Page 8 Lockson To Address Black Women’s Caucus A program to commem orate achievements by blacks in Pennsylvania will be held Sunday, May 16, at 5:00 p.m. at the William Penn Museum. The program There will be no classi fied ads in our special graduation issue to be distributed during com mencement on June 12th. As a special service, the Reader will print persona messages from graduating seniors in that issue. Messages should be no longer than 40 words and must be printed or typed on the regular Reader Classified Ad Forms. These green forms can be obtained in the Reader office (W 129) or SGA office (WHO). Please bring the forms to the Reader office or leave them in the Reader mailbox in WllO. Deadline for submitting personal messages is Thurs day June 3rd at 12 Noon. tAcw u/Sen ... t. • RECORDS • TAPES • HEAD * SUPPLIES 24 Jlf. 2nd dt. ytfa'iUbSu'Mjf £Pa. 236-9222 OPEN DAILY: ? Finally...* Downtown Discount Record Store sponsored by the Black Women’s Caucus of Harris burg and the Historical and Museum Commission. The featured speaker for the occasion is author historian Charles L. Blockson of Philadelphia. During the program a local high school student will receive a scholarship from the Black Women’s IS CO- Caucus. Following the program refreshments will be served and an autograph party will be held. Copies of Mr. Blockson’s recent book, “Pennsylvania’s Black History”, will be available in both hard and paperback editions. The program is open and free to the public. The Black Women’s Caucus is a non-profit group dedicated to promoting community involvement and an awareness of community needs and problems. For further information, contact: Patilla Maddox at 652-6240 or Linda Portlock at 238-8447. 10:00-10=00 C.C. Reader Reader Classifieds Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff. Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. Wanted Riders wanted every Friday to Pittsburgh. Con tact Tom, 130 Church Hall Circulation manager at the Harrisburg Independent Press weekly newspaper. Establish routes, do phone subscriptions, newsstand distribution, etc. Can be full or part-time. Suitable for summer employment. Call Jim Zimmerman at 232-6794. Advertising sales at the Harrisburg Independent Press weekly newspaper. Can be full or part-time. Pay is by commission. Call Jim Zimmerman at 232-6794. Need male roommate. Ist floor plush 2 bdr. apt. w-w carpet, A/C, laundry fac. Access swimming pool, tennis cts., etc. Phone 787-6121, ask for Rocco. Wanted any parts to fit ’73 or newer volvo (any model). Also any parts to fit jeep CJS (Preferably ’72 or newer). Call 737-4212 anytime. For Sale Ticket to the upcoming raft trip. Call Dave 944-7897. Coppertone Whirlpool large capacity multi-cycle washer and dryer set. Excellent condition. Can be seen in Meade Heights. Call Hooshang, 944-0738, after 5: 30 p.m. Or call Melissa, 1:45-4:20 p.m., 787-7767. Four H7BXLS snow tires mounted on standard jeep wheels. Two L78x15 tires mounted on Buick wheels. Capri front bumper to fit ’7l-’73. Call 737-4212 anytime. Baby crib. Thayer, portable, natural wood. Best offer. Call 787-7767 between 1: 45-4: 20 p.m. for Melissa. 1969 black Impala. V-8, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes. Good body and engine, fair interior. Tires good. New carburetor. Mileage-low 70,000. $5OO or best offer. See Sharon Serzan, Library. Craig Powerplay car stereo with FM and eight track. Three months old. Must sell. Calf 944-0807. 1970 Mercury Cougar 351-Z blue. Body in good condition. Motor fair. Four new E-78-14 tires. Two snow tires. One new. Best offer. Call after 9:00 p.m. 944-3189. Short-Order Cook Dawn breaks Spreading out Over the city Like butter in a skillet You break two eggs, One in each hand, Fantastic exhibitionist. By Susan Wohlbruck Traynor YBA-1 Bass Master amplifier and Rickenbacker bass guitar. Both in excellent condition. Call Randy at 944-4489. SR-51 w/case charger $lOO.OO. Mayfair 5-string Bluegrass banjo new $lOO.OO. - Skis 180 mm w/bindings, boots, poles $150.00. All items in excellant condition. Call Larry between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., 234-0673. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard Turn table, FM receiver, two H-K speakers. Just given com plete overhaul, new needle, all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic Power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135, Stan 534-1894. '67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good con dition. Call Alfredo after 10 p.m. 944-0555. Four S.S. Gragar mags for sale or trade for chrome reverse. 14” to fit GM cars. Call Jenson at 944-0355. Queen size water bed, includes matress, liner, heater frame. Used only two terms. $75.00. Must sell. Call 944-6832. Zenith 19” black and white portable T.V. One year old. Paid $l5O asking $B5. See Dave Room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. Two brand new Kelly- Springfield 4-ply polyester snow tires. C-78X13” white walls. Asking $50.00. Call 944-1847 after 7:00 p.m. weekdays, anytime week ends. One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Thorens TDI6O turntable w/Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo Auto-rev. car cassette player plus another $BO.OO. Two speakers, LCR crossover, Phillips dome midrange and tweeter 12 inch woofer. Well built enclosure. $280.00 pair. All prices are negotiable. Alcort sunfish sailboat and trailer. Used three times. Like new. Call Mr. Rohrbach at 787-7734. 1974 Buick LeSabre. 4-dr, air, PS, PB, AM-FM. 43,000 mi.- EXCELLENT. $3200. Ph. 944-9147 (after six). “I’ve changed my mind. I want it back,” Dan Martin seems to be thinking as he gives blood. May 13, 1976 Services Will make small repairs on your auto such as tune-ups, carburetor adjust ments, brake linings in stalled (drum only). Call 944-0767 and ask for Steve. Rates very reasonable. Typing done reasonable contact on campus. Call Bert at 564-0414. Keypunching. Reason able rates. See Melissa in Computer Center, (W-303). 1: 40-4: 20 p.m., MTThF. Ph. 787-7767. Personal Good looking guys looking for single, good looking girls to go out on dates. Interested in bowl ing, dancing, parties, going to movies, etc. This is no joke. If interested, wait by bookstore fourth period Wednesdays. See you there! Would the party or parties unknown who clan destinely borrowed (ripped off) the orange vinyl lawn furniture from behind 845-B Kirtland please return same! No Questions Asked! If you are interested In playing backgammon- call 944-1966, Michael. Drinking Pays Off (CPS)--Western Illinois University proved itself one of the top beer drinking schools in the country by winning the Miller Brewing Company’s Scholarship con test Western won the $lOOO scholarship by collecting more Miller's cans, bottles and keg stickers per student than any of the 20 schools in the contest The scholarship idea was brewed by Miller as an experiment to boost the participation in their recla mation program on college campuses.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers