Campus Commentary Question: How do you feel about a possible housing an• Linda McCarty tuition increase next fall? "Again? It seems like it goes up every year. When I started in the fall of 1980, tuition was $6OO a trimester or $lBOO a year. Now it Is $l3OO dollars a semester. It has more than doubled in four and one-half years." Rick Fasick Junior, Accounting "It is tough... For those scrimping and saving there is not enough advance notice (with regard to past increases). If they have to, they have to, but (they should) give notice. I know people who couldn't come up with the money last year and couldn't come back." Nancy Smith Senior, Accounting/Finance "I think its depressing. How much tuition has gone up is unbelievable. It puts more pressure on people who support you." Sharon Crosswaite Junior, Behavioral Science "Again? I guess if you want to go to school you have to pay it. But they ought to set a common price instead of raising it every year." Ken Mhes am Senior, (non-degree) "I think for most students tuition is a main thing they think of. A tuition increase could be a hard problem for most students." Qan Quan Ton Junior, M.D.E.T. Capitol Times Thursday, April 19, 1984 "It's been going up every year, and tuition shouldn't be increased more than it already is. If they do (in crease tuition) then it should be put towards stu dent activities as opposed to general living expenses." Jim Ely Senior, Business Management "It makes no difference to general, though, I oppose It. It's hard enough going to school the way it is." Mike Michels Senior, M.D.E.T. "I haven't really thought about it. We pay enough money as it is. I don't like it." Bob Jurink Junior, Math Science Photos b Jettre G. Shatzer "I don't think tuition should be raised... Although at this school tuition is relatively inexpensive. I think we should have socialized education." Madeline Schwartz Graduate student "They are just keeping up with the times, but if that's the choice I'm not happy about it. There's not much you can do about it." Mike Weaver Junior, Business 7 Page
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