W®Do di U3®o H South’s Security Report Finished By John Staachak Following the furor created last Spring over student and faculty questions about the conduct and duties of the Capitol Campus Security Force, Dr. James Dl South, dean of student affairs, completed a report on July 15th evaluating the force’s performance and suggesting changes. According to Dean South, these inquiries into the force’s duties were first initiated by hint last August (1975) at the direction of Provost Robert McDermott and had been ongoing through-out the entire 75-76 school year. Much of his information had been compiled before the commencement of the S.G.A hearings on Secu rity,and the simultaneous inves tigation by the Capitol Campus Faculty Council into the same matters. Hie dean said that the bulk of that work consisted of going overall the reports the force had made since its founding in 1969, a review of these reports by University Park Security Chief Dave Stormer, and a review of evaluations and reports by others who have had contact with the force. Citing what he found to be the greatest problems existing in campus Security here, the dean said, “I found it to be a dramatic lack of equipment and personnel.” He also included that he was “dis-satisfied with the structure of the department as it was originally oriented to insure the physical safety of the plant Id other words, to make sure of the physical safety of the buildings and the students, lb lock up all the doors.” The dean wenton to say also that he found the force “inadequate” in that “there was no communication between the force and community... Mou ntains were made out of Mole hills.” When asked by this reporter! whether he believed Security New Building Near Completion By Karen Pickens Construction on the new multi-purpose building is going smmothly, according to Dr. Jerry South, Dean of Student Affairs. Enthusiasm ran high when the first shovelful of dirt was officially dug last November. That clump of earth held the promise of expansion for Capitol Campus. Tbday, that promise has begun to take physical shape. Hie original plan called for Ea[»)BG®D Eatapig IPaaoa gSGate MwaiFgfflSy WM Chief James Paul’s personality contributed to some of the problems students had experi enced, with the Security Force, .the dean said, “Whether they were correct or incorrect,' by people’s perception Chief Paul’s personality contributed to some of the problems.” As to the actual changes recomended by the dean’s' report, some of which are currently being implemented, they wifi be as follows: 1. Role Definition-Hie Security Force is now defined as a ‘Service’ unit, that is, an organization which will respond to die needs of the student community as well as being on which will insure its physical security. For example, since there are now sixty married student couples on campus, the force is being trained to handle domes tic disturbances. Also, with the ever increas ing number of bicycles and motor vehicles on campus for minor first traffic offences, a “Courtesy Driver Improvement Notice” will be given instead of a citation. 2. Role of the Director of Campus Security-Chief Paul’s new role will be to run services, conduct seminars and other wise try to establish a new communication pattern with the student body (this is in addition to his normal investigative, police and supervisory duties). H> this end, Chief Paul will no longer be dressed in a police uniform at all times, but will instead wear a tie and blazer .and mix with the student body. 3. Personnel and Equipment- The full time security force will be expanded with the addition of the three new officers: one woman (who carries an associ ate degree in criminology), one young male (an ex-Capitol the completion of the structure by May 26, 1977. Now, sixty percent of the work is finished and construction is ahead of schedule. Good luck has helped. A roofers strike ended five days before the roofing work was to begin, according to Dr. South. This building is the first step of an expansion plan for Capitol Campus. Future expectations include two additional buildings centered around a mall. H all Keeps going well, the new building wifi be ready for the summer term of 1977. Campus student) and one long time professional (who has done police work in local municipality). This addition of personnel allows the eventual enmination of the private Globe Security force, which the dean said, “was just' not doing the job.” As to equipment, Dean South has purchased three new two-way radios from the General Bectric Corp. 4. Communication-An advisory 1 board, made up of two students Roberta McLi Student Leaders Meet At PSITs Stone Valley Although the participants of the workshop were roused out Theresa Gallagher- ra & sga > the sometimes of their cots, enclosed in Wom ® n ometimes brilliant permanentrtype wooden sup- Gerald h. Johnson- ite s moonlit sky ported tents, veiy eariy in the Vince Johnson- Chi Gamma lota met Sept 1°: morning; aU was not strictly Stone Valley WOI S* Larry Kauffman- PSGSA >r Capitol’s riitertainment was provided s Daniel Kelly- psea VoHrshoD m the form of square.'dancing, Patricia Kem- DTK neetinS; complete with leg, \ the unique ,(a descriptive aqjec- Elizabeth KopjAsga Senator ' one tiuesuppiMi'to me by a member Laura L. Landmark Returning Women Up of the band) and foot-stomping Patricia Laurie- m.h.b.o.g. .Buffalo ChiolriclHlfe The*-was John Leierzapf- RA & WZAP , ' , *• inew was Aviation Club also4une for a quick horseshoe Jeff Mwtefio-RA > i game or'bisbee toss between Ray Martin- sga Vice-President mootings Vsm E. Msrtin- SGA Senator ; V. «t student Affairs, the Counseling. Center, Keavin Nelson- ra Rec/Ath, Residence Coordina- •* Kathleen E. Nestor- sga Senator tors, Placement and Security i were all represented by a ra? memberis) from each during the Bob rtui* Photp Club f Hie weekend ended Sunday R tenant Court afternoon after Provost no pert Linda Rhodes- now El McDermott spoke to knd George Rovnack- SGA Senator ans'wered questions bom Stu- I°T, R “2°iph- H ? d . SP ° P t „„ Robin Sherman- Beta Chi Chester Stapinski- ra with a generally optimistic John Stemick- SGA Senator attitude for a good year TefT T L - stoyek- Aviation Club students, staff and faculty set Secretary out for the long drive home. william walls- ra These people were there: Andris Yelvsrton- International Affairs Charles Alesky- SGA Senator Becky Zakutner- Resident Hall Aide William S. Ayres- PSPE Francis Banaszewskl- RA Dave Becker- lEEE Jack E. Beury- lEEE Toni L. Botto- Cheerleaders Michael Burke- Student Court Steve Chiogna- Social Committee George Crowell- SGA Senator Peggy Dufranae- Cultural Committee Clifton Eshbach- SGA President Katie Fee- SGA Senator ByUfa. Kum Beneath the sometimes threatening, sometimes brilliant and sometimes moonlit sky, Student Leaders met Sept 10, 11 and 12, at the Stone Valley Recreational Park for Capitol’s 6th Annual Leaders Workshop. The purpose of the meeting, according to Jerry South, the Dean of Student Affairs and one of the organizers of the Workshop, was to familiarize Student leaders with the' workings of the Capitol Campus, and to give those leaders a chance to meet and talk to the heads of other various Capitol clubs and organizations. Among the'meetings that took place between the huge central pup and the mini groups, discussions focused on problems that might crop up, and of ways Student Leaders might solve other organizations’ problems if they were faced with them. Discussions also centered on what it meant to be a leader, what attributes great historical leaders had including those anywhere from Jesus Christ to Hitler. Saturday, students heard from John Patterson, Chair person of the Faculty Council, and the budget requests were analyzed by the Finance Committee, who discovered that monev can buv friends. and two faculty members, will be established to review and. evaluate training and service, programs offered by the Campus Security Force. Tne dean said he hoped this would be one program that would help facilitate communi cation between security and the student body. Also in this vein, Chief Paul has told all Resident Assistants that, at their request, he will attend any floor meetings where the R.A. feels that his presence would be 61, Leaders some benefit in explaining security programs and policies. Individual students will also, be given the opportunity to make their feelings about security known through a series of polls and questionaires to be sent out to students who have had both official contact and un-official contact with the Capitol Campus Security Force. Dean South also gave out the new official policy guideline for referring cases to the community police outside of campus icuss plans for upcoming year. Jerry South- Student Affairs Roberta McLeod- Student Affairs Peg O'Hara- Placement Bob Hamill- Placement James Raul- Security Bud Smnley- Rec/Ath Ed Beck- Counseling Marian Krieger- Counseling Pat Murphy- Residence Living Peter Lehrer- Residence Living
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