Your Body Is You... Learn To Control It Your body is you...learn to control it That’s the theme of the WOMEN’S HEALTH WORKSHOP being held Tuesday, May 25th in the auditorium of the William Penn Museum. During the evening, free pap smears and health check-ups will be offered to women, and literature di rected to women’s health problems will be available. The workshop is being sponsored by the Harrisburg Women’s Rights Movement in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, in an effort to make women more aware of the importance of having healthy bodies that work for them and not against them. The evening kicks off at 7:00 p.m. with JoAnne Fischer Wolf explaining the purpose and goals of the workshop. JoAnne is well known in the women’s health movement Last year she attended the International Women's Year Conference in Mexico City as a representative of the World Federation of Public Health Organizations, PHILADELPHIA TICKETS ON SALE/ALL TiCKETRON LOCATIONS-ELECTRC FACTORY CONCERTS. 18TH4 LOMBARD SIS- WANAMAKERS(OOWNTOWN)-BAG A BAGGAGE (WILMINGTON) MAILORDERS/send certified check or MONEY ORDER PLUS 50C handling CHARGEINOPERSONAL CHECKS) PAYABLE TO ELECTRIC FACTORY CONCERTS, 18th a LOMBARD STS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19146 INFO-DIAL(2IS)LOVE 222 and she returned full of new ideas and information she’s anxious to share. Following JoAnne’s ad dress, the film, “Taking Our Bodies Back” will be shown. This film deals with medical problems encount ered by women and directs itself to women’s medical rights and responsibilities. A healthier, happier body will benefit not only your family and friends but will family and friends but also your outlook on life...join in and be a part of the WOMEN’S WORKSHOP For more information call Denise Gasti 234-2110, 782- 3981. JOHN F. KENNEDY STADIUM Dr. Philip Taylor Dr. Taylor Elected To Psychology Post HEALTH Dr. Philip L. Taylor, assistant professor of psy chological science and so cial science, recently was elected president-elect of the Division of Community Psychology of the Pennsyl vania Psychological Associ ation (PPA). PPA is the state-wide association, representing psychologists in Pennsyl vania. A native of Walpole, Mass., Taylor is the practi cum supervisor for the Community Psychology Graduate Program here. A resident of ML Joy, Taylor graduated Harvard XGI Reporter Although the XGIs had the fastest tub in the bathtub race, a last minute change in strategy may have been the cause of our coming in second place in this year's race. Congradulations to PSPE on their excellent time, they had some good jocks pushing for them. The quarter keg that the XGIs won was enough for everybody to get feeling good for the communal dinner that same day. Channels 21 and 27 had good coverage of the race on their 11:00 p.m. news. cum laude in 1966 and received his Ph.D. in community psychology from New York University in 1976. He was Director of Research at New York Community Training Insti tute, Inc., a part of New York City’s anti-poverty program and was Director of Crimi nology at the Criminal Justice Evaluation Project of the Mayor's Office of the City of New York. Dr. Taylor has written on community development, evaluation, juvenile treat ment programs and adoles cent daydreaming. Spring In Our It is spring cleaning time, and time to donate books to the Middletown Friends of the library second annual book sale. Books may be left at the Library, 7 South Union Street, Middletown, or at several other locations in the area. The Book Sale will be held Saturday, May 22, during the Mini-Mall spon sored by downtown mer chants. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Library Building Fund. Ohter convenient drop ff la' h b^ Open 24 Hours 7 Days / Week “Just around the corner On The Square Sm *** *** ■ HI HMUMVOoVn XGIs are progressing one step per year. Last year we had third place, this year we had second place and next year we'll have first place! But then one can’t be best at everything, so the XGIs are pouring it on in softball. As of this writing, the XGIs just beat the Zeros by a score of 10 to 7 and that now leaves the XGIs undefeated with a 7 and 0 record. Also, recently, XGIs team one took three out of four games from the Grand Wazoo in bowling. Next meeting at the Tiltin Hilton will be Tuesday, May 18 at 9:00 p.m. Try to be there, it will be one of the last few meetings. Cleaning Library Now Wesley United Methodist Church (Ann and Catherine Streets); St. Peter's Lutheran Cluirch (Spring and Union Streets); First Presbyterian Church (Union and Water Streets). In Shope Gardens, call Mrs. Linda Bennett, 223 Delmont; in Pineford, call Mrs. Jan Smith, 944-9729. If you have books to donate anywhere in the area and would like someone to pick them up, call Book Sale Co-Chairman Mrs. Carol Olsen, 944-1965. All categories of books will be accepted. At the sale, there will be separate sections for fiction, various divisions of nonfiction, children’s books, reference and text books, National Geographies and other mag azines, records, and for this year only, a special Bicen tennial Section. This is the time to sort through your books and donate the ones you no longer want to the library book sale. Then on May 22nd, come to the sale and find some new ones to read. r — ■! I SAVE THIS COUPON | I FOR j i so* OFF j j 1-Large or 1-Small I ! PIZZA j j NAPLES PIZZA ! J 25 S. Union St., j j Middletown I Jom Jensen
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