FEBRUARY 28, 1975 Reader Classifieds Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale 1970 Chevrolet Camaro automatic, mags much more. Excellent condition $1595. Brian 652-6715 FOR SA LE 1971 MG Midget, Dark Blue excellent condition $1550. Brian 652-6715 FOR SALE BSR Iteetrotergraphic stereo frequency equalizer. Has fire frequency ranges. Half a year old. Will sell for 550.00. Connects to any .amplifier with tape monitor. Call Pete at 944-0508 For sale, Mobil* home 12 X 80, 2 bedroom $5,800. Call Fred 652-1542, 1 mile from school. FOR SALE Electrophonic AM/FM Stereo, two air suspension speakers and tape deck. 100 watts, music power. Two years old and in very good condition. First offer with $lOO.OO takes all. Tom, 367-4979 Harmong Sovereign 12-String acoustic guitar. Ampegll two channel! amp with tremolo and echo chamber. Make offer Mamiya-Sekor 35 mm 500 model and case. $120.00 Also pre-set 135 mm lense $35.00. Craig 944-3971 Mercury '63 Power brakes, 2 new tires. Runs good. Ne gotiate price or just give me 1 / 4 lb. Mexican Check out. Cathi, 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Just inspected. Good running con dition. Radial tires air con ditioning. p.s. p.b. Radio $350.00. Call C.Wley 898-2366 after 4:00 weekdays Sony Stereo Receiver Model STR 6050 eighty watts rms has capacity for two tape decks. Turntable, Auxiliary very good condition. $l5O firm. This is a $3OO receiver also two column speakers six feet high each has four 15" coaxial speakers after 6 p.m. 233-1887 FOR SALE Must Sell! 1968 Suzuki 500 cc -Exc. Cond. - Engine re built - only 200 mi. - Best Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or W-138. PERSONAL Ride needed Saturday, Feb 22 to GRE testing center at Franklin and Marshall. Call Kathy 944-0053 Olson Revealed Hello friends, my name is Gary, and I write the Jimmy Olson stories. It was never intended that my identity remain secret, for all my friends know that I am the person behind Jimmy. Please don't be offended by the material in the stories. I never intentionally planned to cut-up any person or group. Perhaps I'm lust taking an absurd look at absurd situations. If we can't laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at? In the process, I must respect everyone's free will and philosophies--and you must recognize mine. But, if you call me "blasphemous", or say that my material is "trash", then by all means, SHOVE IT!!! Gary B. Mac chioni doesn't miss a trick. OUR COVER: Photo by rTrra--im.T9 SERVICES Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shotturned into a work of art? A unique poster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your choice of media. Rates relative to media and time con sumption - but Low! P.R.J. Smith, 73 Roop St., Highspire. 939-3040. SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. If interested call Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up and delivery I have a contact on campus. SERVICES 5-String Banjo Lessons. Scruggs-style, 3-finger Bluegr'ass. Old-time frail ing. Call Mark 944-0053 Weddings and portraits photographed by profession als. Also custom dark room work for photo essays & term projects. Color, B&W, and slides. Push processing. Pro fessional quality. Reasonable rates. See Market 833 A Nelson Services Radio T.V. Repairs. Black and White and color, tape players etc. All work is guarranteed for 90 days. Reasonable. Call John. House calls 944-2401. HOUSING lung and attractive female student desires male roommate to share apart ment. Applicants must be open minded to new ideas. Call Tanya at 944-7752. An equal opportunity roommate. Reward offered to person who finds a suitable apartment in M-town for stu dent and dog. Please lease message for Lisa Yaffe in W-110. Desperately needed; one roommate, Scranton Inn. Preferably Squirerly Squires, have nuts and inviting tree to roost in [present roommate will share]. Call Scranton Inn or Scratch on the door between 2 & 4 p.m. Hot lips Kapacs, Fuzz McGraw and Pollack. RIDERS WANTED To East Stroudsburg area. Leave every Friday from Capitol Campus between 3pm -spm. Return Sunday between 6pm-Bpm (via Route 78E, 22E to 33N). Call Al at 944-7076. by Gary B. Macchioni No more I I WATS Line? I C.C. READER The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should please feel free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the Student Affairs Office (W 105), filling them out and leaving them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of publication. Feb. 28 - 2:00 p.m. NOW Meeting - Location TBA. 6:30 p.m. Foreign Film "Bicycle Thief" - Free - Auditorium . ATGSB CLOSING DATE March 2 center March 3-7 - Student-Faculty Photo Exhibit - Gallery-Lounge March 3 - 3:00 P.M. - Social Committee Meeting - Middle Earth. Mar. 4 - (Tues.) 7:30 Planning Meeting of XP (Chi Rho), the Catholic Community on Campus at Seven Sorrows Rec. Hall, Race & Conewago Sts., Middletown. For ride or in- tate Civil Service Reps To Visit C.C. Harrisburg --- Representatives from the State Civil Service Com mission will be on campus at Penn State University, Capitol Campus, on Friday, March 7, 1975, to alert prospective graduates to civil service opportunities with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Staff from the Com mission's recruitment office will present a brief slide and-tape talk, "Effecting Responsive Government". Following the talk, in formation about current examination programs will be available. Questions about state job requirements, starting salaries, and employment opportunities will be an swered. Sessions will be held at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 am, and 1:00 pm. State civil service tests for govern ment careers in ad ministration, education, and natural science will be given at 2:00 pm. Applications will also be accepted for social services, administration, and museum and library positions. Students interested in state government op portunities may obtain further information about the State Civil Service Commission recruitment presentation at the college placement office. FEB. 28-MAR. 7 1:00 p.m. MASS - student A Cat's-eye View I found the following story (letter?) still in my typewriter one recent af ternoon on my return from school. Funny thing is, the only inhabitants of my house when I'm out are my three cats: I understand that you (and other cat owners) think you are indispensible to us, and if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have a place on this earth. Well, honey, let me tell you, you're way off base! There are only a few things that you really do for us, and they are way out of proportion with what we cats do for you. All you have to do is feed us, change our litter boxes, and take us to the doctor's when you think we're sick. And those few things, believe it or not, do keep us happy. On the other hand, it'll take a lot of space to detail what we hard working felines do for you spoiled humans. In order to keep you happy, we have to play with strings, attack things that aren't there, and do all sorts of other Silly things just so you can laugh and con stantly squeal "isn't that cute!" in our sensitive ears. When you're lonely or just want to do something with something, who is it you go and disturb out of a sound sleep? You guessed it us! You jolt us of our com fortable warmth and pick us up and start rubbing us and 'expecting us to purr. Have you ever tried purring when you're still half-asleep? It ain't easy, believe me. formation, call 9445677 or 944-933 ask for George or Sal. March 4 - 8:00 P.M. - BSU Meeting BCAC. 12 Noon - Sickle Cell Anemb Presentation - Film & Lecture - Dr . Cheston Berlin., March 6 - 6:30 P.M - Middle Earth March 7 - 6:30 P.M. - Alpha-Omega Players - "Where are You Going Hollis Jay" - Haitian Cuisine & Play - Dinner Theatre. Student w-meal tickets $1.05, others $2.50 - Student CF by I. Luv Katz PAGE - Head Shop Meeting Anyway, if we don't feel like purring, or can't clear our throats in time, vou think we hate you, or some other stupid thing like that. Then sometimes we'll find a bathroom that's more suitable to us than that gravel-pot you like us to use. When we use it, you get very unreasonable and use violence on our delicate bodies. I mean, really! We always take the trouble to cover it up, and yet you still get angry. I just don't un derstand why it upsets you so. Well, back to how we benefit you: You'd probably freeze to death on these cold winter nights without us to sleep with you and keep you warm. And where would you snap-shot photographers be without us to take pictures of? We always provide you with apt subjects. Like the time I was asleep in my food-bowl and you sneaked up to me with that awful bright I ight and woke me up. In times like these, I'm sure every cat would like to take a big chunk out of that human's hand. All I'm really trying to do is plead for a little un derstanding as well as love. Put yourself in our places. After all, we're always there when you need us. Well, you'll be home from school soon, and I wouldn't want to startle you by having you see me using your writing-machine. I'd hate to think of all the fuss you'd go thru.
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