Can you Spare A Moment? The 197475 C.C. Reader will be under my (Jim Bollinger's) direction and editorship. Projecting ahead to next year. we (what's left of the Reader staff) find that we have only three people (including myself) on a staff which will require a great many more students. So, I am here to plead with you to lend us a hand (or pen. if you will). If you're a junior, or if you'll be attending Capitol next academic year, and you have an interest in writing, typing, reading. advertising, taking pictures, or any number of things that may be useful to us, we can use you on next year's C.C. Reader staff. We will need reporters, including editors, photographers, a stall for our Business manager, typists, and proffreaders in order to get this paper off the ground next year. We plan to go weekly next yearandto add a number of very worthwhile features to make this a very worthwhile paper. For this reason, we will need an abundance of everything, and you'll probably be able to dictate your position preference to us. For example, if you like sports, you have an excellent chance to become Sports Editor. You don't have to be an Edgar Poe or Bill Shakespeare to make it on our staff, and if you are, you'll be our first one. And remember, the benefits of working for the Reader are many and varied: you will have the opportunity of getting into sporting events and other events (like the Impeachment Demonstration in April) at our expense; you get to see your name in print, which should help any deflated egos; we're working on arranging course credits for working on the paper, or some other kind of compensation; and, besides, it looks good on your record. So keep your eyes peeled for posters and other types of announcements heralding our first organizational meeting for next year sometime this month. All are invited to attend so please come and help us while sharpening your own skills. I'll be hoping to see you there. A Modest Proposal To solve the problem of apathy All students will be required to play the pinball machines. Any student who makes a score ofl,oooor more will not be considered apathetic. Those students whose scores fall below 1000 are to be categorized as apathetic; and I will solve their problem later in the paper. The scores below 1000 were considered apathetic because they were not worried about achieving a high score. You say that you don't play pinball -- then you're apathetic. Learn buddy. As most people realize, students are not the only unconcerned ones at Capitol, we also have administrative woes. So, all in the genre of administration will be required to wear sneakers on any day it rains. Students should have no difficulty in keeping track of their administrators. Adidas will not be necessary! You say it will cause athlete's foot -- well at least you'll have something. Teachers will dress in a fashion that identifies with their subject matter. For example, those who teach chemistry will look like test tubes. All engineering teachers will wear railroad hats, business profs will have suits made from green paper and presidential faces, while social science will look like fruits. History teachers could dress up as any famouse or infamous hero ( such as Paul Revere or Adolph Hitler.) Math teachers would be appropriately styled in square root uniforms ( I don't like cubes.) The lit profs could garnish themselves with green moss and fl wer petals. Again anyone not going along with the proposals would be considered apathetic. One million plastic yellow smiles will be pasted on the walls surrounding the college. That should take away all the gloom and give Capitol a friendly atmosphere. Nonconformance by any member of the college,whether it be administration, faculty, or student will be dealt in the following way ( and I'm not talking about a deck of cards.) All of the so called "apathetic" will be forced to wear a square block around their head down to their shoulders, a cumbersome device at least. The removal of the block would initiate immediate expulsion from the campus. Security will enforce this regulation, after all, they are level-headed people. So once and for all the problem of apathy will not reign at Capitol (that's a hint for the administraion to wear their sneakers). And the students will no longer be flipped out about the apathy situation (that should ring a bell), while the teachers look out for their own (suits, that is). MAY 23 for MAY 30th issue Page 2 Hey, Person or some such shit MEE by Joseph Minnici EZZI:I Deadline Date C.C. READER Dear Editor In regards to John B. Langdon's article concerning the exclusion of Capitol Campus from the PR mag, "Penn Staters on the Move," I can only draw this analogy: How many people advertise the fact that they shit? However, I thought his was a very good article. Congratulations also to Doug Gibboney on his reporting of the Impeachment demonstration. Sincerely, Romeo Trajanus EZZEI Graduation Graduation is coming soon and it is very fitting that after two years of being screwed at this place, we end up getting screwed at graduation. It's really considerate to have commencement at 11 o'clock in the morning. Maybe the graduates will be awake in time to be there. But I really feel sorry for the students whose parents have to come from Phila. or Pittsburgh and will have to wake up in the middle of the night to attend their son's and daughter's graduation. Thanks, I'm sure they will really appreciate it. I feel bad inviting them. Why not 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. if it rains? A discusted June Graduate MEM Here's my suggestion about the smoking situation at Capitol! As a non-smoker, / know how annoying cigarette smoke can be, but as a previous smoker (4 years ago) I also know how enjoyable a "smoke" can be in a classroom lecture, or a test-taking situation. So, here is my suggestion - The smokers can sit in the back of the room and non-smokers in the front They're doing it in buses and airplanes, and they also have separate smoking cars on trains. So, let's try it for next term. Post signs in the rooms and provide more ash trays in the back of the room. Peggy Grimm IXEEI J.P. Reilly! Who The Hell Are You? What? Who? When? Why? J.P. Reily, this is my initial reaction. I hate to disagree with your article, because it's hard to dispute "spoon fed fiction." The so called "concerned students" you refer to are at least honest, brave, and truthful by letting everyone know who they are. That's more than I can sly for you (whoever you are). Please forgive me if I'm wrong in 4MI....•.*MMiPOM.FINMENNEM.4 EDET and MDET Attention, EDET and MDET Juniors! $750 Scholarship for the 1974.75 School year from the Alcoa Foundation. Apply now in Room W 262. Deadline for accepting applications is May 20, 1974. For further information contact D. Miller, W 262; G. Bulman, W 252; or R. Letters thinking "J P. Reily" is a pen name on an Editorial, or another one of "Security Operations" nefarious schemes, for no one seems to know who you are, although we know too well what you stand for. In further reference to your article (C.C. READER, May 2nd), specifically the conclusion: what is wrong with the minority influencing the majority? In Robert's Rules of Order there are specific rules allowing the minority to substitute for the majority. You talk about poor planning and organization; look at yourself! Also, you speak about the truth, but are so ambiguous in your article. Please attend • the next S.G.A. meeting. At least there you could "stand up as one of our chiefs" and "fiil'ut• in on the facts." ED. NOTE: WHO ARE YOU? IXIEEI In answer to JP Reily "He who seeks to regulate everything by law is more likely to arouse vices than to reform them." IMEXII The majority of students I've talked to want the Student Security Force and J. Paul out. Are the Administration and Staff deaf? Or do they think the students will sit still for them to tell us what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and where to do it? I can only say the problems are not created by the students but schemed up by the administration. Therefore, why don't they weed out their own problems from within? (i.e., I've not seen a student hand book being distributed that concerns' the "rules and policies" for the administration, faculty, or staff). There's nothing left to say, except that the time is now for students to increase their demands for the respect they deserve, and a healthier and freer educational atmosphere to grow in. by John P. Swalligan ** * * The Capitol Campus Reader The C.C. Reader is published by the students of the Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., and is printed by the West Shore Times during the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. Opinions expressed by the editors and staff are not necessarily those of the University Administration, Faculty or Students. Editor . Frank DeSantis Staff Jim Bollinger, Doug Gibboney Pred Prouser, John Langdon, Romeo Trajanus May 16, 1974 THANK You I would like totake this opportunity to thank everyone for the great cooperation in making the Rite's of Spring a success. I would like to thank The Residence Living Program for donating the box lunches and lemonade. Also, the S.G.A., Ski Club, Social Committee, Young Democrats, Human Awareness, C.C. Reader, WZAP, and I.T.E. for donating the beer. I'd also like to thank Bob Galagher, Roy Smith, Ed Walanbach, The New Jazz Quartet, Matrix and Darling Victim for playing the great music which we had to entertain Last but not least, I sincerely thank all the people who helped make the T-shirts and posters, the people who set us and worked the sound system, the people who made and served the box lunches and all the peopk, who helped serve the beer. Also, thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed themselves. You are the ones who really helped make this a success. HAPPY SPRING! Spinoza Traffic Would you want to be responsible for the injury and/or death of a small child? I should hope not! Recently, a small child rode her tricyle out in front of a moving vehicle in the heights Luckily the car she darted in front of was that of the Security Police. Traveling within the posted speed limit the car was able to stop in time to avoid a mishap. If It had been your car, could you have stopped or would you be the one to have to explain to the child's parents that "It was an ACCIDENT" THINK ABOUT IT!!! Rich Cimoch Soc. M.H.B. of G. "Chaitman Rite's of Spring Committee ** * * Reminder Courtesy of S.G. A. in cooperation with Security . IZZI3
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