"...Kid In A Dime Store" Chamber of Commerce-Steering Commit tee-1976 (Chairman, Middletown Area Association 1978), Health Service System Development Project,-Chair man-1975, South Central Penna. Health Planning Council-President-1975, Torch, and Tri-County United Way- Panelist. Besides being a good neighbor to his community, McDermott has alSo served his field and his profession by serving on several committees. These committees are: American As sociation for the Advancement of Science, American Association of State Colleges and Universities Committee on Graduate Studies, 1976, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Council of Graduate Schools, Ecological Society of America, Society of American Foresters. McDermott's special research interests are Forest Ecology, Forst Physiology, Rural Land Use, University Administration, Higher Education, Comprehensive Health Delivery Systems and Graduate Stu dies . Institutions, schools and univer sities have all relied on McDermott's expertise for consultation. He has TO ALL FRATERNITIES GIVE US 40 OF YOUR BEST MEN TO DONATE PLASMA FOR 2 WEEKS. WE WILL GIVE YOU 1460 CALL 232-1901 SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS advised many institutions including American Association of State Col leges and Universities, University of Florida-School of Forestry, Mich igan State University-School of Na tural Resources. Along with his teaching abilities civic work and his professional in terests, McDermott has had numerous experiences in administrative work. He has served in the following posi tions: Phasing of undergraduate and graduate instruction and extension and state funds and grants for state natural science agencies; he also was in charge of research alloca- tions. He has also served as dean for the graduate school at Penn State, and was dean of the graduate school of the University of Arkansas. Through his job as Coordinator of European graduate programs with the U.S. Air Force he was enabled to travel through Europe. In 1972 McDermott came to Cap itol Campus to serve as Provost and will hold the post until Jan uary of this year. McDermott also wroked with conti nuing education programs. In 1962- 1967 he was the director of the Ad ministrative Committee on Continu ing Education. He is currently in charge of continuing education at Capitol Campus and the University Center in Harrisburg. McDermott resides at 4305 Long Drive in Linglestown. He is mar ried to Barbara Jane Fawcett from his hometown, Maywood, Illnois. They have two daughters, Paula twenty-five and Denise-twenty-two. McDermott enjoys working in his yard, oil painting, playing racquet ball and occasionally he umpires softball games. When he is not do ing any of these things he is smo king his pipe and reading. Traveling through Europe was one of his most enjoyable experiences. He traveled throughout western Europe and also to Africa. Provost McDermott has done many things for Capitol Campus. He feels that he has done all he can do in his present position and is ready to move on. Just like Provost McDermott is ready to move on, so is Capitol Campus ready to move on to phase three. I• • 4% V AI il.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers