JANUARY 17, 1975 Late Night Notes a decided change is in the air, an ominous snow storm blanketed the campus on the first night of classes. the dull campus landscape was transformed from its drab reddish brick and brown lawns, to a crystalized all enveloping whiteness. trees, telephone poles and cars were covered with snow. snowmen appeared in multitudes in the heights while later that evening, maurauding bands of snowball purists practiced their craft at any thing that moved. a confrontation between the heights and the dorms took place in the first true snowball battle of the new year. as quickly as the whiteness came-it disappeared leaving the campus a soggy reddish-brown once again. have you noticed, it's getting to be job time and where once long hair flourished-a respectable 9t05 is being cultivated. money is perhaps the most talked about subject aside from wondering when the records office would get last term's grades in the mail (a sign appeared one day last week proclaiming the magic day of 1 /6/75 as the day those thousands of pink slips found their way into the hands of the u.s. postal service.) by now, the reality of capitol has gotten to the juniors. it's really what you make it. if you can party all week long and can get by-fine, but winter term is usually the best term gradewise, as there aren't too many distractions from one's work. also, the winter term brings almost twenty weeks of solid classes-doesn't the university realize that a day off here and there would be beneficial to the mind as well as the body? almost deadline time, its become somewhat of a ritual now, a late night printing session followed by some breakfast at a diner...reading the moring paper while most people are asleep wondering how many others are up at this hour when things are quiet and easygoing capitol has many moods and when the sky starts to turn purple just as the sun is rising, it almost makes these regulation air force houses in the heights look beautiful.. driving back into the heights a pattern emerges in the various porch lights in the heights. what does one on and one off signify or how about the colored light bulbs in some of the light fixtures? the heights is an amalgam of lifestyles and perhaps it is one of the better aspects of this place we call capitol campus. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the students and faculty who served on the screening committee for the Student Activities Coordin ator. Mark Fey, Mary Ann Mitchell, Karen Pinder, Lisa Yaffe and Professors Mahar and Prager spent a considerable amount of time and energy in helping me screen candidates. Thank you -Jerry South Thu Capitol Campus Mosul'''. The C. C. Reader is published by the students of the Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., and is printed by the Middletown Press & Journal during the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. Opinions expressed by the editors and staff are not necessarily those of the University Administration, Faculty or Students. Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Associate 8. Photography Editor Business Manager Assistant Business Mgr Business Dept Sports Staff Photographer Layout SGA Correspondents Hot Lion Coordinator Graphics On-Campus Typesetter Advisor Faculty Advisor ... by f red prouser Thanks! Joe Minnici, Gene T. Eddy Romeo Trajanus, Ronnie Wer, Phyllis Schaeffer, P.R.J. Smith, Mike Mitchell Mark Feldman Doug a, Jim 8 Phyllis Mike McAllister, Russ Hogg Dave Nicholas Diane Cressler Eileen Hogg Jim Ferrier Dr. Betty Thorne Jim Bollinger Doug Gibboney Fred Prouser Kan Hession Steve Nonn Bob Pobiak AT DANTE'S? C.C. READER PEACE CORPS & VISTA REPS ON CAMPUS Hundreds of skilled VISTA Volunteers are put ting their special know ledge to work alleviating poverty in the United States while Peace Corps Volun teers work to help meet the human resource needs of almost 60 developing coun tries abroad. Their work is a as varied as the climate in those states and countries. These volunteers may be assigned to any one of over 500 jobs. But chances are they'll get a job requiring more than the usual blood, sweat, and occasional tears. In more and more cases, the job requires degrees in disciplines for which there was no recog nized need only a few years ago. Recruiting volunteers with skills in such fields as architecture and planning, health, home economics, and education is an exer cise in persuasion. No one doubts that anyone with those kinds of skills could get a good paying job. Still an increasing number of people are opting for Peace Corps and VISTA. One vol unteer put it this way: "I can put my skills to work immediately in places where my individual effort really does make the differ ence between the success and failure of a program. It's a tremendous respon sibility and an enormous challenge." For the person with special skills, service in VISTA or the Peace Corps seems to be a good way to spend a year or two gaining greater insight into people and their problems. Some volunteers say it changed their whole lives. Peace Corps /VISTA Rep resentatives will be on campus on JANUARY 20th and 21st, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Vendorville Area of the Main Building. All seniors are invited to talk to the representatives. Ode to Ode Ode to Ode Oh Ode, Ode, Ode Passion of life of love of words The Ode Phoebe Malone clocks and watches are instruments man uses to break down infinity to something he can understand DON'T CHA JUST HATE THE BATHROOM Letters To The Editor Dear Editor In regards to the continuing controversy over the McDonald's grease pit stories that are appearing in your publication I think it is high time your publication ceased it's inane mockery of the fine national institution. Every since the beginning of the year your publication has taken every opportunity to poke fun at these fine establishments and I think you ought to stop. We never had these problems with the "Capitolist". In grease we trust, Ronald Whomanidies Dept. Offers Experimental The Whomanidies department, in keeping up with the growing upsurge of intellectijalism in academia, has just unloaded a suprize package. Dr. Smitfed Garble decreed that,"only at Capitol Campus could such a socially advanced program be offered." Registration for these special courses will be between the hours of 5 and 6 am. "The totally unreasonable early hours for registration are to insure each of our highly competent and dedicated professors that only those students who are genuinely motivated will sign up for these classes." Such was the reasoning given by Mr. Clyde Crashcup, Dean of Registration. 1. WHOMANIDIES 00: Etiquette and the Infantry This course is open to all men and women of high integrity and good character. Through an intensive application of the Whomanidies, students will be qualified for various public relations positions in such cities as My Lai, Wounded Knee, and Hiroshima. The central theme of all lectures will be, "Killing With Kindness." Proper procedures in military saluting will most definitely be explored. 2. WHOMANIDIES 000; Whomanistic Perversion Work shop. (W.P.W.) is a lab where students, with the aid of Medievel pornographic literature and art, can gain a first hand experience in participating in fantasies of academic, social, and sexual perversion. The professor will periodic ally induce acute orgiastic states by proclaiming that everyone will receive an A. Prerequisites are Western Tradition I, 11, and 111. 3. WHOMANIDIES 0000; Neurotic Group Encounter. This course must be taken in conjunction with the "Perversion Workshop". Through the exploration of Paran oia, Schizophrenia, and various other neuroses, the student can discover how the media induces acute periods of nausea and comotose. By viewing several films of architectural lectures, and listening to Richard Nixon's Checkers Speech, the student will be able to progress into a state of total psychosis. Cannot be repeated for credit. If the University is so hard up for money, why do they use Charmin bathroom tissue in the Johns?? NEW HOURS FOR VENDORVILLE Monday - Thursday 7:15 AM- 7:30 PM Grill open until 7:30 PM Friday 7:ISAM -4:30 PM Grill open until 2:30 HAVE A NIGHT CLASS? WHY NOT STOP DOWN IN VENDORVILLE AND GET A REAL CUP OF COFFEE BEFORE CLASS. THESE NEW EXTENDED HOURS DE PEND ON YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. Housing and Food Service Courses by Jimmy Olson PAGE TWO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers