C.C. Reader Your Ideas Needed For Improving Vendorville A committee has recently been formed to make recommendations con cerning the renovation of vendorville. Below are listed some possible areas for improvement. The committee would like to receive your ideas 'con cerning these and any others areas you think relevant. Issues related to food service are not being considered. For your conve nience, a schematic drawing of the area is also provided Please list any ideas you have and return this page to the box placed in vendorville or to any of the following committee members B. Bleau, Chair. J. Kemp J. Harman R. Rosenberger E-355 Maintenance Bldg. Surveying Bldg. 232 Wrisberg or W-110 mailbox 111 Wrisberg or W-110 mailbox 831-B Nelson 120 S. Shirk J. Redman J. Egenrieder If you would prefer to present suggestions in person, contact the chairperson to schedule a time. Ideas for Improvement Game Room Tables, Chairs, Booths Vending Room Partition of large dining area 4 I . E /106vA-rN ,e".- - 4- -=-‘OO - 6 ! ...,..., ~ 4COAE ON sip R. 10 FIND 110€ GIRLS D OW Nk w-,(E.ii Clubbin' around YEARBOOK TO TAKE CLUB PICTURES The Capitolite will be taking club pictures for the 1980 yearbook within the next two weeks. To schedule your club for pictures, contact Fred Vereb in the Capitolite office (W-129) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or FRiday from 9:30 to 12:00 noon. CLUB COLA DANCERS On Tuesday, May 6, the Club Cola dancers will give a performance in the gym. Remember This Is Your Paper! 1, LUCIOI --/1. a0rf414.51 A tIE omlcl le SfE - nor Gaooo IN " 4 iy.roto THIS c_ c.001E2. RIEAwI PIV.kEI) $ TIGHT ) • Thursday, April 24, 1980 Your Help Is Needed Be A Staff Member on the cc. reader LOCATION -- *** QUALITY OF MIXED DRINKS -- ***v 2 16 JUKE BOX -- ***** PRICES -- **** RESTROOMS -- MEN'S -- * SERVICE -- WOMEN'S -- * GAMES -- *** MEN -- bring your own LAST CALL -- WOMEN -- * l / 2 Tuesday Nite -J I Comments: Prices good; ingenious, creative, and original menus. Live music; I '''" "` "'" TV screen. We have a student who works there--Andrea Schrager. Kitchen had one extra Stromboli--gave it to us free. Important Meeting The Provost's Advisory Committee on Student Welfare will hold their Spring Term Meeting at 3 p.m., Wed nesday, April 30 in the Gallery Lounge. Students, faculty, and staff who have items which they would like to have placed on the agenda for this meeting should submit them to Dr. South or Michael Sheldon by Friday, April 25th. The meeting will be open to all members of the Campus community. Rate-A-Bar OUTSTANDING --***** EXCELLENT -- **** GOOD --*** TMI Inn route 230 & Greyers Church Rd 944-2145 I ATMOSPHERE -- ***l/2 I PARKING -- * rEPPPPMIEMNPPMwIimmimNPININFINENNINIK WNDR, your campus radio station, is still looking for new disc jockeys and announcers. It doesn't take any special skills, or a radio license. Just come on down to W-106 and we'll set you up. Also, our News Department could use your help. Journalism and Multi media majors, here is your chance to add experience to your resumes. Tune us in at 640 (dorms) or 1520 AM The Ratin 1 Scale OVERALL FOOD -- ***** QUALITY OF BEER ON TAP D.J.'s Wanted REAL POOR -- ** THE PITS -- * "IN - n* IMIOIXE OF 7/44T:„ IS A C.,412,L.,4 page 9
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