1 Z2_222.2.22: / Welcome back gang!! I hope every body had a great break -- I did. The biggest sporting event over the break for me was the campus ski-trip to Vermont. A grand time was had by all, and Craig Shantz did a great job running the show. Except, Craig, tell the next fearless leader not to rent Sears Vans! I think the best times were in the condominiums where bedlam and pan demonium broke loose. George Kalinovich and Rick Joyce were giving cliff-diving lessons while John Stepansky and I showed everybody how to skillfully break ski equipment. If only we could have gotten Kim Wahler and Annette Anasiewicz to hit a couple of moguls at full speed! Speaking of John Stepansky, I would personally like to welcome him and Tish Whalen to the R.A. ranks. Okay -- enough of this! Can anybody tell me what happened to my Steelers? Lordy, I wish I had some excuses, but I'll keep the faith and wait for next season. Who knows -- the Penguins might beat somebody. Okay, here it is January 25, 1981, the Oakland Raiders taking on the Birds of Philadelphia. I am going to have to stick with the Eagles; their secondary has been picking itself up out of the hole it was standing in all season. I can see it now though: Eagles losing at halftime by a touchdown, Jaworski is out with a cracked rib which got in the way of a blitzing Lester Hayes. Out comes Jersey Joe Pisarcik to lead the Eagles to a Super Bowl victory. Well, none of my other predictions have been right all year so I might as well predict a long shot for the big game. The basketball team is a subject I would like to dwell on for a moment. Middletown tones WEDNESDAY- Campus League Nite Ball drilling services, Bags, Shoes and Accessories Duch's Corner By Ken Aducci, Over the break, while us normal stu dents were home all day watching . "McHale's Navy" and reruns, and check ing the mail at two o'clock every day for grades, the basketball team was up here for a tournament and a few league games. The loss of Bob Hume, Barry Cummings, and Bobby Hassel will surely hurt the team. All three of these players put on a strong showing all season. No scores can be reported until next paper due to circumstances beyond my control (yea, pure laziness). I did practice with the team one day, and learned a lot. This is a bunch of dedicated young men who put out a lot of time to represent this campus, so lets get down there and watch some games, huh gang? Anew sport kicking up on campus is indoor soccer. Schedules won't be posted but ask around. The games are played every Friday night in the gym. The campus team has two half-hour games every week. This past Friday's game had Capitol being swept by Camp Hill's indoor team 2-1 and 2-0. Bobby Heitzman went down with a foot that I swore was broken, but returned to play. The games are exciting to see, so don't be afraid to come watch a game. Don't forget, Intramural Volleyball and Basketball start up this term. Volleyball is co-ed and fun, so get up a team and turn in a schedule. Any guys wishing to referee Intra mural Basketball, go see Ruth in the Rec./Ath. Office. She needs the help and you need the money, so check it out. Well, that wraps it up for this week. P.S. I'll try to keep you posted on the Bill Klavonski, betta fish fish fighting team (especially you Pellechia). 944-9991 Thursday, January 15,1981 Sports _<~. r; i*ATioit CI it . -.. C ,„ k .. r in. " 1 0 01; , ~ , , itti Penn State (University Park) played Lafayette Monday, January 5 and wo 53-42 READER photo by Mark W. Clause DOWN ACROSS 1. Artful evasion 25 Cook (eggs) I. Decimal points 2. Command 5. Blasphemous oath 3 Attempt 4. Senora's =BM 12. Workers' associations 5. Three dimensional 14. Little 13 Fanatical S. Consequently IT. Carry out I acts IE. Grow older 1 , Call on 2( Open vessel n "Wonderful! 23. Nothing more than '24. Partner of 25 Baffling question Something =ME paycheck Long struggle!, .2r Crews 3(' Punt or dory 3' Badly Pamphlet 1 , Soar 37 Reluctant (to 36 Piano lever and fro 4' Estimate 4 1 Rational 44 Drenched 4c' Eminent 4 - Was ac quainted with 23. organ, harmonica ?6. Toddler's toy 28 Kicked 29. Presents 10 Roast 33 Russian imperial decree Warm up 34 Make strong again Heaps of snow Quiet 35. Looked at Sale sign 2 wds. Infective agent Exam 37. Dressy fabric 40. Obtain 41. Heavenly body 3 'S .t ' Long-limbed and slender 45 All right C.C. Reade •rt, ,- f,,,, ~ , t , i J,iii,.., 0., 0 $ t, , a 1 ---f% ¥ \ : / i II %
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