. While researching the story, Capitol Times was approached by the administration for informa tion. Why? Because we were the ones who asked questions, in vestigated the problem, and demanded answers. We only did what the administration should have done. ..Bern Sharfman, Dr. John Patterson Capitol Times Thursday, April 19, 1984 Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor, First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who donated their time and effort to make the book sale that was held March 21 and 22 a success. Almost $4OO was collected from students, faculty, and staff and donated to the Joseph C. Atkins Memorial Scholarship Fund. I was pleasantly surprised at the response the students showed; it seems we are not as apathetic as we are por trayed to be. I was also surprised at the response encountered from the faculty-- but not pleased. This fund was organized for one purpose—to pay our respects to a fellow human being. We weren't honoring him as a pro fessor, husband, father, or anything else--only as a man. All faculty members of Capitol Campus received announcements of our book sale and a request for donations of used books. Several times flyers were sent out and met with not only apathy, but selfishness. The basic response was, "I didn't know him, therefore I don't care." Only after Stanley Miller (Acting Provost and Dean) sent a memo from his office requesting cooperation from the faculty, did they start to "suddenly care" about this man and our endeavors. It is indeed rare at this campus to get students involved in ay extra curricular activities, but I was not aware that our faculty was com peting with us for the "Pennsylvania State University/Capitol Campus Apathy Award". I personally find it very sad that some faculty members had to be begged before they would take five minutes out of their schedules to get rid of books that were only collecting dust to begin with. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to be "Capitol Campus Proud". To the faculty and staff who cooperated from the start, I wish to express my deepest thanks. A special thank-you goes out to Ricardo Valdes, who ran around the school and helped me pick up the book donations, and to Dr. Mehdi Khosrowpour, who helped organize the fund and supported the involvement of the student committee. Wendy Susan Batkin Editor, t l9B4,`Capitolite' Yeartipx* Editor, As a student on this campus, I feel it should be brought to the at tention of everyone that in the opinion of'snMe students, 5.U.8.0.M' (Student Union Board of Governors) is not representing everyone who attends school here. The issue that most influenced this belief concerns bands selected to play at our Rites of Spring weekend celebration, and also a review of bands that have played at functions sponsored by 5.U.8.0.G. throughout the year. 5.U.8.0.G. was approached by two students with a proposal to hire a dance band for the Rites of Spring. Since more than one band is go ing to play, and a rock-and-roll band had already been booked, the request seemed very fair. But it was turned down, and not recon sidered, even after a petition for the dance band, with eighty names, was brought to a 5.U.8.0.G. meeting. Instead, 5.U.8.0.G., in all their wisdom and fair judgement, decided to hire three rock handl. At the time of this writing, the decision, to the best of my knowledge, still stands. Their attitude, in my opinion, was stubborn, closed minded, and ignorant. Since everyone here is a Penn State student, everyone should, at least once in a while, be encouraged to attend social functions set up with help from S.G.A. (Student Government Assosciation) money. This will happen only when 5.U.8.0.G. realizes that not everyone shares their tastes. With a new 5.U.8.0.G. staff ready-to take over for fall term, maybe attitudes will be different and more diverse functions (and diverse bands) will be employed (for example, jazz, country, new wave, reggae, soul, etc.) If not, it seeems likely that a designated coalition will approach the administration with a request to investigate 5.U.8.0.G. and scrutinize the way they spend the students' money. Jeff Weis B.C.T. major Editor's note:in the interest of fairness, the 'Capitol Times' contacted Jeff Schnier of 5.U.8.0.G., who stated that a group of students re quested an alternate band for Rites of Spring, but failed to meet 5.U.8.0.G.'s deadline. Schnier added that 5.U.8.0.G. also offered to provide time during Rites of Spring for any interested group to spon sor a band of its choosing. Page 6
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