Page 4 Varsity Soccer Season By Pete Faith The Capitol Campus Soccer Team has already started prac ticing for the Fall season and is still looking for new players. The team enjoyed it's first winning season last year with an 8-6 record and is looking forward to another fine year. This is the first season that Capitol Campus Soccer will be a Varsity sport. The team also has a new coach, John Harris, FRE . E CATALOG of COLLEGIATE RESEARCH Over 10,000 listings! All subjects. Send NOW for this FREE catalog. (offer expires Dec. 31, 1978) Send to: COLLEGIATE RESEARCH P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073 Classifieh Classified ads are published as a free service to the Capitol Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged $l.OO per ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129; or call 9444970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm. Rock 'n Roll Guitarist wants to find other people to play. Contact Dave Latanision at 815 B Weaver Ave., Meade Heights. FOUND A Newark High class ring with the initials TN has been found. Also a blue contact lens has been found. For information contact Clara Daily in room 118, ext. 722. Lori, the girl I met at the Shamrock Club in Wildwood NJ over Labor Day. Please call Mark collect at (412) 238-9619. Looks Hopeful who has played on the Capitol Campus Team for many years. If anyone is interested in joining the team, practices are every weeknight at 7:30 on the soccer field behind the Multi- Purpose Building. Practices and games are played under the lights. The first game is Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 7:30 on the Capitol Campus Field. A big crowd is expected, so get there early. EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 200 Reilly St. or call for information at 232-1901. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226 C.C. Reader Nose - ro Ne aestopsr. Co-Op Program Receives Grant MIDDLETOWN--For the forth consecutive year the Co operative Education Program (Co-Op) at Penn State Capitol Campus received a federal grant from the United States Office of Education. The purpose of the $40,000 grant is to continue to develop the Co-Op program in con junction with federal guide lines. "The grant has enabled us to hire a full-time cooperative education specialist to develop Co-Op positions," explained Peg O'Hara, coordinator, ca reer planning and placement at Capitol, and director of the Co-Op program. The Co-Op program was initiated during the summer term of 1975. It allowed stu dents the opportunity of alter nating six months of career related experience with six months of school. Since that time the program has extended itself to include a parallel pro gram where students may go to school in the morning and work in the afternoon. A normal two year course takes two and one half years to complete. Electrical Design Engineer ing Technology was the first program emphasized under Co- Op education. However, the Program has now expanded into other engineering fields, social science and business. Ms. O'Hara also pointed out that the graduate program in mas ter's of public administration will be included for the first time. These students will work for federal government agen cies. According to Robert H. Hamill, career planning and placement specialist at Capitol, "Private business and industry along with federal government agencies employ the Co-Op stu dent. Benefits to the employer include the opportunity to com plete special projects and/or provide assistance to regular employees. At the same time, the employer can identify and evaluate Co-Op employees for potential, permanent positions without making firm commit ments for regular, continuing employment." The Capitol Campus Co - operative Education program anticipates a doubling in the number of students enrolled in the Co-Op plan within the next six months to a year. "The Co-Op program pro vides students with the ex posure to the world of work. Significantly, the work experi ence is career-related and thus becomes an extension of the students' classroom learning experience. That kind of experi ence frequently leads to in creased employability upon the students' graduation," conclud ed Ms. O'Hara. Radio - License Course MIDDLETOWN-A Radio License Course (FCC Third Class) will be offered by the Office of Continuing Education at Penn State-Capitol Campus. The course will begin Tues., Sept. 26 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm and will continue for ten weeks. This license is a prerequisite for all types of positions in the broadcasting industry. Posi tions include: staff announcers, d.j.'s, newscasters, sports- Now it's easier to vote because it's easier to mail. Register-by-mail forms are avail able at your county courthouse, libraries, post offices and many other public locations. It's that easy. And it's postage-free! bur vote is your voice. Say something. Want Curls, Body, Fullness? Want hair with lasting body or a head full of curls? Our expert stylists can give you the look you want...whether you're a woman who wants a fashion perm or a man who wants our special cus tom service, Permanent Styling. Either way, you'll get the lasting body and fullness so flattering to any face. And the new look is perm anent...lasts until hair is cut off! Plus, for men with thinning or sparse hair, Permanent Styling's the easy way to re-capture a fuller-looking head of hair. Daily care's a breeze, too. So call today for an appointment. Isn't it time to make the most of yourself? Downtown Mall Middletown 944-7981) Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. 12-8 Thurs., Fri. 9-8 Sat. 8-5 Offered casters, and many others. Upon passing the FCC examination, the applicant will hold a valid Third Class Radiotelephone License with a Broadcast Endorsement. Future classes for a second and first class license will be held in January and March respectively. For further information contact the Office of Continuing Education, Penn State-Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA 17057 or phone (717) 787-7753. El\\ We Do Women's Fashion Perming and Men's \ Permanent Styling HAIR-PORT September 21, 1978
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