Page 8 Cheese Dance At Student Center By Andy Am On Tuesday, April 4, the Year of Our Lord, the SGA Social Committee will host a wine, beer and cheese dance at the Student Center. It will be from 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. and the band will be "Dark City." The admission price will be $2.00 per person and from what I've heard about the band it will be worth it. This is basically a membership drive since we need more juniors and entering grad students to keep our creative momentum for next year. A list will be available at the entrance for students to sign up but if you're busting out with energy you can show up at our next meeting on Thursday, March 30, at 3:00 p.m. in (you guessed it) Room 211; or you can contact Don Gayle (944- 6416), Gerard Schultz (9444178) or me Andy Arce (944-0106). STOP Would you help a sick or injured child? Would you read this ad for $6B to $lOO per month? Say yes to one, and become a Plasma Donor SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS Harrisburg urges you to STOP and consider helping someone today by becoming a PLASMA DONOR t ) and consider that a PLASMA DONOR makes an in valuable contribution to many- THE GIFT OF LIFE © and consider the URGENT need for PLASMA DONORS. j and call SERA•TEC BIOLOGICALS at 232-1901 or 232- , 1902 and find out if you qualify as a PLASMA DONOR. 'STOP' and also condider that a PLASMA DONOR can earn trom $6B to $lOO per MONTH and say YES to one of these questions and call: n o lt SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 Reily Street Harrisburg, PA 232-1901 OR 232-1902 The SGA Social Committee will also co-sponsor with the International Affairs Association the "Foreign Film Festival" which will be approx imately five films, commencing on Wednesday, April sth and shown every two weeks thereafter. These will not be second-rate flicks but instead will be the best, top-grossing films of all time. The specifics of this will be announced in the next issue of this paper. The SGA Social Committee is also sponsoring a camping trip in the local area (perhaps somewhere along the Appalachian trail) in the next few weeks. Also on top are a planned trip to Hershey Park and bus trip to Philadelphia for a couple of rock concerts but plans have not been worked out yet so keep your eyes peeled for another article soon. C.C. Reader SPRING MAK SGA, Contd. meetings are open to all students. Some senators have recently established office hours to encourage interaction between the two groups. Members of the SGA expressed regret that it took an issue such as this to generate concern among students. The SGA stated that $2OO was a ball-park figure and not all of it was necessarily to be spent. The discussion then was closed and the Committee's report approved. Basketball Coach Jim Baker, who is a graduate of Capitol, also said that the affiliation would upgrade Capitol's image. He expressed the hope that through competition with four year schools, more student attendance and interest would be generated. He said, "Bud is willing to put in the time and the team wants it." The NAIA playoffs would be a good goal for any team to work for. Baker related the recent game with California State in which he said, "500 fans applauded a losing team, which is the first time I have ever seen 500 Capitol students applaud any thing." He said that one good example of the affiliation upgrading our image was in the game against California State. Before that game Messiah College would not schedule any basketball games with Capitol but after that game they wanted to come here Car Wash On Saturday, April 1, ITE will hold a car wash at John Mummert's Texaco, located at the intersection of Rte. 30 and Eisenhower Blvd. (approxi mately two miles east, towards Harrisburg, on Rte. 230 from Capitol Campus). It will be from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the donation will be $l.OO. YEARBOOK Did you miss getting your Senior portrait taken? If you did, and are still interested in getting a portrait taken, please sign the list on the C.C. Reader/Capitolite office door at W-129. This is only a survey to see how many students would be interested in having another day for portrait sittings arranged. If we find that the number of students is sufficient, we will try to make the arrangements. If you wish to supply your own professional portrait, it will be accepted. Please bring it to the Capitolite office, W-129, before March 17 (end of term). Thank you. Faculty Council The Spring Semi-Formal Dinner Dance, presented by the Resident Student Council, will be held at the Hershey Parkview Manor on April 14, 1978. The $25 per couple includes a hot/cold dinner buffet, cocktails, and dancing. Tickets will be available Thursday, March 9 through Friday, March 17 in Vendorville. Who? If you were at last years Spring Concert then you know that "HEAD SHOP" was an organization of people working to help people. We are now "WHO" cause We Help Others. So, if you are interested in helping out this year watch for the blue posters with the white ankh symbol. For further information contact John at 944 - 0114, Carolyn at 944 -1604, or Rick at 944 - 3793. Office Hours The following SGA Senators have established office hours: Joy Edmonson (Social Science) Monday 2nd period, Friday 2nd period; Sandy Mancuso (Humanities) Monday 4th period; and John Verzella (Business Senator-at-Large) Tuesday sth period. Continued and play! Members of the basketball team were present at the meeting to voice the team's opinion. One of the members said that his reason for coming here from a four year college was his belief that capitol would become affiliated. Now, however, he said he is disappointed with the committee's decision that it is not the proper time. The team member explained that defeating a two year school provides no satisfaction or competition and that student attendance would come about through more competitive games. The team members also presented a petition with student signatures that expressed their desire for affiliation Petitions are being circulated which say that the student body is in favor of affiliation and the issue will be put to a Faculty Council vote next week. Republicans The College Republicans at Capitol Campus would like to have all those interested in the political spectrum to attend their organizational meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 9 in the Gallery Lounge. This is a new organization on Campus dealing with today's political issues. Help to shape your future and support the College Republicans. See you Thursday and every Thur except for finals week and nca.i . mr ELEVEII FOOD STORES Mgreh V, 1978
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