More Letters To Editor To the editor, Got some good imput on the car pool. People liked the idea and thought it was needed. Someone mentioned there are five brick shelters in the heights and sug gested more than one be used. I looked into using the school van as a shuttle bus but the bus iness office told me it was sent to Main Campus before the summer and is not available. If it was, we would unfortunately not have a priority. Furthermore, it doesn't look like the car pool will happen this term. Next term is the one. Volunteers we ask of you, your van space, your front and back seats, your consideration and a little of your time. Those of you with a steady schedule and a van are needed. Lend a hand, drive your neighbors to school. The ride home is optional. Sign up next term at the round table or the SGA office. Leave your name, departure time, and phone no. OPENING SOON AT A THEATER NEAR YOU. WATCH YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOR THEATRE LISTING. Pers Charlie Lament Ili flr.e N JOSEPH E. LEVINE PRESENTS MAGIC ANTHONY NORMS ANN-MARGRET BURGESS MEREDITH ED LAUTER EXECUTIVE PRODUCER C.O. ERICKSON MUSIC BYJERRY GOLDSMITH SCREENPLAY BY WILLIAM GOLDMAN, BASED UPON HIS NOVEL PRODUCED BYJOSEPH E. LEVINE AND RICHARD P LEVINE DIRECTED BY RICHARD ATTENBOROUGHn PRINTS ay mu m° noncowe mut 211 k Nom To the editor, Waking up hung over last Sun day morning, I ventured to look into my closet and realized that I needed to again go through the menial task of doing my laundry. I searched through my drawers for change and was able to find only a quarter and a dime. After checking with my roomates, I was only able to come up with 30¢ more. I then proceeded to walk to the coffee house which I found closed. I then decided to take a long walk over to the dorms where I receiv— ed some change but still not e nough for my wash. I finally headed for the Main Building and was able to get change in Vendor- ville. Doing laundry is a big e nough drudgery without having to waste over an hour running all over campus for change. When will the administration start thinking about student needs and install a change machine in Suds City? ectives Vito G. Valvano Que Pasa? By Vito Valvano The term is winding down and this column is about a number of crazy things that have happened this term. -- Jack and Doug put their house up for sale. -- Scott won a tree climbing contest that was held at 3:30 in the morning. -- Wally would like to sponsor a nude kogger next term. -- There was a glass eating contest at Linda's party. -- Joy had her ear moved ab a kegger. -- Eugene did his elephant calls at the formal. -- Joint Effort kept up its reputa-_ tion as the rowdiest club on campus. -- Third floor Church won the "rowdy floor award". -- Pat won the "99" championship. -- Second floor Church was raided by c a mpus security. John'enjoys doing whippets. What was Jeff doing sleeping out side in his underwear? -- Charlie had a few run-ins with his favorite police officer. --Mark found out the fire extinguisher does not have water. -- Craig did a flex at a party. -- Second floor Wrisburg finally made Peggy take a bath. -- Charlie and Scott had a pumpkin on their house as they waited for the Great Pumpkin to appear on Halloween. -- Tire tracks have been noticed in People's Park. -- Second floor Wrisburg was awakened at 2:00 by someone ringing the fire bell and at 3:00 by someone with shaving cream. -- Sal runs a home for wayward girls. --,Jeff enjoys driving around campus in his underwear. -- Someone has been hunting in the ravine. -- Paul Bunyon chopped down a tele phone pole after a kegger. -- Paul ripped someone's shorts off during a football game (the runner was a real jock). -- Santa Clause came to the door for Halloween. W.M.C. has conducted experments with baloons. -.The girls on lst floor Wris berg had their doors sabotaged with vaseline. --Rich is giving swimming les sons in his sink. --Rumor has it someone started out for California, got lost, and ended up in Florida.
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