Page 4 A. A Bit O’ Bestiality Dear Otto, I need your advice. What would you do if your roomate’s boyfriend moved into your house with his hamsters. I would like her boyfriend to stay but not his hamsters. What should I do? Dear Three more mouths to feed, Knowing hamsters the way I do, it is a fact that they sleep separately. Tell your roommate to try doing the same thing, and I’m sure the hamsters will go. Dear Otto, I think I have a problem. I have missed five consecutive periods, have thrown up twice already this morning and have a strange craving for artichoke hearts. Also, my abdomen seems to be enlarging. Could I possible be pregnant? My darling Doris, Does a bear shit in the woods? Dear Otto, For some time now my roomate has been receiving putrid magazines. Although I have paged through all these foul things and found them very interesting, I feel that my roommate is only fooling himself. If he thinks I am going to chip in for some more issues, well, nuts to him. Obviously, if this degenerate feels like buying a new issue each month, he can go right ahead and do it. But, I only wish he would stop harassing me to help pay for the issues. Why doesn’t the Middle Earth Coffee House have a “swap-a-dirty magazine” night sometime in the future? An Ex-dirty magazine reader in the Heights Dear Ex- dirty magazine reader, Isn’t that pushing the issue a little too far. Dear Otto, I must write this fast because the man sitting next to me is breathing heavy. Today a car full of guys pulled up to me and just grinned. Grin, Grin, Grin. You’d think I was tatooed all over with dirty jokes. Then walking to class about five people tried to trip me while I carried two hot coffees. Not only that, but, the Venetians are still pestering me. You know they have ways of persuading a person to do unnatural things. To top it all off my roommates keep putting asper-gum in my chewable feen-a-mint box. Needless to say I haven’t had a headache in weeks, but now their making me pay for all the toilet paper. I just don’t know who to turn to anymore, Why, I just can’t be sure who’s going to try to harm me. Why, how do I know you’re not with them. Can you give me some advice. I need it desperately. Dear Lucretia, Never trust a naked bus driver Otto. This is the first of a regular feature in the C.C. Reader. If you have any questions you’d like OTTO to answer, or any problems for him to solve, address all letters to him in W-129, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1976 9:00-1:00 A.M. Middletown Hunter’s & Angler’s Club ENTERTAINMENT BY "Hurricane Alley" Three more mouths to feed Doris from 3rd and Cumberland « G , \ Too Much Snow? It's that time of year again: snow, ice and (we hate to ruin your day) the possibile cancellation of classes due to bad weather. To find out if classes are canceled because of severe weather conditions, tune in to the local radio or TV station. According to Francine Taylor, public information officer, these media are notified of such action. Taylor says you can also call the central campus “weather day” number, 787-7737 to find out if classes and other campus functions are canceled. Bitch a Bit! The next time you’re complaning to a friend about Capitol, think of Jerry Bray. Prof. Bray is chairman of the Student Affairs Commit tee, and he wants your complaints, criticisms and suggestions which would improve the life of students at Capitol. Yes, he really said that. If you prefer, Bray said you can get your gripe to the Committee via its three student representatives: Betty Karp, Michael Barnett and Rick Laychock. He also said students should feel free to attend his committee meetings either to make a personal presen tation or just to listen. If you’re interested in at tending a meeting, contact him in W-261 or at Ext. 615. Other Student Affairs Committee members are Professors Sabir Dahir, John Jones, John Patterson and Iris Prager. Marion Krieger from Counseling, Francis Mols from the Library and Jerry South from Student Affairs are also committee members. There are a few 1975 Yearbooks still available. If you are interested in purchasing one, please contact the Student Affairs Office to sign up. They will be sold on a first come, first Lucretia Sponsored by Chi Gamma lota Fraternity C.C.' Reader Study Effectiveness Training Is this you? -You spend hours in the library but never seem to get anything done. —At the end of the term, you’re just beginning your work. -You get that sinking feeling, “Is it exam week already?” —You don’t know how to study for exams, -And your grades show it! The Counseling Center is offering a mini-course called Study Effectiveness Training. The course will include practical methods to help you use your study time more effectively. We will discuss: Avoid Those Tickets When a student, a member of the staff or a member of the faculty has a motor vehicle registered for use on campus (not with a Restricted sticker) uses another car that does not have an unlimited parking sticker on it, the individual may sign the Substitute Vehicle Book to preclude receiving a Traffic Violation Notice for No Permit or 3tjcker The Substitute Vehicle Books are located in the Bafff’i & PmCi M« Hm*, In. AS West Harrisburg Pike UnM nnm Hi* itraat fra* MePaaaM'i aa Ilia Hiffcapira Plata Prices Yen Jest Can't Beat Anywhere *7” m 8» 2& r s «® -3« FUNNEL Mae UKIES SHIRTS 4 95 795 SMOCK TOPS mat Voar Choice f HANDMADE ARTS Everything In Sleek b On SALE j Cone Look Us Os»r •’ Mon.-Fri. 10:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Sat. - 10:00 A.M. • 6:00 P.M. Mum 944-4750 --organizing your study schedule --improving reading con centration and com prehension --preparing for tests ana papers. The mini-course will in clude six weekly meetings beginning today from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in the Counseling Center. If you are interested, sign up in the Counseling Center, Room Wll7, now. If you want to improve your study skills, but cannot attend at the designated time, come in and talk to a counselor in the Counseling Center. Business Office, Room 114 Main Building, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., there is a Substitute Vehicle Book located in the Records Office, W-101. If you sign the book and still receive a Traffic Violation Notice, please note on the back of it that you signed the book, sign your name and give the Notice to a member of the Student Patrol, drop it in the Interoffice Mail directed to the Traffic Violation Office OPTO 50* OFF SALE January 22, 1976
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