C.C. Reader Engineering-in-training All classes are scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Audi torium Day & Date Thur. November 15 Thur. November 29 Thur. January 10 Thur. Januaryl7 Thur. January 24 Thur. January 31 Thur. February 7 Thur. February 14 Tues. February 19 Thur. February 28 Thur. March 6 Thur. March 13 Thur. April 3 Tues. April 8 The Dogs Talk Back by jeff drinnan The gang of canines who alleg edly terrorized Capitol Campus, and who are now hiding somewhere in Penn's woods, said they were un fairly banned from this campus. As a member of the Fourth Estate, I was invited to the dogs' hideout for an interview. The fol lowing is a summary of what these canines had to say, translated, of course: They objected to the statement, "Capitol Campus is going to the dogs," complaining that this was made synonymous with degrada tion. While conceding that they lacked the intellectual sense of humor which the humanities de partment expected from everyone, the dogs explained that the jokes they played here were mainly slap stick. Since dogs haven't mastered human language, they rely heavily on visual communication and on intonations of the voice. A wagging tail means that a dog is friendly, a curled lip means he's p.o.'d, and their humor generally employs visual comedy. "Artarrmeans "hi. willyou play with me?" and "grr" "you better watch your step!" They have not developed any verbal comedy routines. Some people have called these canines Robin Hood and his Merry Men, making them a legend in our November 27 November 27 &ember 27 Applications now available for EIT Exam from Ann Kirsch rm 261. Sponsored by the P.S.P.E. Dynamics Dynamics Strength of Materials Strength of Materials Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Engineering Economy Computer Science Computer Science Electrical Theory & Systems theory Electrical Theory & Systems Theory Electrical Theory & Systems Theory Thermodynamics Thermodynamics time. It has been said that during the early years of Capitol Campus, a dog failed to bow down to a college official. The canines say that just because they are man's best friend does not mean they have to be obsequious. Quite contrary to the pomp and circumstance of early Capitol, the dogs were far removed from taking on the role of the pompous poodle. During my observations, I didn't detect a trace of Philistinism among the dogs. The canines charged that hu mans are fickle--that people who once enjoyed their silly comedy routines (on non-pompous occasions) now demand an effluence of intel lectual, ironical humor. As sentinels against burglars, the dogs felt they fulfilled the role of watchdogs. But now they have been replaced by machines that engrave numbers into valuables. For the aforementioned reasons, the canines resent the Capitol Cam pus rule that dogs will not be allowed. The dogs believe that the administration will be "people"- matic about the edict; that they won't yield, no matter how valid an argument is presented to rescind it. Even Rin-Tin-Tin would be kicked off this campus. Unless, perhaps he would do an advertisement to pro mote Capitol Campus. Instructor Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Dr. Welsh Dr. Welsh Professor Bubel Professor Bubel Professor Bubel Professor D Miller Professor D Miller Sexiest Shows on Television by Stephen Brown One of the most hotly contested issues in the world of modern television viewing is the use, or abuse, of sex as a means for higher ratings. How often have we heard the debate over TV's jiggle shows, like Charlie's Angels, or Three's Company. Some have suggested that these shows use the fairer qualities of their stars, not their acting ability, to sell the shows. Some would say the pro ducers are exploiting the fe male anatomy. To anyone like myself, who never missed an episode of either, these accu sations are preposterous. It seems to me, though, that the crusaders for televi sion purity have overlooked a significant portion of Daytime television that might be offen sive. In their assault on jiggle shows, they've missed what I consider to be the sexiest shows on the screen, the game shows. Yes, that's right, those "innocent" game shows. Now before you get the idea what turns me on is the sight of people winning gobs of mon ey, let me elaborate. The trend of game show questions has shifted from things you learn at school to things you learn in bed. The more embarrassing and titil lating the producers feel a question is, the more interest ing it will be to the viewers. Let me cite a perfect example. On Three's a crowd, a show pitting the knowledge of a wife and secretary about the same man, the question was asked "How long has it been since your husband or boss has made whoopee with an other woman?" The interesting part came as the husbands frantically tried to remember how long they've been married, plus a year, and the secretaries were trying to remember the last time their bosses wife was out of town. The answers were certain ly more fun for the audiences than the red-faced husband. Honesty is highly stressed, otherwise the show would be boring. of course that is only one of many such shows on the screen today. Many are guil ty. The Newlywed Game is Air Force Mobile Theatre The U.S. Air Force Orien tation Group will present a multi-image show entitled "Stretch the Limits of the Sky" in front of Main Build ing, Nov. 26, 1979. The program shows the evolution of aviation and will constantly questioning the couples as to how th4y like it, where they like it, and when was the last time they liked it. Whatever happened to "What's your husbands favor ite color?" Now it's Whats the color of the negligee' your husband likes best?" The prizes on the show aren't even worth the beating your wife gives you on the head with those big cards, because you forgot about this morning's interlude. The Match Game, with Gene Rayburn, is forever making obvious references to certain upper frontal aspects of the female anatomy, which is always good for a 6 match sweep. A typical conversation on The Dating Game is "Bachelor #2, when we're alone in the hotel on our date, what will we do?" "Hey baby, when we ditch the chaperone, we'll just do what comes naturally," say Bachelor #2. Of course the audience laughs uproariously, and "beeps" Bachelor #2's ot her comments. The outfits on this show that are worn by the bachlor ettes are much more reveal ing that most any TV show, almost to the point of being illegal. Some shows actually use the word sex in their ques tions, but most devlop rather polite euphemisms. For in stance, Tattletales, with Bert Convey, used the word "ro mantic interlude." Other greats are "romantic encount er", "made whoopee", and so forth. I should have kept a diary of the many term for such a simple act. It might have sold millions. What it all boils down to,. when compared with the saucy inferences of most of today's game shows, Cheryl Ladd and Suzanne Sommers look like celibate, overclad monks. I have never heard but a few overt comments from any of the gorgeous starlets of television. So, I suggest that the next time your Playboy, or Play girl, gets old in between is sues, or you just wish to present a suggestive atmo sphere to someone special, turn on to the game shows, and I mean turn on. be presented in a mobile the ater from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The 15-minute program highlights the progress of American aviation from the early days of flight to today's space age.
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