4;;;;;RmggmmmggßammigßAßA;;;;kgmmgmgmgcmomag&a6c Doctors study America's 'male chauvinist Yule' By TRUDY MORRISON Copley News Service The double standard is alive and thriving in toys made for children over 2 years old. Un til 2, boys and girls generally have "neutral" toys such as stuffed animals, rattles, blocks and various "educa tional" toys. However, paths diverge at around 2. In 1972 two Yale University psychologists ex plored the sex-typing of chil dren's toys and how society uses toys to condition children to sex roles. Childhood is a period of ex perimentation and "let's pre tend." While gender identity is essential for a healthy child, it should be entirely flexible and subject to person al choice. The psychologists made three major findings: 1) "Masculine" toys are more varied and expensive, and are viewed as relatively complex, active and social; 2) "Neutral" toys are viewed as most creative and educational, with this group of toys including the most intri cate items; 3) "Feminine" toys are seen as most simple, passive and solitary. They also found that most adults define "traditional toys" according to the social norms for each sex. And while children are encouraged to share their toys, if a little boy wants to play with his sister's doll mother is more likely to MTW I UUg Like the warmth of the winter sun, She came into my cold world Making things warmer. And as never before, Spring floated to us And time began speeding up. Spinning and spinning, We opened our eyes, And I cried To the summer half over. A glass through damp fingers, I reached, but too late To postpone the fall. Into carpets of colors The leaves are now fallen, Leading me back to winter Now things have stopped spinning Stopped floating, They're leaves on the ground But to see my own breath again, To have opened my eyes again, To have loved And have been loved is Making things warmer PHILADELPHIA PATTERNS photo- f.s.p. hand him a truck than to ask sister to share. Adults spend more time se lecting toys for boys ( there's a wider range to choose from) and they give boys more toys. In a survey of 42 boys and girls, 73 per cent of the boys' gifts were toys while only 57 per cent of the girls' gifts were toys. (Girls receive clothes, jewelry, money and furniture more often than boys). Three out of every four chemistry sets the research ers saw advertised pictured only boys on the box. The re maining 25 per cent pictured boys and girls. None pictured girls alone. In 30 hours of Christmas time observation in a toy de partment, no field worker re ported a single scientific toy bought for a girl. Craft kits and art supplies are advertised with pictures of both sexes or with girls only, but rarely with boys alone (with the exception of a few like metal craft sets). Building blocks show both sexes, but complex Erector set toys, which "teach a wide range of engineering princi ples" were exclusively marked for boys. In catalogue pictures illus trating the use of toys and games, the father is often seen in the role of "instruc tor" or "play companion" while the mother is placed in the role of "spectator." Most toys are sexually by ken silverstein anonymous. It's only the way they are presented to the child that reflects stereotypes and causes them to be perpetu ated. Children should be exposed to many variations of sex roles, psychiatrists say. A lit tle girl shouldn't be made to feel guilty about aspiring to become a fashion model if that's what she dreams of but she should know that it's just as possible for her to grow up to become a chemist if she wants to. Role-playing for boys must be equally experimental and anxiety-free. If a boy is ashamed because he wants to play with a doll, the boy will learn not manliness but fear of being considered un manly. Toys shouldn't insult, offend or exclude one sex by infer ence or omission. Toys shouldn't be bought "for girls" that teach hyprocrisy; narcissism and limited as pirations. Toys for boys shouldn't promote militaristic values and a must-win atti tude. When selecting toys for children, run through a checklist: is it safe, made to last, respectful of the child's intellect and creativity, non racist, moral in terms of the values it engenders, and non sexist? If it passes on these criteria, keep in mind one final factor: toys are most prized and best loved if they have one simple quality: fun. Holly is red, yellow is beer; Have a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year Classic Eggnog Beat separately yolks and whites of 6 eggs. Add 1/2 cup sugar to yolks. Beat whites very stiff, add 1/2 cup sugar. Mix whites with yolks. Stir lti pint cream, pint milk. Add pint Four Roses, 1 oz. Myers Jamaica Rum. Stir thoroughly. Serve cold with grated nutmeg. Makes five pints, or 20 4 oz. servings. Your time is valuable. You can make it more val uable by studying in a doner chair at Sera-Tec. The 90 minutes you spend at your dorm or apartment could be spent making a donation of plasma that can earn from $6O to $220 per month. The contour chairs are comfortable, the lighting is excellent, the "work" is effortless and the lives you save are irreplacable. Hours: Mon.-Thur. 9am 6pm PLASMA FRACTIONS FOR QUALITY BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS P E el'W 2iLocE ask me when I am. a purpose without need or direction. kissing the stars with my feet on the ground. understand what's inside -- in the blink of an eye perceiving you, absorbing all its entities... if you're chasing endless winds, you have some kind of memory. remember what the super man said? feed your head! rambling is for free just filler-up its so easy a one and a two and a three... why? because —. VN~' Gary B. Macchioni ininiginginißM Sitting, breathing Sitting in the land of the midnight sun Breathing in the air breathed by every- Thinking of my life in the shadow of the gun Knowing that I live just to have some fun But, listen, I hear the sound never heard, Look, I see events never stirred And still, I believe this life has occurred --RT Running in this place of the endless night Looking for ways to see a little light Finding that I may just have to fight Fearing to Zose is my deepest plight But, listen, I hear the sound never heard, Look, I see, events never stirred, And I stiZZ believe our lives have occurred. Festive Fare: Eggnog, Hot Toddy Hot Toddy Dissolve a lump of sugar with a splash of hot water in a 6 oz. mug. Add lemon slice studded with 2 cloves, cinnamon stick, 2 oz. 7 Crown. Fill with steaming hot water. Hot Buttered Rum Jamaica Into a mug or thick tall glass, pour: VA oz. Myers' Jamaica Rum dash of Angostura bitters ea* *aa Vaal ?lied few dae gaital WON'T YOU LEND an ARM? For Details Call: 232-1901 Sam 3pm Sera-Tec iisielicals 260 REILY STREET HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 -Romeo Trajanus tsp. of sugar, or maple syrup tsp. of butter 3 or 4 cloves Leaving spoon in mug, or glass, fill with boiling water. Stir with spoon, and allow to steep for a few moments.
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