March 9, 1978 What's Happening In Recreation And Athletics By Neil Landes A long, lanky figure dances back and forth in front of a wall-length mirror, throwing punches at an imaginary opponent, and accenting each jab with a loud rush of air from the nose. Jabbing with lefts and rights he suddenly snaps his right leg out to full extension, about face-high on his oppon ent. The leg movement was sudden, almost cat-like, with absolutely no indication that it was coming. Capitol Campus has a rather unusual student in Phil Cornacchione, a 10th term Engineering major from Bristol, Pa. Unusual in the respect of his interest in a sport that has only recently been recognized in the United States. Kickboxing has not become a household word yet, but this art form has given indication tilt it could generate interest in the years to come. In addition to holding a black belt in karate, Phil is also a Golden Glove Champion and a member of the Professional Karate League. In his two year career, Phil has had three kickboxing fights, winning one by a technical knockout (TKO), one by a decision and losing one. The problem with the sport so far has been lack of serious competition on the East Coast, hopefully this problem will be solved as the sport continues to gain popularity. As in most other sports, size and strength are not always the key ingredients to form a champion. "Speed and quickness are important, along with having good mobility in the ring. Being able to anticipate your oppo- R.A. Applications The selectionprocess for the. appointment of Resident As sistants for the coming aca demic year will begin with an informational meeting to be held Wednesday evening, April 12„ 1978, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. Following a group discussion, applications will be distributed to all persons interested in seeking the R.A. position. Resident Assistants are the University's representatives in the Campus living areas. R.A.'s are charged with the general welfare of all persons residing in the area to which they are assigned. Additional responsi bilities include: aiding in the individual adjustment of new students to Campus life; interpretation and enforcement of University and residential policies; counseling and referral for personal problems encoun tered by residents; and organization and support of prograrns:.tbuigaed- to „be .;:a social or educational •benefit , to residents. specific duties re Student Wins Golden Gloves nent's next move comes only with experience," said Phil in an interview last week. Lifting weights tends to bunch and tighten the muscles, and slow down the reflexes which are essential to the kickboxer, Cornacchione said. Phil's training program usually begins one month ahead of the scheduled fight. Running' three-to-five miles a day, five days a week loosens up leg muscles and increases circula tion. His workouts include punching and kicking a bag, three rounds shadowboxing and three rounds jumping rope to add coordination and mobility. A well rounded kickboxer can use his feet as well as he can use his hands because "a fighter who uses only his legs will be beaten if he is stalked by his opponent, forcing him to move in the ring and not allowing him to set up for a good kick. A fighter who uses only his hands will be beaten if he is kept at bay with his opponents kicks," explained Phil. Phil defended his title Saturday night in the Harrisburg Police Athletic Leagues District Two, Pa. Golden_ gloves boxing tourna ment before 1000 fans at Camp Curtin. Cornacchione scored a u nanimous decision in the open-class finals beating Williamsport's Dewey Wauch. Phil received a trophy for being the outstanding fighter of the night. Phil was scheduled to fight on Friday night but received a bye. Phil had to wait Saturday night to see the outcome of the Edward Sampson and Dewey Available lated to these general areas will be discussed at the April 12th meeting. Remuneration to persons appointed to the R.A. position comes in the form of a per term fee reduction allow ance no greater than the cost of room and board in the Residence Halls. This year all R.A.'s deducted 003.00/term from their University ex penses. The following steps in the application process must be met before an applicant may be considered a candidate for the Resident Assistant position: 1. The applicant must be matriculating at The Capitol Campus as a full time undergraduate or graduate student at the time of filing an application for the position. 2. The applicant must have filed an application for on- Campus Housing for the 1978-1979 academic year. Applications are available in the Housing Office, and must be filed in the Finance Office with the s4s.lllo,advance- deposit so later than March 31, 1978. C.C. Reader Wauch fight because his opponent would be the winner. In the Wauch-Sampson match both men were knocked down in the first round. Wauch knocked down Sampson and cut him in the second round. The third round saw Wauch win the fight with a knockout, and gave him a chance to meet Cornatchione. The Cornacchione-Wauch match saw Phil take command in the first round connecting with quick jabs, snapping Wauch's head back. The second round brought more of the same treatment for Wauch. Phil continued to jab his opponent, drawing blood from Wauch's nose. In the middle of that round Phil connected with a punch which sent his opponent to the canvas. In the final round Phil circled Wauch and hit him with a combination of jabs and uppercuts. Cornacchione tried irmi!',i!mrg!rriim Due to the many problems encountered this past term regarding intramural schedul ing, it will be impossible to conduct the IM basketball play-offs during this current term; consequently, they have been scheduled for April 4,5,6, according to the following schedule: April 4 First place vs Eighth place Second place vs Seventh place Third place vs Sixth place Fourth place vs Fifth place April 5 Winner A vs Winner D Winner B vs Winner C ' April 6 Championship and Consolation game. 3. The applicant must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of no less than 2.00 earned at the Capitol Campus at the time of filing the application. This average must be maintained for the duration of employment. When applications and references have been received, R.A. Candidates will be evaluated and screened by the Resident Assistant Screening Committee consisting of the Coordinator and Assistant to the Coordinator, Residence Living Program; Resident Assistants from the Residence Halls and Meade Heights; and representatives from the Meade Heights Board of Governors and Resident Student Council. Additional requirements in the application and screening process will be discussed at the meeting. Persons unable to attend the meeting may pick up an application in the Residence Living Program Office, 946 A Kirtland Ave. between April 13-21. when they become due. to put Wauch away in the third but Wauch held on to Phil. "If my opponent had not fought earlier in the night and was not tired, I would have fought him the same way, but I would have tried to get more combination inside," said Cornacchione in an interview after the fight. "My strategy going into the fight was for the first two rounds I would circle Wauch and throw a lot of combinations and keep my opponent off balance with my jab. I knew Wauch was a hard puncher and a brawler but felt I could be effective against him,"Cornacchione added. "My knockdown in the second round came on an uppercut to the mid section," said Cornacchione after the fight. About 14 students from Capitol Campus were at the fight cheering for Phil. "I could hear people yelling Any player who may be graduating at the end of this term will be eligible to participate in the IM play-offs during the 1978 Spring term. Team standings to date are as follows: Running Rebels 9-0 Voit Whoosiers Ceasers------ 1-8` Indeterminate Forma--------6-4 Entertainers—• Cherry Pickers 4-4 Brotherhood 8-0 69'ers— ------ --------------- ------ 6-3 Valiant Bros. 2-8 P.A.S. 4-4 M.P.A.s 1-8 1111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111M11111111HUMMIHIHNIIIIIIIIIIMINNI1111111111111H111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ex-Smoker's Better Lafayette College (PANS)-- Do people who are able to quit smoking differ from those who can't stop, and do ex-smokers undergo physical and emotional changes? Armed with the results from a detailed survey, J. Marshall Brown, Lafayette College psychology professor, answers "yes" to both ques tions. Under Brown's supervision, two Lafayette College students who have since graduated analyzed data from more than 650 questionnaires. Successful ex-smokers—and individuals who had stopped smoking temporarily but resumed with in six months—recorded their attitude towards smoking, their motivation for quitting, and the strength and timespan of their habit. The results showed that unsuccessful quitters and suc cesful quitters, during their smoking days, were smoking about the same number of cigarettes. The male-female distribution and the average level of education for each group were also similar. However, the successful ex-smokers and those who returned toismokhigdiffered In and clapping, it gave me more incentive to win," Phil said. "It was the first fight I ever attended. I think Phil's style ranks with that of the young boxers in the Olympics," said Capitol student Steve Facetti in an interview Saturday, on his reactions to the fight. "This was the first time that I have ever seen a fight live. It is by far more exciting seeing it in person than on television. One can really feel part of the action by just being there cheering for a friend. Phil fought a 'hell' of a fight, he was by far the best fighter of the night. His style and finesse were enough to overwhelm his opponent. I hope that in the future I will have a chance to see him fight in a kickboxing match," said Pete Santoro, student at Capitol. Cornacchione hopes to fight next _in a kickboxing match in April. Term Break Building Hours All students/faculty/staff are reminded that during the term break the Multi-Purpose building hours will be as follows: Mon. thru Fri.--8 am to 9pm Closed weekends These hours will be in effect beginning Friday, March 17 until April 1, inclusive. The building will close promptly at 5 pm!!! 5-5 Also effective immediately, due to the problems that have been encountered by the student assistants, guests of any student/faculty/staff mem bers will be limited to the immediate family!! important ways. According to Brown, the ex-smokers ex pressed more concern with a specific health problem of their general well being. The ex-smokers were usually older anaverage of 12 years, and had smoked longer--an average of 11 years, than their unsuccess ful counterparts. Those who stopped, the researchers found, were much more likely to cite anti-smoking pressures from their family or acquaintances, rather than personal desire or self-disci pline. According to Brown, the study also showed that giving up smoking brings improved physical and emotional health. Interestingly, the ex-smokers who indicated the greatest pleasure from giving up the habit were younger (under 42) had smoked less (fewer than two packs a day) and had smoked for a shorter length of time (under 25 years). On the whole, ex-smokers were impressed by their better "general disposition" and re duced dependence on nerve pills such as aspirin and tranquilizers. They also men tioned better sleeping habits and greater vitality. 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