PEOPLE & LIFESTYLES eatip Itptitemabe yogurt By Sandy Stern There are all sorts of reasons to make your own yogurt. One might be to assure yourself of purity from chemi cals. After all, there are no government controls on what goes into yogurt and there are some strange ingredients sus pending the fruit in many "all natural Swiss-style" yogurts. Another reason could be taste. By making your own you know it hasn't been sitting on your grocers shelf for a couple of weeks acidifying, as yogurt does, and becoming sour. Also, you now have the license to devise creations previously unknown (or considered unsal able) by commercial yogurt companies--maybe honey-mint, licorice or mango? Then again, you could be in this for the calorie-comtrol aspect. By using skim milk, dietetic preserves or real fruit, and no sugar, you can trim at least 40 calories off of one cup Books Moo Books There will be a Used Book Store in the Beta Chi office, located in the SGA Suite, W-110. The hours will be 2,3, & 9, periods. 1. Here's how it will work Bring your books to the Beta Chi office as soon as possible and let them know how much you want to charge for your book (we advise that you charge no more than 60% of the current selling price). Everything will be recorded for your convenience. Then come back April 3, 1978 and collect your money (or book if it didn't sell). When you collect your money, you'll pay a small fee of 15% to Beta Chi. 2. Ending date is April 3, 1978 Reminder: Someone may charge less than what you do and, of course, sell their book first. So, watch how much you charge. You Are Cordially Invited to spend an afternoon or evening with : Inez, Estelle and Garcin in Jean-Paul Sartre's " No Exit" Place: Auditorium Time: 12:30 and 8:00 P.M. Date: March 9th • . Yogurt Ah, but probably the most appealing reason to make your own yogurt is because it is so much cheaper than store bought. If you have been paying as much as .45 per cup, consider this; you can make four cups of yogurt per quart of milk (.44), plus an initial cost of one tablespoon plain yogurt (that unless you can borrow it from a friend, you will most likely have to purchase a whole cup at .37), which eventually comes out to an economically sound deal. Yogurt (Makes one quart) 1 quart milk ltablespoon plain yogurt Heat the milk just to the boiling point and then let it cool down to lukewarm (ideally 115 F.). Then put the yogurt in a bowl (glass, stainless, but not aluminum), pour the milk over it and stir well. Cover the bowl and wrap a thick towel or blanket around it and put it in a warm place overnight. You could put it over a gas oven pilot light, or by a radiator, or even in the warm area behind the refrigerator. Or, you could rinse out a thermos with hot water and then put the yogurt in there to thicken. After about 12 hours (maybe an hour or two less in the thermos - you will have to check it occassionally) stick the yogurt into the refrigerator to chill. The yogurt will thicken to a custardy consistency as it refrigerates. Let it chill for 12 to 24 hours. There might be a little "water" on the top of the yogurt, which is whey. Pour it off. If you stir it into the yogurt it becomes soupy. Now it is all yours. Eat it plain, flavor it with frozen, canned, fresh or preserved fruit, or add herbs, nuts, or vegetables(?), or use it in place of fattening sour cream. Just be sure to save a tablespoon of it to use as the "Starter" in your next batch. fagbion Attoo By Maureen Doyle Interviews are a crucial part of the job-hunting process. It is important and beneficial to make a good impression. The fu•st thing a prospective employer is most likely to notice is the way that you are dressed. You will not make a favorable impression if your hemline is six inches above your knees or if you are wearing jeans. 'Magma Center by Bill Lenio There are certain stigmas attached to selling one's blood. Despite the stigmas, "Business is pretty good." according to James Rose. Rose is manager of Sera Tec Biologicals, 260 Reilly St., Harrisburg, which is licensed by the FDA (license no. 443) "to collect source plasma (human) and source plasma (human) modified." Plasma, the clear liquid portion of the blood, is used to manufacture drugs such as Rhogham, used in the preven tion of Rh disease in babies, Factor 8 for the treatment of hemophillia, Tetanus Anti- Toxin and many others. Sera Tec is one of several Plasma Pheresis Centers scat tered throughout the states, owned and operated for profit by Rite Aid. The Harrisburg center employs six doctors and is subjected to yearly "unan nounced inspection" by the FDA and a company inspection every four months. Rose agreed there was a stereotyped view of a plasma donor, but that has all changed. "Most of our centers are located in university towns, only because students are healthier, willing, and more receptive. "In Harrisburg we basically get a crossection of people, mainly between the ages of 18-30. "Money is the primary motivation." said Rose. "Also, directly or indirectly, a donor can be saving someone's life. "We pay seven dollars for the first donation and ten dollars if the second donation is accomplished within seven days. "The process is simple and relatively painless. A vein apuncture is performed and one unit of blood Is withdtaimn. The blood- ilev+ then' placed. in a refrigerated centrifuge to sep- A dress or suit will have a positive effect. It is not necessary to look like a fashion plate, but an outfit that is obviously out of date will not be advantageous. It is important to look neat and well-groomed. Do not overdo your make-up or jewelry. Avoid the ex tremes--bright finger-nail pol ish, tight clothes. Do not chew gum or smoke, unless offered a cigarette. arate the formed elements (red and white cells and platelets) from the plasma. "While the plasma is being separated, an intravenous solution of sterile saline is infused into the donor. This keeps the needle open and helps to replace part of the volume of the plasma taken. "The red cells, once separated from the plasma, are returned to the donor and the process is repeated. "The whole process, includ ing screening, takes about an hour and a half. "Side effects? They're bas ically psychological--people talk themselves into being sick." If you're interested , there are some requirements. Donors must be between the ages of 18-65 and weigh at least 110 pounds. Prospective donors must fulfill over 30 health require ments and be submitted to a physical by a staff doctor. A series of additional tests are performed with each donation. Donors are asked to eat within four hours of donation. All donors are required to sign a consent form. stating reactions which might occur. "Infusion of another individ ual's red blood cells into the donor by accident, may result in backache, palpitations of the heart, fever, and in most severe cases, damage to the kidneys or even a fatal hemolytic trans fusion reaction." However, before the red blood cells are infused, five separate indentification checks must be accounted for, with the donor taking an active part in this process. Rose said there have not been any fatalities in any Sera Tee Centers. Sera Tec Biological is open Monday-Thursdayi.9:3o lan to 6 pm; Fridays, (l'atn'to 3 pm. The phone number is 232-1901.
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