Ed. Note: Student Government Association on Tuesday night concerning the reintroduction of the $7.50 parking fee. An explanation of the re-elevation of the $7.50 fee appears on page one of this issue. This insert has been prepared because the emergency meeting took place after The Capitolist went to press. The SGA, at a meeting on 22, passel a resolution calling for all students of this campus to participate in a moratorium by not parking in the lot in the rear of the main building. The one day moratorium will take place next Thursday, Lay 31. The action was taken to protect the xr!.cing of the parking fee back to $7.50. Provost Robert E. LcM_l:lilott had lowered the fee to one dollar for the spring term only. The vatic::. c_tablishing the m=terium was introduced by Sen. Aaron Spicher, and it passed 14-0. The SGA currently has 25 members, including senators and executive officers. Current EGA President Dial said 'Th2purpose b,:hind the moratorium is to call attention to the board of trustee's n7yl the university administration that we have an unju:lt and inequitale fee.' The fee was established for all Clr=nwealth Cat:pus:as for a 7.7i_versal fund which is used for initial parking lot construciton only. Capitol, rs of March 1, 1973, had a deficit in the fund totalling approiLately $50,000. Dini also eplained, 'We have found the parking situation at many of the Penn State c=puces to be inequitable, as many people 1 ,11 .7 $7.50 a terra to perk in a muddy lot. Sen. Harold Zrown, who is chairman of a committee organizing the moratorium "142 are for all students on lily 31 to avoid parking in the main qpid, Campus rasidonts are askel to walk to school or ride bicycles. Commuters are requested to park on Wharton Ave. near the elementary school, in the lot at the Placement Building, in the dormitory and huade Heights areas and at the cagineer7g lab. Ac a final recourse, comruters are asked to park in Olmsted Plaza away from the storefronts. :acuity, even though they do not pay a parking fee, are asked to participate in this protact." Browr. has indicated he Lill Itscuss Capitol's moratorium with other SGA presidents at a meeting of the Council cf Presidents of Commonwealth Campuses at University Park on SaturJay. Y 1 said he will urge the presidents to conduct similar action on their campuses prior to the end of the term. The action of Capitol's SGA took place in the wake of an announcement by iicDermott that the long di:cussed and detailed mandatory octivities fee could not be established. i , lany senators e - 7.ore'27e. a rentim2nt that the monies that SGA will be receiving next year w!ll 1 e _n.adernate. In his coordinating of the moratori=, Pro - m said all measures of publicity will be utilizei, sims and positioning a person at the campuses entrances. E-ch person will reputedly be equipped with a soundhorn to urge students to park !.n desi:natc areas. Dini said he is urging all ct . u2eats to comply with the SGA in this matter. He added the protest is a feasible rean-3 to protest rising costs in collegiate education as tuition will be dvlnatically ri':xt year. SGA CALLS FOR aORATORIUM OW REAR-LOT PARKING The following is an account of an emergency meeting of the by R.W. Donaker
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