C.C. Reader XGI BLOOD DRIVE The semi-annual XGI Blood Drive came to a successful conclusion fall term by giving 55 pints of blood to the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank. Blood Drive Chairman Bill Busher and members of XGI Fraternity would like to take this opportunity to extend their appreciation and gratitude to all the Penn State Capitol students, faculty and staff who participated in this worth while activity. We are currently working on a date for our Spring Term Blood Drive. The fine cooperation of our campus commun ity assures us that this upcoming event will again be a tremendous success that will hopefully surpass the fall 1980 quota. Again, thank you for your help and I'm sure that those individuals who find themselves in need of the blood you give are also appreciative of your efforts. Mike Lentini Secretary, Chi Gamma lota (XGI) HILLEL A hearty "Shalom!" to all our new students, as well as an enthusiastic "welcome back" to all returning stu dents. This next half year promises to see an active and vital schedule for Hillel programming and all members of the campus community are invited to attend. While the dates have not yet been firmly established for our events, we are looking forward to such features as: a dance presentation by the Israeli Dance Troupe of Dickinson College; a visiting lecture by Professor Shaul Mischal, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Tel-Aviv University; a talk and discus sion by Rabbi Jeffrey Wohlberg of Temple Beth El, Harrisburg; a Havdalah Service in Middletown's historic Con gregation B'nai Jacob; and hopefully many other interesting cultural and social events. 630 AM MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1981 9:00 AM Clubbin' around However, these fine quality pro grams cannot be arranged and held without an increased and active Hillel membership. Any member of the Capitol Campus may join. Interested persons should contact: Jackie Lear, President (944-4765); Rusty Ireland, Vice Presi dent (944-0893); Gary Small, Treasurer (944-2906); or Ed Beck, Faculty Advisor (Counseling Center, Wll7, 948-6025) Join Hiilel...the time is now!!! Student Center: Student Union Building In the Working By Robert Hessenthaler Well, another leadership conference has come and gone and for once a major problem may finally be solved. That's right -- a problem of Capitol Camous may be solved and, like the army, We Need Your Help! What kind of problem you ask? Good question . The problem we are working on is that of creating a place where students can go to eat, talk and listen to music. Sounds good, right? Well, we think it can be but what we need is your opinion on what it should consist of. This will be done through the use of a questionnaire that will be distributed to the dorms and Meade Heights by their RA's, and made available to the com muter students and faculty on Tuesday, January 20, at the Organizational Fair in Room 216 of the Main Building And whom do we have to thank? Well, that's easy! First of all, I'd like to thank all that were involved in preparing the Winter Leadership Conference. Secondly, I'd like to thank all the clubs that participated in the conference for giving us some input into the problem. Remember what I said before --we need your help, so fill out a questionnaire and do it honestly, because we don't want to get something we don't need. •••••••••••ssommENNENN L A Rmi ON THE AIR Thursday, January 15,1981 FINANCIAL AID UPDATE Most Aid Applications Due February 15,1981 Don't miss out on 1981-82 financial aid through Penn State! The preferred filing date for most programs for the next academic year is February 15, 1981. This includes College Work/Study part time employment for the Summer or Fall on campus, as well as full-time off-cam pus Work/Study jobs for this 'coming summer. We cannot stress how impor tant it is to file all necessary applications by the due dates. Check with the Admissions/Financial Aid Office, 214 Multi-Purpose Building, for full details. Most forms will be available in Admis sions about January 15, 1981. Minority students should take special note of the FEBRUARY 2, 1981 deadline for the Synod of the Trinity Minority Scholarships. Graduate Student Fellow ship applications are due February 1, 1981. Get full details on these programs from the Admissions/Financial Aid Of fice. Fuel Assistance Did you know that Dauphin County renters and homeowners may be eligible for Federal .help with fuel bills this winter, if they fall within the income guidelines? One in every ten households may be eligible. Applications will be taken at the Fuel Assistance Office, 124 Pine Street, Harrisburg, or call 787-2324 for information or an appointment. To qualify, annual income limits range from $4738 for one-person households, to $17,770 or more for families of six or more. Check this program out if you feel you may qualify. Important Change for Basic Grant Recipients Through a recent change in Federal legislation the BEOG (Basic Grant) may now be received for more than four academic years, as long as recipients are MIIIIMIIM•IIIIIILM•11111M111•11111111111M111 IS BACK making progress toward their first Bachelor's degree. If you have not yet applied for the 1980-81 BEOG because of four years prior grants, apply immedi ately and then turn in your Student Eligibility Report (SER) to the Admis sions/Financal Aid Office. This change is effective immediately. Other New Programs Women residing in Central Pennsyl vania who are preparing for a commun ications or media related career, or have been employed in the broadcasting field, should investigate the Career Advance mentscholarships, Short Term Intern ship Programs, and Technical Training Scholarships now available through the Opportunities for Women in Broadcast ing Scholarship Program. Full details on these generous grants are available from Wayne Nelson, Financial Aid Counselor, 948-6250 (Room 214 Multi-Purpose Building). These grants are limited to women from eleven central Pennsyl vania counties, including Dauphin, Cum berland, York, Lebanon, and Lancaster Counties and are open to full-time and part-time students. The Pennsylvania Legislative Cor respondent Association, and organiza tion of state government reporters based in Harrisburg, will again offer its Summer Intern program in 1981. Two students, who may currently be juniors or seniors, will be selected for the 12-week program, and will receive a stipend of $1440. Applicants should plan to make journalism a career, and should have demonstrated a commitment to journalism in their course work and extracurricular activities. The deadline for applications is March 9, 1981. One scholarship of $5OO may also be awarded to a finalist demonstrating financial need. For full information and application procedure, contact Wayne Nelson, Capitol Campus Financial Aid Counselor, at 948-6250. Page 5 1520 AM
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