MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY This is our last call for your help . ! The literary magazine of Capitol Camp Wants your POEMS, SHORT STORIES, and other PROSE PIECES, as well as SUBMIT TO TARNHELM by Friday, the 2nd of MAY TA RNHELM is published in the Spring Term with a grant from the Student Government Association. It is your literary magazine . Please contribute. Here's how to submit: All manuscripts should be typed double-spaced; include your name, address, and telephone number with each su nuscripts can put in the mail box in the SGA office, Room W 1 10. graphics, as well as m • • • •1• - • • -•'nta - • -it - • RNHELM" in the Humanities Program office, Room or given to one of the secretaries. Reason able care of all submissions will be taken, but we cannot be held responsible for losses. ake sure that you have printed your name, address, and telephon ack of all photos and graphic so that we can arrange to return the . TARNHELM GRAPHICS and PHOTOGRAPHS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers