page 4 Goodbye Pope John Paul II cc' Until recently, there was hardly any escaping Pope John Paul 11, as he was seen blessing many dwellings and was heard speaking many noble words. With all the evil in the world, it's good to know that a godlike man like Pope John Paul would descend upon us to inspire our souls and unite us in brotherhood. Unfortunate ly, the pomp and circumstance has left us. But, we may still find some treasures here on earth, before thieves may steal it or moths do corrupt. The altar that Pope John Paul used in Philadelphia has been left standing so people may Prof makes move Dr. Theodore L. Gross, Provost/Dean of the Capitol Campus of Penn State Uni versity, has officially an nounced the appointment of Mark H. Dorfman as Campus Relations Director. Though he has a new aca demic post here, Dorfman's face is a familiar one on campus. For the past seven years he has been an instuctor of american studies and his tory; and since 1976, he has been coordinator of the cam pus multi-media journalism program. In addition to his new huties as Director of Campus Relations, Dorfman will con tinue to teach occasional clas ses in american studies and communications. Hailing originally from New York City, Dorfman earned his B.A. degree in American Studies and Gov ernment from Reed College in Portland, Oregon. He com pleted his master's degree in History from Indiana Univer sity in Bloomington, Indiana; and has also done additional post-graduate study in His tory at Indianna. Dorfman's professional Synthesized Isms continued from pg. 1 number of meetings of the courses; or, "to require (only) an Entrance course for all students, but then let the programs turn existing courses into senior problem solving courses;"or, "as a last resort, the Core Faculty might decide simply to ar range a series of Entrance and Exit lectures that all students would have to attend." The report concludes by saying: "The most obvious way to scout problems and solutions is to offer the En trance and Exit courses in follow in the steps of this holy one. The world needs a good leader to follow, and this leadership has rubbed off on Mayor Frank Rizzo. By committing the city of Phila delphia to erect the altar and turning the keys of the city over to the man of the cloth, Mr. Rizzo did the right thing. Commies and other bad guys lie in wait, ready to lunge at us. Already, they have taken the Bible out of our schools, and look what has happened! In his infinite wisdom, Mr. Rizzo is beginning to entrust the welfare and wealth of the city to the clergy, to keep writing and editorial exper ience includes positions at Newsweek Magazine, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Journal of American History, and the Columbia University Press. In addition, he has written num erous articles in popular peri odicals. His photography has been included in published works of the Lancaster Coun ty and Pennsylvania Histori cal Associations, and other regionally popular magazines. Among Dorfman's accomp lishments in the electronic media field is a documentary entitled "Credit: The Six Per Cent Illusion." Produced un der a grant from the Pennsyl vania Credit Union League for Public Television Station WITF In Hershey, the pro gram received a national a ward, and has been broadcast by public television stations throughout the country. WITF also broadcasts, during the academic year, a radio program entitled "These Are The Times," which Dor man produces and frequently hosts. After working for a little over a month in his new 1979-80 as Special Topics courses, and we recommend that. Let there be just a few students, thirty to forty, but let them come from all the programs. Find a systematic way to evaluate the success of these experimental sessions (poll and interview students and faculty), take the results back to everyone who might be concerned, and then plan for the future." Other members of the Core Planning Committee were Prof. William Aungst, Prof. George Cole, Dr. Jeff erson Hartzler, Dr. Stanley Miller, and Dr. Nancy Tisch ler. by jeff drinnan these divers elements from undermining it. Bless his soul! The media has been thoroughly enchanted by the Pope's visit. Had Jesus Christ had as good public relations, he probably wouldn't have failed. The media highlights this holy, high-class fashion show, with Pope John Paul enlight ening our souls with his holy gestures. Rather than some ragged-looking carpenter's son hanging around riffraff, we see a much more respect able image. Words of Wisdom have much more meaning when a holy man drives around in a by char bojalad capacity as Director of Cam- exciting time to be in this have a talented and dedicated pus Relations, Dorfan had this position. I get to share the staff in my office, which to say "This a very exciting time pus. That makes the job stim- You can't ask for more than in PSU/Capitol 's develop- ulating and worthwhile. And I that." The Chamber Rr s e Theatre MI You Wanted To Know Mont Poe Bet Were Nraid To Ask Ruthless murders, macabre plots, fiendish fantasies terrifying? No. "Tell Tale Poe." This electrifying play, based on the last hours of Edgar Allen Poe's tormented life, will be performed by the Chamber Repertory Theatre at PSU/Capitol Campus, Sat urday, 0ct.27, 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium, Main Building. "Tell Tale Poe" does not deal with the cliche versions of Poe, writer of ghost stories. It is a full length play that provides a chilling sample of Poe's grotesque fears and bi- - zarre fantasies by effectively using several of his short stories and personal letters. It combines fact and fantasy to David Martin Store limousine, especially when he tells us to care for the poor. Some degenerates have said this is a contradiction. Well, could you imagine the pope driving up in a Volkswagen to a meeting of clergy clad in blue jeans, to enlist their help for charity? He'd be laughed right out of the papacy! Be sides, it is for him to use up the things of this earth so that we can keep our minds on spiritual matters. With the dynamic duo of Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul II we could really bring God's blessing to the world. Mr. Carter could visit Poland, lusting after the populace, enthusiasm of the entire cam- tell us about this unique man. Four versatile actors of the Chamber Repertory Theatre give life to the pro duction. They not only por tray the roles of the four main characters, Poe and three shabby tavern occupants, but they assume other roles as the play progresses. Poe's own existence was a bitter one fraught with fears of death, premature burial and confined spaces. He acted out his fiendish fantasies and hatreds through the charac - ers in his writings. "Tell Tale Poe" is no exception. Three visitors to the Baltimore ta vern, where the play takes place, are transformed into while the Pope hears confes sions. Carter would sin so that grace might abound! So far, Philadelphia, Washington and Poland have been mentioned. But what about Capitol Campus? Being a poor campus, we had to settle for the Gideons. How ever, they may very well solve our problems. By arm ing us with Bibles, the Gideons would give us the faith to endure like good Christian soldiers, knowing that anything that happens is the will of God. If we should experience radioactive fallout from TMI, we would dents aglow for jesus, would be well. Amen makes the work a pleasure the tortured participants of Poe's fantasy stories as Poe himself tries to justify and come to terms with his own unhappy existence . Poe's death, as the plot reveals, was not a glamorous one. It perhaps summarizes what his life was all about. On October 3,1849, he was found unconscious outside a polling place in Baltimore. Poe was taken to a hospital where he died at the young age of 40 without ever regaining con sciousness. His own fantasies and fears ended there -- ours can continue through the stories he left behind. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers