DECEMBER 13, 1974 ininougnouncinigincr.omongoologolognounignincomongolingsgonnounougoactgraggrarnrterargo Letters To The Editor You deserve a name today In reply to the article "An American Tragedy: Your Kind Of * Place" I sincerely have to say that whoever wrote this article has a very poor concept of the situation. As a former employee of McDonald's of several years standing I feel that I can speak with a little more authority on the situation. Being an older employee there were many nights when I worked until closing time at 12 midnight or 1 AM. As such I was constantly exposed to the flow of hordes of teen agers, some of which were will behaved, others so repulsive as to make you want to take a shot at them yourself. On one occasion after a football game we almost has a small riot due to those dear teenagers the author so lovingly descri bes. It was due to the fact that a security guard was on the scene with a shock prod that a disaster was averted. You probably don't realize that McDonald's has to pay for the services of the guard out of their own money, since local com munities are not and cannot provide adequate service to stores in the form of police protection. The real American tragedy is not the guards at "Your Kind Of Place", but the teenagers that create the need for their being there in the first place. As for the fact of them worrying about losing a little bit of money because a window person forgot to say thank-you that's a lot of nonsense. I never received a large salary from McDonald's, but everyone on the crew as well as the management cared enough to give the customers the best possi ble food with the most efficient, kind, and courte ous service possible. Their motto is QSC* which stands for QUALITY, SERVICE, and CLEANLI NESS. I for one am glad to see that they feel sincerely enough about it to back that up with a guarantee. If McDonald's isn't "Your Kind Of 'Place" then I'd like to know what the hell is!!!! Fred Flury . ~.., ..)) 1 1 1 1 ...IF .- * ' 1 . 41k,.' * * *1 s * USED BOOK EXCHANGE Sponsored by the S.G.A. Books will be collected between- Dec. 12 & Dec. 18 in Room W- 129 Books will be resold- Jan. 6 to Jan. 17 FOR FURTHER INFO VISIT THE S.G.A. OFFICE - W-110 ~ .....1 11 ,1r._ 4iiklt .* * * * * * No more junk mail! To Whom It May Concern: I honestly believed that, after having moved away froffe home for awhile to attend graduate school, I would be spared, at least temporarily, from the ava lanche of junk mail that constantly seems to be stuffing mailboxes. But here, at Capitol Campus, junk mail has found a new receptacle --namely, the windshields of unsuspec ting automobiles. I refer specifically to the propa ganda "bulletin" distribu ted by the Primrose Dream Ovenware Co. First of all, these "bulletins" will prob ably be seen littering campus grounds for the next few weeks. Are the people responsible for dis tributing this material will ing to clean up the eventual mess? Secondly, I thought that soliciting was illegal on this campus. Where was our usually diligent security force if this illegal activity had gone on unnoticed? (Probably too busy looking at car bump ers for parking stickers, never even noticing wind shields). Thirdly, if this solicitation received clear ance from someone in administration, why weren't the students con sulted about their feelings prior to this occurrence? I, personally, resent the fact that a commercial firm be allowed to make use of a captive audience, in a sense, in attempt to peddle their wares. I just can't help but think back to what happened to the money changers in the temple in the New Testament story... Signed, Dennis C. Walczyk ••••••••••••••••••• Dear Editor, That article about Agamemnon was disgust ing! Why do you print that kind of crappola? Isn't there enough good stuff going on on campus? Why do you guys always print the bad? I mean really. Forget it!Cancel my sub scription! r.z.tion Fager , s Market 301 N. Union Street for your -,, • grocery nee ds 944-4321 4 r.: C.C. READER Student health services on campus spotlighted feeling rundown, think you've got a touch of the flu, well you can find help at the University's Health Services located in W-102 right across from the Records office. Two Registered Nurses are resently on staff to me student's health needs from 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. Mrs. Jean Kresge is in charge of the daylight shift Monday through Friday while Mrs. Bonnie Petro sino takes the night watch on Capitol's health care Sunday through Thursday. A Clinic is scheduled each Tuesday and Friday from 10 to 11 A.M. Dr. Donald Conrad can be seen at this time by making an appointment through Mrs. Kresge or Mrs. Petrosino. Free outpatient care is available to all part-time, full-time and graduate stu dents regardless of wheth er residing on or off campus. Medical facilities include an examination room, three cot rooms, a waiting room as well as private toilet facilities. A varied program of services are offered by the University's Health Services which include athletic team physicals, food handlers physicals as well as specialized treat ment related to academic programs such as iplec tions for engineering majors and Tine tests for educa tion majors. Health educa tion and first aid instruc tion is also provided to all Resident Assistants on campus. Satellite care is provided to special events on cam pus such as the Spring Music Festival as well as emergency care to students unable to come to the Health Services Suite to be examined. In addition, assistance in setting up a family health care service with the Hershey Medical Center can be arranged for depen dents of married students living on campus. So next time you hurt, ache or are in pain, stop by the Health Service in WlO2, Mrs. Kresge or Mrs. Petrosino will get you back in shape in time for your next class. VOSHA The Penn State-Capi tol Campus will conduct a Voluntary Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Compliance Course starting in the Winter Term, January 1975. The class will meet two hours every Wednesday evening,at 7 p.m. beginn ing January 22, at Penn State-Capitol Campus in Middletown. The course will last 10 weeks. The Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 WZAP AM's Love Radio If you got the radio, we got the station - WZAP - your own campus radio station. Tune us in: 640 in the dorms and 1520 in the Heights. 1. Kung Fu Fighting - Cart Douglas 2. You ain't Seen Nothing Yet - BTO 3. Longfellow Serenade - Neil Diamond 4. What Ever Get You Thru the Night - John Lennon 5. Nobody - Doobie Brothers 6. Bungle in the Jungle - Jethro Tull 7. I've got the Music in Me - Kiki Dee 8. Carefree Highway - Gordon Lightfoot 9. The heart Break Kid -BO Donoldson and The Heywoods 10. Ain't to Proud to Beg - The Rolling Stones 11. Wishing You Were Hers - Chicago 12. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds - Elton John 13. Glitter Queen - Hydra 14. Tin Man - America 15. Must of Got Lost - J Geils Band 1. Elton John - Greatest Hits 2. The Rolling Stones - It's only Rock and Roll 3. BTO - Not Fragile 4. John Lennon - Walls and Bridges 5. Jethro Tull - War Child 6. Neil Diamond - Serenade 7. Jim Croce - Photographs and Memories - His Greatest Hits 8. David Bowie - Live at the Tower, Phila. 9. Loggins and Messina - Mother Lode 10. John Denver - Back Home Again 11. Ohio Players - Fire 12. Jackson Browne - Late for the Sky XFI REPORTER Well folks, this is it! The last issue of the C.C. Reader for this term and also the last column that I will be writing. I will be back in the Spring term, but first I'm going out to do a little accounting work next term. I hope to have someone fill in foi me and continue the column, so don't stop reading. December 7, Olmsted Base Gym was the scene of a special basketball game between the nurses of Harrisburg Hospital and the XGI Fraternity. The score will be posted for interested parties in the XGI Lounge. On December 14 the XGI Fraternity will attend the Hershey Bear vs. New Haven hockey game. Game time is 8 P.M. Thirty tickets have been purchased and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must sign up in the XGI Lounge ASAP. Dateline -- Dallas, Texas - Members of the XGI Fraternity will "turck" their way to the Cotton Bowl and back through "Coors" country. I know the "crew" which is going will be able to account for all the plays and action of the game???? Just ask them when they return!! if they return.. I have my doubts since the truck space has already been accounted for, all for "Coors". LUCKY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. It sure will be for four people holding XGI Raffle tickets. That's the day of the big drawing. The drawing will be held at the roundtable at ap proximately 9 A.M. Winners will be posted throughout the school and dorms. Good Luck to all of You, and to me also, of course. The next XGI meeting will be held January 7, 1975. If you would like to join the fraternity, this is your golden opportunity. Meeting time is 9 P.M. at the famous TILTIN'-HILTON Hotel. Yes, it is that time of the year. Christmas decorations have been spotted in Vendorville, the Records Office, and even Student Af fairs has taken on a new look. It won't be long now. Therefore, on behalf of the XGI FRATERNITY, may I wish all of -you, the students, the faculty, and the administration of Capitol Campus the Merriest Christmas ever and a Very Prosperous and Happy New Year! starting requires employers to as sure safe and healthful working conditions for employees. However, the U.S. Department of Labor during a recent 12-month period found only 31 percent of 31,379 estab lishments checked to be in compliance with job safety standards. George E. Bell, assistant director for continuing ed ucation at Penn State- Capitol Campus, said the course, which is offered free of charge, will cover a PAGE FOUR TOP 15 SINGLES TOP 12 ALBUMS at C.C. variety of topics: introduc tion and overview of the Act, rights and responsi bilities of employers, spe cial industries, personal protective equipment, and occupational health. The course is a continu ing education service of Penn State's College of Engineering and is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. - Mr. Bell emphasized that advanced registration is mandatory and that enroll ments will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. XGI Reporter, Al the Dutchman
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