Psaa pct illionimpq)4ll.lo4 pilaw( 1411111110( )44MEM )411110.0 41=0 01.1.4 )4 ( )41•111100411111.1111.0.4•1111W4o/Mili-i )411•0041.11.01.1."1111.1") 6111 0 4•10.0•41.0•0111111.04....04=1.04/11I/o()IN/M0 04 U 10.0 • 11 • 11 b .0.41 .. 0411IM041•11.0004111•1.().41104M=Dq)10.041111.ollimo•o/mNio0.111M.o. SGA News The third business meeting of the Winter tenn took place on lbesday 1/23. Income for the week was $275 from vending and $l6 in parking fines. All clubs should be aware that the Finance Committee has now issued new proceedures to ber followed for requesting money. For details check your mailboxes. Also; there will be a President's Council Meeting on Monday Jan uary 29 at 4:30 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge, so be sure there is a representative from your club. The Stanley Iltrrentine Con cert is on. GPP still needs a few students to help. If you work you get into the conceit for free. If you're interested drop a note in GPPs mailbox. Kirn Benner was appointed Junior Senatorat-large. Welcome aboard kim! Them am other Sen atorial seats still opened. Let us know if you would like to get involved. If you were upset by the mess in the parking lot on Monday, January 22, so were slot of other people. The SGA has sent a formal protest letter to the Administra tion. Hopefully there will be no repeat performance. 6X 1 1:8:E" 021. EL WC:Q.I.I>.. !• 9110 Perspectives PROJECT HELPLINE is now open M-F, 6-12. Project Helpline is a campus run referral/information line. -volunteers are needed to work a few hours each week to operate the phones. Volunteers will be screened during a brief interview. Please fill our all the requir ed information. You will be contacted by mail/phone, as to the time and date of your interview. Thank you for your cooper- name local address phone academic program academic standing [circle] jr. sr. grad. Return to 133 Church Hall or to the Counselling Center w-117. GAME ROOM HOURS Mon., Tues., Fri. - 6 - 12 p.m. Wed., Sat, Sun., - 12 - 12 p.m. On nights - of major events the Multi-purpose mom is op ened and the hours are extend ed until the event ends. Thuing this ed until the event ends. Dining this time the game mom is not opened unless by special in quest. Poetry The symmetry of bigotry rides over the "moral" people like a wave They try to fish us out and clean us up as though they were ridding themselves of an oil slick in the ocean They are afraid we'll spread over them and contaminate their purity We don't liken ourselves to an oil slick moralist, but rather just another natural part of the world. just don't flush - there might still be a chance. Carol Eveschild 131MMEll the opinio senior WHO ARE YOU? Susan Girolami If I'd get any bluer. I'd probably match with the s 1 All the people around me, Never seem to understand, The way lam, Or the things Ido, The only one who understand You always are them, lb pat my hand, And to tell me, That it is you who understan • Never have I known anyone li You, Are the person known as Frie ••''''''...-... \.,..• . • ' • " =MI af'l,
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