January 22, 1976 Bump N 9 Boogie On Sat * Night Every Saturday on Cable Channel 5, there is a unique type of show for the general viewing audience in the Harrisburg area. WHATODO, INC. has produced “IN STEP” where your host, Dimitri, guaran tees an hour full of disco-blended music, to which a select group of dancers, the WHATODO Hustlers, will launch into fluid motions by the pulsating beat of the new Salsa. These people will also capture your interest with their attire, which goes hand in hand with the Disco scene. Along with Dimitri, the Photo Club News The photo club is looking for new members in the 1976 school year. On the upcoming sched ule of events is a club showing in the Gallery Lounge in late February or early March. Color slide developing will be done at the end of the winter term and color printing will be introduced for the spring term. Anyone with an interest or desire to learn photog graphy and camera tech niques are welcome. Call Mark Feldman at 944-2189 for more informa ion. Hustlers and a top D.J., “IN STEP” offers two spots during the show where feature guests appear. These features are informal interviews called “Vine Line” and “In Your Hair.” Simple enough, “Vine Line” is an ' interview with a contem porary clothing sales repre sentative, designer or distri tributor. “In Your Hair” will feature Dimitri interviewing guests from the world of hair fashion. The show can be viewed every Saturday at 7:30. Directors and Producers Mike Billys, John Sempeles and Greg Nielsen said, “We’re trying to capture the .. most contemporary dances, music and fashion and an in-depth look to the future of Harrisburg night-life.” Wiley Receives Josten Scholarship Charlotte S. Wiley, a senior in the business administration program, has received the Josten’s $5OO Student Scholarship. Wiley, a native of Mt. Joy, Pa. now residing in Harrisburg, was selected on the basis of her academic achievement and campus involvement. She is a graduate of Springfield High School and is presently maintaining a 3.80 grade point average. C.C. Reader, Summer In Spain Offered Fur me iasi eleven ySSTS, summer programs have been offered to students in the U.S. and Canada to travel and study in Spain. Last summer 69 students from 28 states departed from JFK Airport in New York and flew to Malaga and then to Madrid, where the 11th summer program was held. Thirty students visited Santiago de Compostela and Leon and to complete the excitement of the program, they crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to visit Africa. Plans are already in progress for the 12th Summer School in Spain, and the City of Tarragona (south of Barcelona) has been chosen as our head quarters in Spain in 1976. Tarragona is a very historical city, capital of the Old Roman Empire in Spain. It is surrounded by the most beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean Coast. Students attending the program will have the opportunity of swimming in the Mediterranean every day, enjoying a wonderful sum mer while learning Spanish in Spain. All persons interested should write as soon as possible to: Dr. Arjibay Doreste, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. ice is vr limited. XGI Reporter X By Jom Jensen Welcome back for another term! The winter term will be a busy one for the fraternity. To start off the activities will be another KEGGARI! Yes, Saturday night, January 31, 1976 will be the date of the first XGI Keggar for the new year, featuring the group “Hurricane Alley”. Because of popular demand, hot dogs will again be available! Some other things to think about this term will be the frat dinner dance at the Yellow Breeches. Due to increased costs, the cost per couple will be $2O. So, if you can spare $2O for an evening of excellent food, wine, beer and dancing, sign up in the frat lounge and leave a deposit. Also, GPP’s Casino Night is in the plans again and the XGIs will again run the crap table and the poker tables. See Vince Johnson, chairman, if you can volunteer to help with the tables that night! Once again GPP is sponsering Casino Night in order to raise funds for the May 22, Spring Concert. XGl’s will again run the concession stand at the concert, so if you can help, please let it be known. Our winter term service project is once again a visit to the Coatesville VA Hospital. See Skip Gibson or Mike Bryant if you can help out or if you want to go along. Again this year we are looking for some entertainment to go along! There seems to be a misconception among the non-frat member veterans on this campus that the word “service” in the title “a service organization” means that we are people destined to go back to the service (military). Not so, the word “service” to us means the above mentioned Coatesville trip, the blood drive we sponser for the school each year, and providing the service of helping new Vets on campus get oriented and have a good time. Winter term is also the term in which the frat officers are replaced by some spry new juniors. So, if you’re interested in an office, let other members know it! On the sports scene, basketball started January 19 at the base gym. the XGI team needs some people and it’s not too late to get on the team. In bowling, The XGl’s are off to a slow start, but should pick up as the term progresses. Also a volleyball team is being formed and they need participants. Saturday, January 17, the frat went to a Hershey Bears hockey game. It was a real great time for all. Remember, next meeting is January 27, so let’s see the participation increase. A few of the culprits who did not attend the last meeting were Bill Lupton, Pat Panfile, etc. Ha Ha!! Now, for trivia-time, we have exciting news. The frat is purchasing a new coffee pot for the lounge since the old one bit the dust. Also, the last meeting was visited by two working gentlemen- Gid Wray and Phil Smith. Page 5
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