May 13, 1976 Rung Fu To You, Too ! By Wm. Kane Staff Writer Every Monday night at about7:3o the Martial Arts Class meets in the gymnasium here. Members of the class include Capitol students as well as area residents. Various self-defense, Judo and Karate techniques are taught by Charles J. Cavrich who has a 3rd degree black belt in Judo and Karate. Cavrich is a former Marine who fought in the Korean War. He also taught self-defense in the Marines and was a boxing champ in his division. About three weeks ago, Cavrich took a third place bronze medal in Judo at the National AAU Championship held in Baltimore. A well-qualified instruc tor, Cavrich has his class start with stretching and warm-up exercises such as banquet is scheduled to be held Thursday, May 20th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the campus dining hall. The banquet honors all the athletes who have helped promote the campus club and varsity sports, and at the same time recognizes all intramural team captains who contribute a great deal to the success of all intramural activities. All students/faculty/staff are invited to attend. Tickets are available at the Rec/Ath Building, $4.00 each. There will be a buffet dinner, and dress is casual. Mr. Ted Baldwin, director of the Harrisburg Boys Club, will be guest speaker. Jamie Thompson of Harrisburg, a member of the Harrisburg Boys Club who has been selected as one of the top ten outstanding boys of the country, will be the honored guest. BASEBALL TEAM: Capitol’s baseball team played Ogontz campus team on Capitol’s home field Wednesday, May 5, in a doubleheader. Two RBl's by Bill Nolan and a big hit by Ed Driscoll, along with the terrific team effort and great plays by the whole team, brought victory to Capitol in both games. They shut out Ogontz in the first game with a 3 to 0 score and came back to win the second game 3 to 2! Friday, May 14 they go to Ursinus College and then wind up the baseball season with the game against Capitol's alumni on May 15th! GIRL’S SOFTBALL: A girls’ , softball game has been organized this seasoh. At this writing, they will go to Ogontz Campus on Tuesday, May 11th for their first game. The results of that game will not be known in time for this publication. The response to this sport has been very encouraging with 14 girls to date showing up regularly for practice. Keep up the good work girls! Coaches for this team are Jack Donahue And Pete Castalleno. SOCCER TEAM: Soccer team members are reminded that a soccer picnic is being planned for Saturday, May 15, from 2: 00 to 6:00 p.m. A good tum-out is expected. Check with Coach Trunk or the team captains for further information. IM SOFTBALL: Softball games are continuing on schedule with games scheduled several nights a week under the lights in order to accomadate those students with night classes. The top seven teams to date are: X.G.I.s 7&0 French Ticklers 6 & 0 Fist City S&0 Bender Brothers S&1 Zeros 4&2 Wazool 4&3 Easy 4 & 4 ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE UNIONS REGIONAL IV TOURNAMENTS: Hie final official results of the ACU, Region IV Tournament held at West Virginia University are in and Capitol did well in both bowling and chess. Hie bowling results: As a team, Capitol placed 10th out of 25 entries, and individually Mike Gajdowski came in 4th out of 124 bowlers, with an overall pin total of 1774. Other team members: Joe Vajda placed 13 with 1605 pins: Rich Stevens placed 109 with 1449 pins: and Lennie Klonitsko placed 115 with 1424 pins. In the chess competition, Gary Sheriff placed 7th with a rating of 1724, and Kerry Spangler placed 14th with a 1409 rating. There were a total of 31 entries. Overall, Capitol tied for third place in the team standings with the University of Maryland and George Washington University. The tournament was won by West Virginia University. RESERVOIR PARK FOUR MILER: Capitol was well represented in the recent Reservoir Park Four Mile run in both the masters and senior divisions. John Schwanger, our cross-country coach, placed first in the masters with a time of 24:10, followed by Bud Smitley with a time of 26:55. Bob Brown, assoc, prof, in finance here, placed second in the senior division with a time of 31:00. , ght, Yvonne Milspaw, American Studies instructor, demonstrate self-defense techniques. sit-ups, push-ups, running in place, toe touches, leg lifts and others that are equally fatiguing. Each student has differ ent capabilities and is not reprimanded if he or she C.C. Reader can't keep up. After completing warm ups and various falling methods, members pair off and practice hip throws, shoulder throws, arm Bars, kicks, chops, punches and other demobilizing tech niques including the ever effective choke. So far, there have been no casualities, although, there have been reports where an individual some times has a bit of trouble walking without experienc ing facial contortions due to a sore and bruised body. These usually occur after the fact, either Tuesday or Wednesday or sometimes both. Aside from his four years teaching self-defense here, Cavrich heads the 60-mem ber Harrisburg Judo Kai. Members of that club range from 8 to 50. They will be competing in the Pennsylvania Open Judo championship, Sunday May 23rd in the HACC gymna sium. Junior competition will start at 11: 30 a.m., and there will be no admission charge. The meet will be televised on channel 5. According to Cavrich, next year when the new building is completed, Capitol will have a Judo team. Cavrich will be the advisor and Joe Fisher and Hank Banaszek the team leaders. Competition will include teams like Temple, Army and Navy. Cavrich is married and has five children, all of whom practice and success fully compete in Judo. His son, Doug, is a state champ. Rodney Blows His Chance It looked extremely rocky for the tickler ten that day The score stood four to six with but an inning left to play. And so, when Max died at first, and Kenny did the same, A pallor wreathed the features of the patrons of the game. A straggling few got up to go, leaving there the rest, With the hope that springs eternal within the human breast. For they thought if only Rodney could get a whack at that. They’d put up .even money with Rodney at the bat. Rick let drive a single to the wonderment of all, And the much despised Polack tore the cover off the ball, And when the dust had lifted and they saw what had occuned, There was Polack safe at second, and Rick a huggin’ third. Then from the gladdened multitude went up a joyous yell, It bounded from the mountain top and rattled in the dell, It struck upon the hillside, and rebounded on the flat, For Rodney, mighty Rodney, was advancing to the bat. There was ease in Rodney’s manner as he stepped into his place, There was pride in Rodney’s bearing and a smile on Rodney’s face, And when responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat. No stranger in the crowd could doubt, ‘twas Rodney at the bat. And now the leather covered sphere came hurtling through the air. And Rodney stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there; Close by the sturdt batsman the ball unheeded sped “ That ain’t my style,” said Rodney. “Strike one," the Umpire said. With a smile of utmost modesty great Rodney’s visage shone. He stilled the rising tumult and bade the game go on; He signalled to the pitcher and again the spheroid flew, But Rodney still ignored it and the Umpire said, “Strike Two.” The sneer is gone from Rodney’s lip; his teeth are clenched with hate, He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate; And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go, And the air is shattered by the force of Rodney’s blow. Oh! somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright. The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; There's so much joy in Middletown-mighty Rodney has “Struck out.” Dedicated to Rodney from all members of the Conglomeration, French Ticklers, and Rodney fans. If only I’d started at the bottom. Some of the richest men around could have been a little richer. If they hadn’t put off buying life insurance. When you’re 20 your rates start near the bottom of the scale. When you’re 25 they start higher. When you’re 30 even higher. So, don’t wait. Stop by our campus office and let's talk about our Protector policy with the Guaranteed Purchase Option. MICHAEL L. HORD Special Agent Mowery Associates Suite 201, 355 North 21st Street Camp Hill, PA. 17011 Bus. 717-761-4290 fles. 717-652-1684 \/7y^£> PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Home Office: 4801 Market St., Ptilla., Pa. 19101 Subsidiaries: Providor Management Company Providor Sales Company Pago 7
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