Reader Spotlights GAUDENZIA On Sunday, May 19th Gaudenzia House, the drug rehabilitation center will be sponsoring its' First Annual Spring Fair. The Fair will be held at the Harrisburg Police Picnic Grounds on Linglestown Road beginning at 11:00 a.m. A portion of the proceeds from the event will go towards expansion of Gaudenzia's programs here in the Central Pennsylvania area. At the present time, Gaudenzia operates a full time residential facility at the intersection of Route 22 and Route 743 near Grantville, a drop•in day care center at 1301 Howard Street in Harrisburg, and also conducts groups encounter sessions for inmates at the Dauphin county Prison. Gaudenzia has been in existence in the Central Pennsylvania area for over three years and its' programs are geared towards helping people with a drug problem or other related social problems. Currently there are over thirty people receiving assistance for their problems from the various Gaudenzia programs in this area. The Spring Fair will be Gaudenzia's first major effort to present itself to the community in a manner not accosicated with either drug or alcohol abuse. The day is filled from beginning to end with activities that the entire family can enjoy. There will be an exhibit of attack dog training and obedience work provided by the Companion Dog Academy of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, a Karate demonstration, rides for children and teenagers, arts and crafts booths, local rock bands, the Watusi's and the Ebonites, games in which to win many prizes, a mini-flea market, a fortune telling booth, and many, many door prices to be given throughout the day. Of course, there will also be lots of food for everyone. MINIM TBll A guided tour of picturesque Harrisburg is being conducted by Dr. Irwin Richman, Social Science, and Professor Ambrose Klain, Regional Planning. Dr. Richman will guide the participants • through the landmarks of Harrisburg and Professor Klain will relate to urban issues. The date is Saturday, June 1, 1974. The group will meet at 9 a.m. at the corner of Second Street and Holiday Inn Town, downtown Harrisburg. The tour should be completed by 11:30 a. M. Ample parking is available, free of charge, on the City Island. (enter the Island via the Market Street Bridge) Plan to attend a lunch after the tour. Bring you family and friends, there is no cost, it's free. For more information contact John Stiehler, 8198 Weaver Avenue, Middletown, 944-0843. !XXXI Page 3 Since we have been elected we have learned to be bureaucrats channeling most of our energy away from critical issues. It's like learning a new game; you have to know the rules before you can play it. We are still in the process of clumsily mastering these "rules" and have come to the conclusion that some twenty odd people cannot run the Student Government Association if it is to be an effective force. You are the government. There is no "they" existing on this campus as in "they should do this" and "they should do that." We are in need of people, good people, people oriented people who can dig on putting us (the students) where we rightfully belong. There are ten standing student committees which collectively could put this entire campus on a check and balance system and all students could be aware of current critical situations. Feasible? Yes! There is also government committment to form ad hoc (temporary) committees to research and keep in check, issues that arise which are not covered by the standing committes. Are all these committees really necessary? Do you know of our (Capitol Campus) contracts with the Army WAR College? Do you know that students have no control over the Student Security Force? There are also ten faculty organizational committes of which we are a part and through which we can gain direct access regarding pressing problems and publicize decisions made by these committees. Think you might be interested? Look over the following list and decide what you are interested in. We need you. Election/Screening Committee Six students. Four members shall be Seniors and two shall be Juniors. The President of the Student Government Association may designate an additonal member. The Chairman shall be as Senior Senator. The Election/Screening Committee shall review all candidates for all general and special elections and committee selections; verify the authenticity of all candidates for office and membership on committees; shall conduct the electorial process; tabulate its results; and issue notices of results of elections to the student body within one day after the closing of the polls. The Election/Screening committee shall also serve as a screening committee for vacancies within the Senate; and membership to the Student Court (Standards Board) and Appeals and Hearing Board; and for the appointment of an advisor. All references to the screening committee or the court screening committee will be referred to this committee. It shall also formulate guidelines and procedures for the conduct of election campaigns. Public Relations Committee Seven students. Four members shall be Seniors and three shall be Juniors. At least one member shall be a Senator. The President of the Student Government Association may designate an additional member. The Public Relations Committee shall: 1. keep the entire student association informed of the activities of the Student Senate through all media available. 2. inform the entire student association of all social, athletic or academic events that will take place on the campus or off the campus under the sponsorship of the student association. 3. keep a continuous record of response to all student activities for the purposes of future planning. 4. maintain continuing contact with other colleges. 5. make recommendations to the Student Senate for student participation in conferences, workshops or seminars to be held at other institutions involving college students. 6. shall assist the President's Council in the coordination of publicity between the chartered organizations on campus and the SGA. Social Affairs Committee Four voting (student policy group) members. The President of the Student Government Association may designate an additional voting member. There shall be no limit on the membership of non-voting members. The Social Affairs Committee shall: 1. prepare an annual social calendar for the forthcoming academic year with the aid of the President's Council to be presented to the Student' Senate four calendar weeks prior to the date of commencement. . 2. coordinate and recommend to the Student Senate all co-curricular activities that are to be held on a campus-wide scale. 3. manage all social events sponsored by the student government and to coordinate events sponsored by recognized campus organizations. 4. present to the Senate for majority approval all expenditures at least one week prior to said expenditure. 5. make an annual survey in the spring of each year to identify the interests of the members of the student association in regard to the inauguration of new activities for the forthcoming academic year. Charter Review Committee Six students. Three members shall be Seniors and three shall be Juniors. The President of the Student Government Association may STUDENT GOVERNMENT "They " By Russ Hogg C.C. READER continued on page 4 interview with Mr. Dressler George Dressler is the Administrative Officer at Capitol Campus and, as such, is in charge of activities outside of the academic program. Before coming to Capitol, Dressler attended the University of Pittsburgh where he received a Master of Letters in industry, served in the Air Force and spent 26 years with U.S. Steel Corporation. The following interview was conducted April 19 in Mr. Dressler's office on the second floor of the Main Building. Q: It is often said that the Administration here at Capitol passes the buck to University Park when problems arise. Where does Capitol Campus stop and University Park begin? Dressler: Well, we are governed by policies which eminate from the Board of Trustees and the officers of the University. Those policies we must adhrer to, especially if we want to keep on working here. I know it's real easy to say University Park says this, University Park says that, but essentially it is true many times. I like to take the position if we can do something about it, we will. Parking, I know, is a very sensitive situation. Those students who were here last Spring will remember how Doctor McDermott grabbed the bull by the horns and changed the parking fee. What a lot of them don't know is what happened to him at University Park because of his actions. There were some wide reprecussions and they weren't all good. So, in a situation like that University Park says what goes and Capitol has no choice. 0: As far as parking goes, you mean there will be no reduction even though tuition is going up? Dressler: No, probably not. 0: Where does Capitol have freedom to do what it wants? Dressler : More in the academic field than anything else. 0: Concerning the trailers in front of the building here - it has been almost a year since the time they were supposed to have been removed. Is anything being done on this? Dressler: Yes, but on the advice of University attorneys, I'd rather not say anything at this time. 0: Are there plans for new construction on campus? Dressler: Yes, it will be a multi-purpose building and, hopefully, will get final approval at the May Board of Trustees meeting. After that it will be up to the Commonwealth's GSA to finalize the bidding. We had hoped ground would be broken this spring but now about the earliest will be next fall. It will be 'constructed on the ground between the place ment office and the University apartments. 0: What will it include? Dressler: There will be an area about the size of two basketball courts that will be used mainly for recreation and will take care of our graduation ceremonies in case of rain. Also in there is an area that has been divided into threeequal areas and hopefully two-thirds of that area will be devoted to continuing education programs. This will be devoted to short courses and workshops - not the ten week type of thing. Some offices will probably be located in there, but at this point it is just a guess who will be there. 0: What is your relationship with the Student Government Association? Dressler: Well, my contacts are mainly through the Director of Student Affairs, Mr. South. 0: Last term there was a meeting on campus about security in which it was proposed that a student security force be created and Mr. Paul's contact with students be reduced. Since then a student security force was started but it doesn't seem to be what was proposed. Dressler: Yes. The last part of your statement is the perplexing part. A student security patrol is operating. A number of students have been hired and they are doing their job as far as patrol. I think uniforms have been ordered and we are setting up the space arrangements for lockers. It is difficult for me to evaluate the removal of Mr. Paul from this thing for probably the main point of friction there is between what was the Student Government Security Task Force and Mr. Paul. The reason for this is unknown to me. 0: One final question: the trend is for colleges to lose enrollment. HA CC is down to 2,900. What does the future look like for Capitol Campus? Dressler: I leanred long ago in the steel industry if you didn't have salesmen out there beating the bushes, you weren't going to sell the product. The same thing applies here at Capitol. The outlook here is good. Our graduate enrollment is trending upward and our undergraduate enrollment is leveling off. I'm sure that we'll hold our own. May 16, 1974 ** * *
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