News Dancers get big 'break' at Capitol By Tony Perry They were breaking, popping and gliding before an awe-struck standing room only crowd Mon day, but the most exciting ex perience of the afternoon for them was watching a videotape of the performance. Members of "The Funk Af fect," gathered around a televi sion monitor in the video produc tion studio shortly after a 1:00 P.M. break dancing exhibition in the auditorium during which they This Desk Can Reach Mach 2. Some desk jobs are more exciting than others. As a Navy pilot or flight officer, your desk can be a sophis ticated combination of supersonic jet air craft and advanced electronic equipment. But you can handle it. Because Navy flight training gives you the navigation, aerodynamics and other technical know-how you need. In return, Navy aviation demands something of you as an officer: Leadership. Your path to leadership starts with officer training that's among the most demanding in the military. It's intensive leadership and professional schooling combined with rigorous Navy flight training. And it's all geared to prepare you and other college graduates for the unique challenge of Navy aviation. The program is tough but rewarding. • One important reward for Navy officers is decision- demonstrated the movements of the latest cultural metamorphosis of dance along with two other young break dancing teams, "The Harrisburg Circuit Breakers" and the "Cosmic Rockers," also from Harrisburg. Conceived and coordinated by second semester Multi-Media ma jor Carol Kokoski, the exhibition more than filled the 208 seat auditorium with an enthusiastic crowd that clapped and cheered. r NAVY OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION CENTER I P.O. Box 5000, Clifton, NJ 07015 ❑ Please send me more information about becom ing a member of the Naval Aviation Tham. (OA) Address I City. Age. sYear in College. I /Major/Minor I Phone Number (Area Oxlel Best Time to Call This is for general recruitment information. You do not have to furnish any of the information requested. Of course, the more we know, the more we can help to determine the kinds of Navy posi tdons for which you qualify. Nan' Officers Get Respowilility Fast. Capitol Times Thursday, April 19, 1984 making authority. In the air, and on the ground, you have management responsi bility from the begin ning.' And your responsibility grows as you gain experience. No company can give you this kind of leadership responsibility this fast. And nothing beats the sheer excitement of Navy flying. The salary is exciting, too. Right away, you'll earn about $18,300 a year. That's better than the average corpora tion will pay you just out of college. And with regular Navy promotions and other pay increases, your annual salary will soar to $31,100 after four years. That's on top of a full package of benefits and privileges. Before you settle down to an earth bound desk job, reach for the sky. Reach for the coupon. Find out what it takes to be part of the Naval Aviation Tbam. You could have a desk that flies at twice the speed of sound. W 3431 I Eat= tCollege/University The teams "popped" (moved their bodies jerkily as if they were segmented), "glided" (moved their bodies fluidly as if they were floating), and performed the dif ficult moves of "breaking"(spinn ing on the floor, rapidly moving the feet and hands while on all fours, or some variation of the two). "It was an exhibition, although the kids performed as if it were a competition." Page 5 "I loved it," says Kokoski, ob viously exhausted from the dif ficult task of organizing the pro gram as well as arranging for the performance to be videotaped for a documentary for her Ethnic America course. Kokoski interviewed all of the dancers prior to the performance and was really impressed by the discipline and skills involved in break dancing. "I really appreciate the hard work that they put into it," she comments. "They are all good kids. I learned a lot about the kids and about break dancing itself." Although its origins have been estimated between the years 1974 and 1976, break dancing has ex ploded into a national phenomenon in the past three years, helped particularly by the movie "Flashdance," which featured a cameo appearance by a break dancing troupe which in fluences the lead character to in corporate some of the movements into her own dance routine. This recent popularity has taken the combination art form/sport from the streets of large urban cities like New York to cities like Har risburg and Middletown. "I was curious when I started," remembers Kokoski, there were any break dancers in Harrisburg. When I started asking around, word of mouth led me to these three teams." "It's been a lot of work," she adds. "Each performer had to be treated differently." Even though they were per formers on stage, the members of "The Funk Affect," ranging in age from 16 to 18, stood mesmerized as they watched themselves "break" on video tape. It was their turn to be awed Pregnant? &need help... Birthright volunteers offer alternatives to women facing problem pregnancies: • Free Pregnancy Testing • Counseling • Referrals • Maternity & Layette Wear 545-2211 will put you in touch with someone who cares
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