September 30, 1976 Yearbook Doom ed No Staff cont. from pg. 1 nearly enough to warrant a staff.” Already some significant events have been missed, for example, orientation, Stone Valley, soccer games, exhibits in the Gallery Lounge, it is tune they get started”, said Dorfman. Startling as it may seem, there is an excellent chance that there may not be a yearbook, if there is not enough student concern shown. Apathy and disinterest are standard adject ives used to describe student participation in activities that require more involvement or exertion than partying. Based on precedent it is useless to preach a need_ for student enthusiasm or accom plishment. Perhaps, a direct appeal for help is necessary. Now is hot a time to sit back and watch others do the work for the majority. Both Capitblite’s desperate ly need students to serve as photographers, writers, layout and advertising staff, and business students for account ing and bookkeeping. No one could have put it more .adequately than Mark Dorfman when he exclaimed, “I hope it comes off!” So do we. Please contact immeadiately either Roberta McLeod, Student Affairs Office, or Mark Dorfman, W-161. Free University cont. from pg. 1 Teachers for these courses work on a voluntary basis. The organizers hope that faculty, students, and the community will get involved. hi an interview with Ms. Nestor, she expressed the hope that people will take advantage of the courses, not only to learn, but also if they desire to teach one of the classes they should leave their name at the SGA office. Further information about Free University is available in the SGA office, W-110, or from Professor Blumberg, E-356. Inspection! Jim Paul, chief of the campus Security Police wants to take this opportunity to remind all drivers of motor vehicles bearing a Yellow # 1, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Inspection Sticker, that it is drawing on to that time when you are going to be required to have your new inspection sticker affixed to your motor vehicle. October is your last month of grace, and as of October 30, 1976, you are obligated to have your new number three sticker displayed to avoid a citation for operating on an expired inspection slicker. Bankes Pharmacy 3 E. Water St. At Union Middletown Interview With... ©oats] The Director Of Recreation And Athletics By IMane Lewis The man behind the recreation program at Capitol Campus is Ruben “Bud” Smitley, Coordinator of Athle tics and Recreation. A native of Southwestern Pennsylvania, he majored in Parks and Recreation at Penn State and worked in community recreation for 13 years before coming to Capitol four years ago. Mr. Smitley likes the relaxed community atmosphere of Capitol Campus. Mr. Smitley is married and has two children. He spends much of his free time outdoors. Besides his interest in all sports he likes to garden. His vegetable garden produces much more than his family can use. He says he gets enjoyment from giving the excess to friends and members of a senior citizens group with whom his wife works. Mr. Smitley is continuing his education here at Capitol. He feels that continuing education and physical fitness work together to keep you young, mentally and physically. Mr. Smitley's commitment to athletics is just not a job, but a personal philosophy which is contagious. An avid runner, he can be seen jogging around the campus daily. Ire says he began running about three years ago to keep in shape and found that once you get past the two mile mark running becomes not only enjoyable but meditative as well. A lover of competition, he has run competitive meets in the 10 mile and marathon events. He advocates running for everyone because if started early in life can be continued “forever'’. And it doesn't take much time from a busy schedule (“everyone wastes at least a half hour a day”) which could be used to gain the physical and emotional benefits WZAP In Limbo By John Leietzapf Regroup, refurbish, repair, redesign. This is what the Capitol radio station, WZAP, will be attempting to do this year, and it needs your help. WZAP uses a free form program format That is, each DJ is free to do his or her thing within limits of good taste ana N.A.B. and F.C.C. require ments. If you think this is your thing, let someone in the station know about it This is your golden opportunity; don't pass it up. WZAP also needs people to write commercials, do produc tion work, keep the record albums in order, solicit advertising, keep the equipment running and working with the WZAP record store. Again, if this fits your interests, don’t pass it up. WZAP is in a state of limbo at present because of a proposed move to another location when the new athletic building is completed. Several possible locations are now being studied. The existing Recreation Athletics Building is receiving most of the attention because of it’s floor design and high ceilings. As the athletic department moves to the new building, WZAP hopes to move into the vacated space. During the interim period, WZAP officers want to repair as much of the equipment as possible. The next few months will be extremely busy as the station regroups to move and yet maintains normal opera tions. Tb do this, it needs your C.C. Reader of running. Mr Smitley is very interested in promoting lifetime sports for everyone. Towards this end he was a member of the committee which worked to set up the Pennsylvania Physical fitness Council. The council, modeled after tire President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, is being organized to localize physical fnness awareness and opportunities for all Pennsyl vanians. Talking about Capitol Campus and the place of athletics in the overall program, Mr. Smitley says his aim is to provide something for He is looking forward to the completion of the Multi-Pur pose Building which he feels will give permanence to the campus. He says that it will also help the athletics program by centrally locating facilities within easy access of the students. Talking about the varsity athletic program, Mr. Smitley says it has been hampered because often good athletes can not participate in their sport because the schedule interferes with their classes. He says that he realizes the nature of Capitol Campus as a two year faculty does not allow a lot of flexibility in scheduling and that academics are the number one concern here. Still he feels some arrangement could be made for athletes to make up time lost from class when they are participating in one of the varsity sports. Giving the student a chance to do something he likes could have a positive effect on his class work. Mr Smitley admits that he hasn’t brought this matter up to the Faculty Council as yet because he hoped for it to be an individual matter between deserving conscientious stu dents and their professors. help. Think about it This is your chance to help an organization through a period of change and get in on the ground floor for next year. Don’t pass it up. Get involved. For more information Con tact John Leierzapf, station manager, 915 Weaver Ave., 944-4824; Ken Kirkpatrick and Jim Straub, music and produc tion, 932 A Mars Dr., 944-9170; Randy Canonge, treasurer, 9358 Mars Dr., 944-5868. Visit The Babtb jttarttn STORE Pre Wash Jeans Print Skirls Painter Pants Faded Gtenr "Clothing the Mm In This Arm Since Jofs" Satob jHartin STORE 52 E. Emeus St. Middletown Open Thur. A Fri. Till9:00 The Hot Lion is published to inform the Cepitol Campus community of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should feel free to use this sendee by completing the entry cards available in the Student Affairs Office [WlO5]. Deadline for courses to be added. Late reaistration may be processed subject to a $lO late registration fee. Deadline for Fourth Course Petition and Independent Study forms to be filed. HACC-8:00 p.m.-Two films-“ Desire” and “Rancho Notorious”-Aud., Room 106. 1:00 p.m.-Soccer-Capitol Campus vs. Schuylkill Campus-home. 7:00 p.m.-Mass-Student Center Lounge. Yom Kippur 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.-DTK Organizational meeting- E-335. 7:30 p.m.-Soccer-Capitol County Campus-home. 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.-Martial Arts-Rec.Ath 4:00 p.m.-Cross Country-Capitol Campus vs Philadelphia College of Bible-home. Oct. 6 3:00 p.m.-Buy a Buddy Day-M.H.8.0.G.-People’s Park. 7:30 p.m.-SGA Meeting-Room 211. 9:15 p.m.-Bowling-Middletown Lanes, 4:00 p.m.-Cross Country-Capitol Campus vs Schuykill Campus-away. 7:30 p.m.-Soccer-Capitol Campus vs.-N.E Christian-home. 12:00 noon-Musical Mime Presentation-Sponsored by Cultural Committee and Social Committee-Aud. Closing date for application for GMAT. Pass-Fail and Course Repeat option forms may be filed. HACC-8:00 p.m.-film-“Cat 106. 2:00 p.m.-Soccer-Capitol Campus vs. Mt Campus-away GMAT Test. 7:00 p.m.-Mass-Student Center Lounge Fenderbender Returns Startrick 111 By Raymond T. Martin Space... Hie final frontier, these are the voyages of the Star Ship Fendertoender. ft’s , five year mission to explore strange new world’s, to seek out new fife and new civilizations, and to phaser the shit out of that gets in its way. Captains Leg: Stardate 760271301.37. Hie Fenderben der continues to search for the latest addition to Star Fleet, the U.S.S. Centerfold which was lost sometime ago. Events conspired to have us hanging around in space surrounded by four Klingon cruisers ready to turn us into souvenir dust just in time for the next Heines Convention. Hi is is another fine mess you’ve gotten me into Shlock. Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Campus vs Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Ballou"-Aud., Room Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Scene: Bridge Capt James T. Jerk: Father who art in Heaven. Mr. Shlock: Captain, Ibeleive, I have a more constructive suggestion. Capt: Such as? Shlock: Hie same maneuver that has gotten us out of this the last 46 times we’ve gotten in it Shut down all power systems and lie dead in space when the Klingons close in to capture the snip, we destroy them and then sortie out of here. Capt Nice plan Shlock, but what makes you think it’s going to work? Will Shlock’s plan work? Read next week’s issue and find out! Page 3 Berks
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