psi aOl amps mC re Oder mi IM. 9 Starting Off SGA Meeting The SGA would like to wish everyone a warm welcome back and let you know what to expect this term. The Campus Activities Planning Board will soon be getting underway. This board will help to co-ordimate all club activity. If you would like to participate ask you SGA rep for an application or stop by the SGA office. Good Peoples' Productions has been working on a concert to be held in February. The concert will feature Stanley Turnteen, details will be forth coming. Office hours for the senators will be posted shortly. Cur rently there are a few senator ial seats open. Anyone who would like to get involved, just let us know. Spring Weekend Favored By Majority To obtain student's imput as to the kind of entertainment they want in place of the spring concert, a survey was published in the Reader last semester. Three proposals were listed and students could indicate how high their personal interest was on each proposal by circling a number from 1 to 5 on each one. The survey was to be cut out and returned to the C.C. Read er office. After recieving about 30 replys three weeks later, a Reader staff member cut out surveys and anoroached stud- bizri gra g lo'2 § a .m 1 . .c ~. 'gi 1 1 V 1:1 4 o 1 0 4 ' . 5 6) O i l • .vim 2 .= o , ' ol'vi ':' . ~ .1 0 go: 0 .4 c 05...-• •a) 4) 14 Ei 112 a. ° - :OA . •-• 004 a ffi al 401 . 0 VI t p , 6AG :A 0) 16. =O ll 41 0 Val :Ei I: , N 6 . s 0 owcyo2° s gt 5 . S ~. Ad Ai th/ -.1 ;, Ii E Ii 2 tATrE :E I El 'a 8 .45 4) sE 3'a 40W'i.—.Ziob by Sandy Mancuso Do you have a legitimate gripe or concern, and don't know what to do with it? Bring it to your SGA. Also at Tuesday's SGA me eting the 'Senate passed this terms reallocations. Allocations are as follows: SPS, $5O; PBL, $88; ROTC, $6O; Aviation Club, $55; ASME, $55; Chess Club, $3O; C.C. Reader, $1866; lEEE, $5O; PSPE, $160; RSC, $216; SAE, $5O; Young Democrats, $4O; lAA, $360; MHBOG, $207; Outdoor Club, $55; ITE, $5O; Social Committee, $790; WNDR, $55; Photo Club, $100; NOW,S73; DTK, $140; Tarn helm, $458. The total amount of reallo cations was $5OOB. Organization which have not been reallo cated have yet to request real location. ents in the hall and all over campus asking them to fill out a ballot. Consequently, 200 sur veys were turned in. The overall, interest, was for a spring Jekend with several events such as a picnic, sport tournaments, an art fest ival, club carnivals and live music. Sixty nine percent was its' corporate popularity. Next was the band concert in the gym--fifty seven percent. Hav ing small music and other cul tural events throughout the year was third with fifty four percent. On The Right Foot Writing Competition Offered To CPA's The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants is sponsoring its fourth annual Student Manuscript Com petition. The purpose of the contest is to encourage college students to address those issues which will affect the future of the accounting profe ssion. The competition is open to all juniors, seniors and graduate students majoring in accoun ting at a Pennsylvania college or university. A committee corn Three 1:31t 1 111;Eill).111r.1)01 Health Services is sponsor ing "Peer Contraception Educa tion Program on Monday, Jan. 22 in the Gallery lounge at 9: 25t0 10:40 a.m. and again at 12: 15 to 1:30 p.m. . The pro gram is free and open to the entire campus community. The purpose of the program is to neither encourage nor discourage sexual activity. However, for individuals who haw chosen to be sexually active or who are contemplating sexual intercourse and do not wish conception to occur, PCEP has been designed to help posed of CPAs in public accounting, industry and edu cation will review the manuscripts. Cash awards of $5OO, $250, and $250 respec tively will be made for the three best articles. Over $3,000 in prize money has been awarded to students since the Student Manuscript contest was started in 1976. The fizst place winning ar ticle will be published in the PENNSYLVANIA CPA SPOKESMAN THE Workshops Slated By Health Services women and men make intelli gent decisions related to their contraceptive behavior. QUIT IT! An orientation session for the "Stop Smoking Program" will be held on January 24 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the gallery Lounge. Five evening sessions will follow free of charge to any person who chooses to partici pate in the program. It is being sponsored by Respiratory Ser vices at the Hanisbung Hospi tal. Here's an opportunity to start the new year off fresh with a set of clean lungs and good health. Jowl 11, 1979 PROFESSIONAL CPA journal. The topic of the 1979 contest is "Profile of Today's CPA." Manuscripts must be 1500 to 2000 words in length, double spaced and typed 52 characters across. The deadline is January 31, 1979. For more information and an application contact the Pennsylvania Institute of Cer tified Public Accountants, 1100 Lewis Tower Building, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 735-2635. CPR COURSES Health Services is again of fering the Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation (CPR) course this term. There will be both Wed nesday afternoon and evening sessions. The afternoon ses sion is from 2 to 4 p.m. and the evening session is from 7 to 9 p.m.. Anyone interested in the class should sign up in the nurses' office. y0u....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers