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'... ti I% C ,'. ~4 4, s'. 4.): 1 C) 5 rt vE ef , 41,,r eft v, (March 21-Aprill9)' (April 20-May 20) (Ame 22-July 22) - 4 4C1) , ...•_. _... ........... '''' * isEO 23 - August 2) A Cynics Interpretation Of Ast Your astrology traits and horoscope for the month by Ray [The Ozone] Martin and Michael [The mystic] Burke. "Well Your old time Religions are just supersti tious" Mick Jagger "The time will therefore come when sorcerers and their foolish beliefs will have vanished. And man will live by force of reason alone" ARIES - The Arian Personality is ruled by Man which gives the Arian the force and the assertiveness to power their adventuresome pioneering spirit. Always, the Arian will be the first person to pioneer a place and after they arive, no others will follow. This is because Aries is as subtle as napalm, as patient as a school of pirahna, and about as easy to get along with as either. The key words in under stanatme, a:rum aye% truly insufferable; selfish bastard; and `asshole'. The typical Arian, sex life will lead to spending as much time in a court room as a bed. There is a bright side to this though; thanks to the Arian trait of loving danger of and by itself Arians tend to die young, by being horribly mangled in accidents which they brought upon themselves. Good riddance. ***lMAM*** AMES (March 21 - Aped 19) This is the time to buy that bulldozer you have thinking about. Avoid people who's name begins with the letter "R". Shirk all responsibilities. TAURUS - The Taurean mind is difficult to describe because the average Taurus is about as capable of thinking as any other useless rock. It is fortunate that Taurus is a good business man. For a consumer he is a self-indulgent, disgusting pig. As a personality he is about as exciting as a lifetime subscription to Presbyterian Life. Life with a Taurean is a particularly miserable form of slavery as the Taurean will have no more regard for you as his mate than he has for his ashtrays. The Taurean key words are; 'unbelievably stupid', 'clod', 'dull' and 'ignorant 5.0.8.'. His idea of a satisfying sexual experienft is throwing empty whiskey bottles at the players at pro football games. His ideal professions are loanshark or welfare cheat, though he is usually too stupid to succeed for long at the latter. TAURUS - (April 20 - May 20) Sign up for a home study course in breathing. Ignore calls for help, especially from small 'children. Improve your mind, suscibe to the National Entpdror. Condorcet GEMINI - Behind the small, light body lies a deeply schizoid character. His inability to be a real person will drive those people around him honkers. He can turn personalities on and off like a radio causing both his friend and enemies great confusion. He is terrific at faking both knowledge and emotion though he generally lacks both. The keywords are 'confus ing', 'two faced', 'slimy devil', =4 'as Row. p=po4-12. a roomhd Of r cmurs'. The Geninian personality has been described as being like an onion. Not only for his multi layered nature but also for his putrid odor and strange appearence Sexually the Gemini is fumbling buffoon. The rare and foolish person who consents to having sex with a Gemini will usually vomit during or shortly after the act When dealing with the Gemini it is wise to remember that over 85% of last year's mass murders, suicides and hostage situations were com mitted by Geminis. GEMINI May 21 - hoe 20) Kill your self. CANCER • Of all the symbols of the zodiac, this is the one best represented by its symbol, the crab. There we have a hard as nails, yet ugly shell hiding a mushy, weak, yet just as ugly character. Their appearence is often marred by deep worry lines and shoe marks from people who their snappy temper pissed off. Their personality is con structed on a cornerstone of self-pity, surrounded by a hypersensitive an over-emo tional strains. Life with a Cancer will make one feel like they are trapped in a recent Richard Burton/Liz Taylor ********•* ********ss movie without escape. The key words are 'touchy little bastard', 'fag', 'slob' and 'jellyfish'. The ideal cancer career is testing new kinds of drugs. CANCER (June 21 - July 22) Make an appointment at the nearest V.D. clinic. This is the month you should start giving more of yourself to others. Check the addition on your income tax return. LEO - If Idi Amin is not a Leo he certainly should be. The Leo's opinions form at birth to 2 years of age and, along with his emotional maturity state, bare ly change after that. The key words are 'overbearing', 'Pom pous ass', and 'yes sir'. Sexually the Leo should only be approached on one's knees-both before and during the act. And above all else, remember to say thank you afterwards. The idea career for a Leo is running a small thirttivoria - countrr nits Mb ground. ********** LEO (July 23 • Aug. 22) Your morning star is Mars. Your morning sickness is your own fault. Your moon is between its first quarter and full phase and your head is up your us. VIRGO - The Virgo lives on a diet of Indium and Lysol. He is often seen sitting with his nose pressed to a TV set trying to count the dots. He will dress, act and think like a IBM junior executive afraid of losing his job. Most Virgo' have been depressed since the banning of DDT and make up for'its lack by bathing twice a day in ckrox. Sexually the Virgo i5...ah... Sexually the Virgo, simply isn't. The idea Virgoan profession is civil servant, particularly with the IRS. The key words are 'fussy bastard', 'clean genial', 'Felix Unger' and `twirp'. Both Eugene McCarthy and Nine Live's cat, Mortis are Virgo'. ********** VIRGO (Aus. 22 - Sept. 22) Like the movie by the same name you are slot easier to take when stoned. This is the month to work on your paranoia. Suscribe to the Wall Street Journal.
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