PAGE THREE READER CLASSIFIEDS Free Ad Forms Available In WllO For Sale 1971 Red Fiat 850 Con vertible. Best offer over $900.00. Call 561-0630 after 5 p.m. For Sale Harmony Elec. Guitar, tremlo bar w-case: Amp: 2- 15" speakers, 4 input tremlo foot pedal 70 Amps w-cover. Used twice. Best Offer over $l5O. Call Cath: After 3 p.m. - 944-0202. FOR SALE Must Sell! 1968. uzuki 500 cc - Exc. Cond. - Engine re built - only 200 mi. - Best Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or W-138. FOR SALE Golf Clubs Factory sale steel shafts, forged heads fully matched sets. 4 woods, 9 irons $125. Normal Retail $375-400. Can buy either woods or irons set $65 each. Top Quality see Bob Stumpf. Room 209 W MIT F 2nd period or Call 1-299-3294. For Sale Macrame plant hangers made to your choice of colors and lengths. Ray 944- 1205. Social meeting to be held Thursday, Jan. 23rd at the Student Center. The meet ing will start at 7:30 PM with FREE BEER and a short "educational" film. Minor business will also be discussed. "The Necessity of Atheism" is the subject to be discussed by Dr. Len Brewster at the first of the D.T.K. luncheon-discus sions, to be held Monday, Jan.2o, 4th period [12:15 - 1 :30] . All staff, faculty and students are invited to attend!! Bring a lunch!!! Personal Happy Birthday to all the January people - Bonnie, John Z., Joe, Sharon, Harpo, Sarge, John, Tom, Larry, and all the others. Thanks To all those who helped us with manning the UNICEF Christmas card table out side Vendorville. Eileen and Linda grace - get well quck CC Reader Dante's On My Mind The rain descended on the fast and slippery road as we retreated from history past-into the present tense of reality Boxes crammed full of the past wondering where the present turns into the past abruptly off 1-283 one and one-half miles from Salunga I recognize the image streaming through the windshield as my mind's eye absorbs the spectrum carefully storing the disparate components inherent in my vision as my subconscious snaps the shutter at one thousandth of a second, I am exactly 55 miles over the speed limit racing towards an unknown destination which cannot be comprehended, only imagined and later brought to fruition by an act of unquestioned obedience of sleep! 12 jan. '75 D. 0. Hill SERVICES—WiII type term papers and other material. Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. If interested call Mrs. Beaver at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up and delivery I have a contact on campus. MUSICIANS: Away from your group while going to college? Want to get together this year and jam? Russ 944-1986. Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shatturned into a work of art? A unique poster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your choice of media. Rates relative to media and time con sumption - but Low! P.R.J. Smith, 73 Roop St., Highspire. 939-3040. ServiCes Typing done in my Mid dletown home. IBM slectric machine. Fast accurate service. Reasonable rates. 944-0943. Manuscripts, Thesis publications ac cepted. Mrs. Jerome P. Fatcheric, 1001 N. Spring St. Apt. P-3, Middletown, Pa. To all the hardy souls who showed up for the Square Dance Monday night at the Student Center, it proves that you can have a good time at Capitol sometimes without drinking. Try it, you just might like it. Roomate Wanted (Female) Private Room, 5 minutes from school, $66.75 mo. everything included. Call 944-1997. Housing Medical student and small family looking for apt. or house to sublet or exchange with their Phila. (vicinity) home from 6-15-75 until 8-15- 75. Call Mike Stadium, 215- F L 2-1150. For Sale 1967 Chevy II Nova, 4 Door, Standard Shift, Power Steering, 1-owner, very economical. Call 761-1651. Activities: ATTENTION CHESS CLUB MEMBERS All interested members wanting to play in com petition with H.A.C.C. on January 19th, Sunday, sign up in the chess room. Don't forget about meeting dates Tuesday and Wednesday, 12:15 in Chess Club Room - V.P. Polock. C.C. READER The Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the Capitol Campus community informed of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus: Everyone should please feel free to use this service by obtaining the entry cards in the Student Affairs Office (W 105), filling them out and leaving them there. Deadline is Friday, Noon, week prior to date of publication. Jan. 17 - Foreign Film Series- "World of APU"- 6:30 PM, Auditorium - FREE. Jan. 17 - "Kuumba Weusi Troup" of Brooklyn, N.Y., presented by BSU & Cultural Committee - Free Student Center - 7 PM. Jan. 17 - HACC - Movie- Mad Woman or Chaillot - College Center - Rm. 107 - FREE. Jan. 18 - XGI Keggar - Middletown Hunter's & Anglers Club - 9 PM-1 AM - Music by Amberjack. Jan. 19 - MASS -1 PM - Student Center. Jan. 20 - DTK Luncheon - 12:15 PM - Discussion by Dr. L. Brewster - Gallery- Lounge. Jan. 20 - Basketball: Capitol vs. Stevens Trade School - Lancaster, Pa. 7:00 PM. Jan. 21 - Chess Club - Gallery-Lounge - NOON. Jan. 21 - Aviation Club Meeting - 7:00 PM - E 224. In December, PROFESSOR DUANE R. SMITH was selected as the Chief Examiner for the Corn monwealth of Pennsylvania for the Federal Licensing Examinations (FLEX) for the Pennsylvania State Board of Medical Education and Licensure. The examinations were held at the Penn Harris Motor Inn, Camp Hill, Pa. on December 3,4, 5, 1974. Three hundred thirty-three candidates took the examinations. Also in December, PROFESSOR SMITH was selected as a member of the Program Committee for the Association of Teacher Educators (A.T.E.) for the National Convention in 1976 at St. Louis, Missouri. JAMES R. HUDSON attended a meeting of the Conference on Social Sciences in Health in New York City on December 13th. Capitol Campus Chapter of AAUP has elected the following officers for 1975-75 President: ROBERT GRAHAM Vice Pres.: JACOB SUSSKIND Secretary- Treasurer: LLOYD WOODRUFF SABIR DAHIR attended the 15th Annual Paving Conference sponsored by the Pennsylvania Asphalt Pavement Association. It was held at the Harrisburg Host Inn, December 11-13- 1974. DR. ELMER N. LEAR served as field coordinator of "A Follow-Up Study of Former Patients of the Harrisburg State Hospital". The study concentrated primarily upon the level of function of these former patients in providing for their own needs. The report carries an October 1974 date and is released by Kramer Associates Inc. of Washington, D.C. The report can be found in our library in the Medicine section of the book collection. DR. ROY ALLISON AND DR. DUANE SMITH have had an article abstracted for publication in a future issue of Research in Education. The title of the article is "Improving Pre-service Teachers' Attitudes Toward Science". DR. ROY ALLISON was installed as a member of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association during their meeting held at the Dutch Pantry in Harrisburg on Saturday, December 7, 1974. In the December INTELLECT, PROFESSOR ROBERT J. BRESLER has an article on "The Dilemma of the Democrats", and PROFESSOR RICHARD H. H EIN DEL has one on "Should We Bother About World Opinions?" Both are editors respectively of the sectipns on National Affairs and International Affairs. The most recent speakers on "Perspectives" -- the Capitol Campus Interview Program -- have been PAM WEV, speaking about women in Regional Planning, ALVIN AARON's topic was Health Administration and ROBERT J. BROWN, speaking about "gold". The 5-minute interviews are presented on WZIX-York JANUARY 17-25 Jan. 21 - "Jaime Brockett In Concert" - sponsored by Social Committee & friends - 8:00 PM - Student Center - Admission - Students $2. Jan. 21 - XGI Meeting - Tilton Hilton - 9 PM. Jan. 22 - Chess Club, Gallery Lounge - NOON. Jan. 22 - Basketball - Capitol vs. Susquehanna Univ., at Selinsgrove, Pa. 6:00 PM. Jan. 22 - MHBOG Meeting - Middle Earth. Jan. 22 - lEEE Meeting - Student Center - 7:30 PM. Jan. 22 - Photo Club Meeting - Middle Earth - 8:30 PM. Jan. 23 - SGA Meeting - 7:00 PM Jan. 24 - HACC - Double Feature Movie - "Dumbo" & "Melody Times" - College Center - 7:00 PM. FREE. Jan. 25 - Basketball - Capitol vs. Spring Garden College at Chestnut Hill, Pa. - 8:00 PM. FACULTY-STAFF r 1 ATTENTION Bth TERM STUDENTS THE RESULTS OF TH E INTEREST TESTS YOU TOOK I 1 DURING ORIENTATIO FAL Y L O T U ERIICARE IN NOW. IF i YOU WOULD LIKE TO H AVEYOUR TEST R RESULTS,STop THE COUNSELIN A G4 IN L ,OR CALL7B7- I 7757 TO I4 f - 11 ARRANGE FOR AN ENT. [WE'LL I I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU.] L 1._.....1..1 JANUARY 17 1975
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