C.C. Reader Counseling Center News In the last issue we told you about the study guides we have to help you prepare for graduate and professional school entrance exams. In today's issue we would like to tell you about other study guides we have for your use. If you intend to try for federal employment you might be required to take the PACE (Professional and Administrative Career Examination). We have a guide that can help you prepare for this test. Also if any international students on campus need to study for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), we have a book that can help you. Many students may not realize that we offer vocational and career guidance President Carter recently signed the Education Amendments of 1980. At a meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administra tors, Jay Evans, PHEAA's Deputy Dir ector for Guaranteed Student Loans, discussed the ramifications of the legis lation. Students interested in participat ing in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program should be alert to the changes the bill introduces concerning loan a mounts, new interest rates, and grace periods. For any first-time student borrower, obtaining a loan to cover a period of enrollment beginning on or after Janu ary 1, 1981, the interest rate will be 9 per cent. Student borrowers with previous outstanding loans will continue to pay an interest rate of 7 per cent on additional loans. Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market USDA Choice Western Beef familia what pert Isokhl fw stFues Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery pt podia Wino maw Middletown & Hershey 101 South Union Street 944-7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Counseling Center. If you're their salary ranges, training needed for having difficulty making decisions about ,specific jobs and the employment out l what you're going to do with your life look for the 1980 s. You can come in and after college, you may want to come in use these materials on your own or and chat with a counselor. Sometimes obtain help from Marian, Ed or Joanne in testing helps in the decision-making the Counseling Center. process. Vocational interest tests are Test Date Reminders administered and interpreted at the center by simply setting up an appoint ment with a counselor. This is done at no charge to the student. In addition, our extensive career files contain information on more than 200 college-related careers. We also have the Occupational Outlook Handbook, a De partment of Labor publication, which tells you about all types of occupations, PHEAA Fixes Formidable Fee Students with loans at the 9 per cent may now'borrow up to $25,000 (including interest rate will have a six-month loans obtained at the undergraduate grace period instead of the nine- to level). twelve-month grace period currently used The maximum loan amounts per academic year were amended as follows: allowances to dependent undergradu ates remain at $2500 per academic year; a new program for independent under graduates allows such students $3OOO a year; and graduate student allowances remain at $5OOO per academic year. Aggregate loan amounts for dependent students were increased to $12,500; independent undergraduates may bor row up to $15,000. Graduate students Fox's Market 731 Cherry Drive Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday, November 6, 1980 533-6445 Students interested in taking the GREs (December 13, 1980) and the LSATs (December 6, 1980) are reminded that the deadlines for registration are November 7, 1980 and November 10, 1980, respectively. The GRE on Decem ber 13, 1980 will be administered at Capitol Campus. Bulletins of Information and registration forms are available The legislation also established a new loan program for parents of dependent undergraduate students. A parent will be able to borrow up to $3OOO for each dependent student in any academic year at a 9 per cent interest rate. Repayment of principal and interest is required to begin within 60 days after receipt of the funds. Questions concerning the legislation may be directed to Wayne Nelson, Financial Aid Counselor, in the Admis sions Office (Room 214 of the Multi-Pur pose Building here at Capitol) (717) 948-6250. TASK FORCE PROPOSES REGULATION REFORM By James Seda In Washington, the new Regulatory Reform Task Force has been formed to seek proposals that would reduce unnec essary government regulations. The task force, headed by Congress man Allen Ertel, will make recom mendations to Congress for the reform of regulations and the decontrol of certain industries. Thus far, Congress has approved reform legislation relating, to banking, trucking, and airline indus tries. "Congress has been so fragmented on regulatory reform issues that a serious overview of the situation has been impossible. Now, with the task force, we hope to have a mechanism by which we can look at the whole picture and recommend solid proposals to reduce cumbersome government regulations and get this country moving more smoothly. It is one of the keys to greater American productivity," said Ertel. The 23-member bi-partisan commit tee will provide Congress with briefings and analysis on key regulatory issues ane will make specific recommendations. Minority Accounting Scholarships Scholarships of up to $lOOO are available for minority students from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Minority students majoring in un dergraduate accounting, and minority graduate students in business should contact Wayne Nelson, Financial Aid Counselor (ext. 6250), for full details. All application materials and tran scripts must be received by the Institute by December 1, 1980 for consideration for the Spring. Information is also available from the Admissions/Financial Aid Office in Room 214 of the Multi-Purpose Building. Dr. Wolf lectures on politics in media to prospective journalists. PICPA MANUSCRIPT CONTEST The editorial board of the Pennsyl vania CPA Spokesman is sponsoring its sixth annual Student Manuscript Com petition as a forum for student views on the accounting profession. The competi tion is open to all juniors, seniors, and graudate students majoring in account ing at all Pennsylvania colleges and universities. The purpose of the contest is not only to provide the PICPA with student opinions about the topic, but also to promote students' writing ability. The topic of the manuscript is "Busi ness and Professional Ethics." Manu scripts should be 1500 to 2000 words in length and should include a 50--75 word abstract. Submission deadline is Febru ary 15, 1981. An application form must be included with the manuscript and can be obtained, along with more informa tion, at the C.C.Reader office or from the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs, 308 Bergner Building, 6 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 232-1821. A committee composed of CPAs in public accounting, industry, and educa tion will review the manuscripts. Cash awards of $6OO for first prize, and $3OO each for second and third prizes will be given for the three best articles. In addition, the first-place winning article will be published in the Pennsylvania CPA Spokesman. To date, over $5200 has been awarded to students since the competition started in 1976. Loans may be canceled Campus Digest NeWs Service Nearly one-third of a person's students loans will be canceled in exchange for each year of military service, under a bill recently approved by the House and Senate. The provision was in a bill that would authorize Defense Department programs for 1981. By Gaye Travis 1 •No Investment! I • Professional Sales Help I Provided I • Incentive Programs! I , • Sell over 60 Top Brands! I •BE YOUR OWN BOSS! I AT YOU COLLEGE Coll or Writs Page 9
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