VoL 111 No. 4 SATURDAY-MAY 18 The Capitol Campus music festival is finally here. On Saturday, May 18th, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., the hills will be alive with music here at Capitol. Good People Productions are expecting around 20,000 people to move in on the campus for this weekend's event. A day of music and sunshine will be featured with the music provided by American Standard, Atom's All, Dimeler Brothers, Ghostown, Gyrus, Matrix, Morning Song, and Uproar. Good People Productions have been preparing for the past 7 months getting it all together to make this year's festival a success. There are alot of hassles involved with getting it all together, as Peter Sell, Mike Leasher, of Bob (Hubie) Brannan, co-chairman of GPP, will readily testify. The many aspects of planning include setting up committees to take care of the myriad of different activities necessitated by the huge crowd. The stage crew, which is responsible for building a stage and bridges, as well as taking care of the musical equipemnt and sound system, is headed by Al Theriault. Crowd control, which is responsible for maintaining some semblence of order during the day, is headed by Tom Maioli. Traffic control, which is perhaps the most crucial aspect of all the activities, is headed by George Baran, and ITE. The responsibilities of the traffic committee is to insure a smooth flow of traffic to and within the parking areas, and to restrain friends from parking in unauthorized areas. The concessions are being handled by Bill Potter, and the XGl's. The Clean up committee is headed by Ken (Napper) Napierkowski, who carries the CAPITOL CAMPUS Slfl (iJ (ITI+~ C.C. READER WIVOS;1)•1 PAOATkitWiIwVIS)I awesome responsiblity of making sure the festival site is clean after the whole dig is over. Music has been arranged by Jim Yorgey and the music committee. Jim has also made arrangements for a sound system which is more powerful than the system used at the Spectrum! Right on! The Head Shop, which is there to help your head if you need it, is "headed" by Peg Furey and Ron Deßosa. All the equipment and material needs are being handled by Jim Toggart and the responsibility of getting the 20,000 people here has been saddled by Bill Fleisher and Wanda Burkholder, co-chairman of the publicity committee. Good luck Bill and Wanda! Naturally, the aforementioned committee chairmen are extremely important to the success of this weekend's event. But there is an even more important group of people involved. These are the 250 Good People who donated some of their time to GPP to help with all the work involved. But don't let the large number fool you. We need more! It's never too late to volunteer your services. They will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help out, call Peter Sell at 944-0367, or Bob Brannan, at 944-6732. The Concert will bring a great number of people on campus, so GPP suggests you secure your houses and property accordingly. Also, it is advisable for resident students to leave their icarss where they are and walk to the concert site as parking spaces will be at a premium. See you Saturday! Pray for Sunshine! May 16, 1974
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