Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus 01 re al Volume 12, No. 6 New SGA Officers Chosen Chief Justice of the Student Court, Harry H. Moyer (1) swears in the four new SGA Junior Senators (1-r Karen Kurek, Mike Treanor, Joni Rogers, and Ruberta Bronson). Photo by BM Bertolet Student Service Series Just For The By William J. Neil Ten years ago, it was one large room in what is now the library. It was partitioned only by a thin curtain and it was called, quite simply, the nurse's office. News Lost and Found The Business Office would like to remind students that there is a Lost and Found department. If you have lost anything, please report it to them. The Lost and Found department has collected many items, including an af ghan, a pair of contact lenses, and other valuable items. They may be claimed in the Business Office. Don't Sweat Finals, Book With A Friend! Heindel Library will have late hours during the finals period to meet those last minute cramming needs! Sunday, Nova 30 -- 2 p.m. to Midnight Monday, Dec. 1 -- 8 a.m. to Midnight Tuesday, Dec. 2 -- 8 a.m. to Midnight Today, however, Health Services is a four-room suite consisting of a waiting room, an examination room, a bath room and an office. It is located across the hail from the Records Office, on the first floor of the Main Building. It provides many services, and has a variety of equipment available for stu dents to take advantage of. Some of its equipment is unique to small campuses such at Capitol, and for this reason it is to the students' benefit to utilize it. Inside the Health Service Office, one finds a relaxed, calm atmosphere, and is greeted by the friendly face of one of the nurses. Mrs. Jean Kresge, a graduate of Westmoreland County Hospital in Greensburg, PA. chose nursing because "It is a satifying profession, and I have always liked taking care of and working Briefs COMMENDATION On Friday, November 14, 1980 an incident took place here on campus which demonstrates the importance of remaining calm during a crisis. A Capitol student had pushed his arm through a glass pane in a residence hall door, severely cutting his wrist. Having wit nessed the accident, Glen Baldwin, an other Capitol student, realized instantly that immediate steps should be taken to prevent a dangerous loss of blood. Glen applied direct pressure with his hands to the slashed artery until the arrival of professional medical help. Without Glen's quick thinking, the student's con dition would have been very grave. Thank you Glen! Middletown, PA. 17057 By John Reutter Congratulations to the new Junior Student Government Association sena tors and good luck with the work ahead for them this year! The four junior members who will represent the junior class are: Joni Rogers, Behavior Science and Educa tion; Karen Kurek, Humanities; Ruberta Bronson, Business Administration; and Mike Treanor, Public Administration. The four juniors, and two others who are currently being screened for sena tor-at-large positions, have the opportu nity to represent their class and study program in SGA's various meetings, activities, and educational recommenda tions. The other issue offered during the election held on November 4 was the acceptance of the new Student Govern ment Association constitution. Because of a rule stating that 10 per cent of the students must vote the issue failed, causing the present government to work under the past outdated constitution. Health with people, especially this (college) age group. The students are fun to be with." Mrs. Kresge has been at Capitol Campus for ten years. Also working at Capitol for the past ten years is Mrs. Bonnie Petrosino, the night nurse. Mrs. Petrosino is a graduate of Montefiore Hospital in Pittsburgh, and enjoys working at night because she participates in extra-curricular events during the day, such as golfing. Before coming to Capitol Campus, Mrs. Petro sino was a staff nurse in the Coronary Intensive Care Department at the Poly clinic Medical Center in Harrisburg. Mrs. Petrosino said of her job here, "This is much more quiet and relaxed compared to there. There are still responsibilities, but here they are less pressurized, and it's not as exhausting and demanding." Mrs. Petrosino is on The Polka Platters provided entertainment during RSC's Novemberfest held November 14, 1980. See pages 12 and 13 for story and more photos. READER photo by Mark W. Clouser 20 November 1980 The issue of the constitution is not yet buried. Another opportunity to vote is being arranged. Students are urged to vote in favor of the new constitution and teachers are urged to spur students to vote for it. The final vote for the junior senator positions was: Joni Rogers, Behavior Science and Education -- 50 Ruberta Bronson, Business Adminis tration -- 62 Karen Kurek, Humanities -- 13 Mike Treanor, Public Administration Five percent of the student body voted on the adoption of the constitution -- 69 for and 10 against. Any student who still wants to be considered as an SGA member is urged to pick up a petition at the SGA office, W-104, or ask any member of the SGA staff for instructions. Being a member of SGA is advantageous for members of any club. Of It duty here from 4:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on Sunday through Thursday. Donald Conrad, M.D., whose office is in Middletown, is also available to help students on campus. Dr. Conrad attend ed the University of Pittsburgh, and graduated from Hahneman Medical Col lege in Philadelphia. He is on campus every Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 11:00. Students may also visit his office in Middletown any time during his office hours for treatment, free of charge, if they are sent there by one of the nurses. In fact, most of the services and medicines in the Health Services Office are available at no charge and are confidentially dispensed. This comes as a surprise to many students, who are reluctant to visit the nurse because they Continued on page 6 . .
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