Clubs & Organization's First Meetings Black Student Union The officers of the Black Student Union of Capitol Cam pus seize this opportunity to welcome you to Penn State University, Capitol Campus for the academic year 1978/79. We seek your input to for mulate our programs. The Black Student Union's mem bers are equally as important as its officers. Each person's contribution is very important. The objectives of this or ganization shall be as follows: 1. To aid in the acquisition and usage of knowledge in a hu manitarian manner by creating an enriching, educational, cul tural and social life among students at the Capitol Cam pus. 2. To provide an educational and cultural experience to the campus, students and commun ity that may help in overcoming the devastating effects of living in a racially hostile society. 3. To bring about a better understanding among students at Capitol Campus, and to cre ate and develop an organized social and educational activities within the school and commun ity. The dates of meetings in September are September 21st at 3 P.M. in W-132 and Septem ber 28th at 3 P.M. in W-132. Once again we thank you for your past support and we are looking forward to a more de termined and cooperative voice from you in making our Black Student Union of 78-79 the best Drganication at Capitol. Remember two heads are bet ter than one, and that "United WE Stand, Divided WE Fall." Peter Olayiwola President r'77q The first meeting of the Pennsylvania Society of Pro fessional Engineers will be on Thursday, September 28 at the Student Center from 7-8:30 pm. Officers will be nominated. All interested persons are invited to attend. Vanity Bowling Varsity bowling try outs began Wednesday, September 20. Anyone interested in trying out for the varsity bowling team should stop by the Reel Ath office or call 787-7751... Men and women. Men should be able to maintain an average of 170 or better. Varsity Soccer Soccer practice began Mon day, September 18. Anyone wishing to try out for the soccer team should register in the Rec/Ath Office as soon as pos sible. The first game of the season is scheduled for Tues day, September 26 at 7:30 pm at Capitol. Meade Heights Board of Governors--we're the one! Come nad see us for yourself- Tuesday, September 26th, 7:00 P.M. at the Coffeehouse (946 A Kirkland Ave.) We're the club dedicated to having a good time-remember the swamp water party and Rites of Spring last year to mention just a few? We need people who like hav ing a good time, but don't mind doing a little work. M.H.8.0.G. WE'RE NOT YOUR TYPICAL GOVERNORS! "This is the man in the bird to the man in the tower; you give me the word-I'll give 'er the power?!" Come Fly with us. Organi zational meeting at 6:30 P.M. Tuesday, September 26. The room- is not yet confirmed so check the Bulletin Board next to the SGA Office on the Avia tion Club poster. The Accounting Club will hold a meeting Thursday, September 28 at 3 P.M. in the Gallery Lounge. Refreshments will be served. The club is open to all Accounting majors and students taking Accounting courses. There are no member ship dues. Activities planned for this year include a trip to Washing ton for the SEC Hearings and a trip to New York to visit a Big 8 firm. Speakers from different areas of Accounting will also be brought in. The club will also sponsor a Tax and Accounting Clinic for students with needs in this area. It will be held on the third floor of the Main Building in the Accounting Lab. The schedule will be released shortly. Young Democrats Any student interested in joining the Young Democrats should contact Ruth, 109 Wris berg, 944-9216, or Vito, 840 A Jones, 944-7831. What's Happening In Rec/Ath Varsity Basketball [Men] There will be a varsity basketball meeting on Monday, September 25 at 3:30 pm in the gym, located in the Multi-Pur pose Building, lower level. This is for all returning members of the team plus all those who wish to try out for the varsity team. Please be there, or call 787-7751 if you are unable to attend this meeting. Varsity Basketball [Female] All women interested in trying out for the women's varsity basketball team please register in the Rec/Ath office, Room 121, lower level, Multi- Purpose Building, or call 787- 7751. M.H.8.0.G. Aviation Club Mark S. Calhoun President Accounting Club Vito Valvano Tarnhelm Tarnhelm, the Capitol Cam pus literary magazine, will hold its first metting on Tuesday, September 26, 4th period in W-129. The meeting is open to all students interested in joining the staff or contributing mater ial. The meeting will be very informal-editors Randy Myers and John Flanagan will discuss what the Tanabelm has been and hopes to be, and will entertain new ideas from the staff. Anyone who cannot attend the meeting but is interested in learning more about Tarnhelm is encouraged to stop by the office and leave his or her name and telephone number. The editors will make every effort to get in touch with these people. Tarnhebn publishes the short stories, poems,photo graphs, and drawings of Capitol Campus students, staff, and faculty. If you are interested in helping as an editor, contribu tor, or promotional assistant, please come to W-129 on Tues day. Notice to all students! The Social Committee needs your help. We zponsored the , activi ties during orientation and we need more members if we want to keep sponsoring these acti vities. If you are interested, please attend the organization al meeting Wednesday, Sept. 27 in the Gallery Lounge at 3:30 P.M. Refreshments will be served. Randy Goshert Social committee Chairman The first meeting of the lEEE will be held Tuesday, September 26 at 7:30 in the Student Center. At the meeting membership applications will be available and films will be shown. The films will include Telstar, Electronic Switching System and Integrated Cir cuits. Refreshments will be ser ved. All interested people are invited to attend. Cross Country The Campus Cross Country team is Co-Ed. If you are interested, stop by the Rec/Ath office to register or call 787- 7751. The first meet of the season is scheduled for Satur day, October 7, 12:00 noon at Lincoln University. Intramural Bowling IM Bowling is offered each term and is Co-Ed. All teams are 5 person teams and bowling is held at the Middletown Lanes in the Mid-Town Plaza on East Main Street. Bowling is sched uled to begin Wednesday, Oct ober 4, at 9:30 pm. All rosters must be submitted by October 2. DTK is an international honor society for social science .►ajors or those students with at least 20 credit hours in the social sciences. Membership is open to un dergraduates who have com pleted one term at Capitol and have earned a cumulative av erage of 3.0 or better. Graduate students are required to have a cumulative average of 3.5 or better. Additionally, a fee of $l5 is required by all applicants to obtain lifetime membership in the organization. The chapter seeks to pro mote the highest level of schol tatic achievement. Membership in DTK is therefore beneficial to students seeking future em ployment or admission to grad uate school. Provided that there is a sufficient student interest, DTK hopes to invite speakers to Capitol to aid social science students in their search for internships and to effect chan ges or additions to social sci ence programs. Interested in membership now or next term? Leave your name, phone number in the DTK mailbox in W-110. Sheila McCaffery Sandy Mancuso College Republicans And we've never heard of you either. We're the College Republicans. We're the Republican Party on campus. We register voters, work in campaigns, participate in party conventions, hear speakers, work for legislation. But its not all politics. Were involved in community service programs. Some of us are in volved in student government. And we're not always ser ious. There are plenty of good, fun times. Now you know about us. How about letting us get to know you? It's easy--just join us. Sheila McCaffery Sandy Mancuso Intramural Flag Football This program will be offered for the fall term 1978 and is co-ed. Team rosters are avail able in the Rec/Ath office and rosters are unlimited. There will be a meeting on Monday, September 25 at 3 pm in the gym. All teams should have a representative present. Any one who would like to join a team should aiso be present. Intramural officials Students will be needed officiate the flag football game: The pay is not high, but it wi furnish you a little beer mone , Stop by the Rec/Ath office sign up. Student Court If you are seeking a respon- sible position which includes leadership, recognition, and prestige, the Student Court is for you. There are exciting positions available to Juniors and Seniors on the Student Court which must be filled. The Student Court is au thorized to exercise all judicial powers vested in it by the University. The Court consists of a Chief Justice and six (6) Asso ciate Justices. The Associate Justices shall include one stu dent from Wrisberg Hall, one from Church Hall, two from Meade Heights, and two from the commuting student body. Anyone interested in a po sition or who would like more information can leave your name, address, and phone number in the Student Court mailbox in the SGA of fice, come to 952 B Kirkland Ave., Meade Heights, or see me in the SGA office next week from 8:30 to 10:30 A.M., Sept. 25 to 29th. Sincerely yours. Michael V. Sopata Chief Justice By Bill Wyatt Recruitment for the XGI Fraternity went off well during the Organizational Fair this week. At last count we received 13 applications tor membership. And still counting folks! Any one else interested in joining the Vets Fraternity is welcome to stop by the Vets Lounge on the first floor, Main Building. We are an organization de dicated to decent student rela tionships and community events, and oh yes--KEGGARS, too. Our first meeting of this year will be held at the Ameri can Legion in Middletown, (Di rectly behind the Lamp Post Inn), Tuesday, September 26, at 9 P.M. Welcome Vets and all students! our Fraternity is o pen to everyone!! Golfing A Capitol Campus Open Golf Tournament will be held at the Hershey Parkview Golf Course, October 3 & 4!! This tournament is sponsored through the Recreation/Athle tics Department, and is open to all students, faculty, and staff of Capitol Campus. Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 golfers in this 36 hole event. For further information call the Rec/Ath Office at 787-7751!!
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