Page 2 Crisis in Higher Education There is indeed a crisis in higher education, and its effect is dramatically seen in Capitol's projected fall term enrollment. Based on figures released by the administration and the Academic Services Office the best this campus can expect in total undergraduate enrollment is 1,450, down from the 1,645 who had registered for the fall term 1972. And that figure does not take into consideration possible tuition increases of between $45 and $145 for next year. I would speculate that enrollment totalling 1,325 would be more realistic, a drop of 20 per cent. Currently, advance admissions figures for the fall term , 1973 are at a level of 73 percent of a year ago, Earlier, the admissions picture was extremely bleak as in February it was 44% of the preceding year, according to Ms. Mary E. Gundel, Admissions Director. Why? Well, first one must examine the big picture and consider nationwide trends. Firstly, since the draft has been disbanded, young men don't have to go to college to escape the military. Secondly, the cost of a college education has skyrocketed to a point were many high school graduates can't even consider going to college. Those who can are evermore choosing a college within commuting distance. , Thirdly, there is a distinct anti-collegiate atmosphere in the country, as evidenced by the failure of the national and state governments to properly fund public institutions of higher learning. Still another factor is that you don't have to go to college anymore to get a decent paying job. Of course, such an assumption displays shortsightedness, but it holds up in respect to the tight job market over the past few years. And there are other factors in the overview that are too numerous to list. The previously mentioned factors plus some specific or unique to Capitol have affected the enrollment. Ms. Patricia L. Young., Admissions Counselor, recently published a survey of 385 students who turned down offers of admission the last two terms. 185 of those sent surveys responded and cited many reasons why they decided not to come to Capitol. Response to 'Airy Opinion' Charlie Holeczy Asso. Editor This is a very angry response to a very ignorant letter. I am fully aware that there are many people in this school who are disappointed with the newspaper. 1 only ask - - why don't they do something about it instead of sitting around complaining. Hotheaded airy opinions are not worth the air they consume unless printed and backed by evidence. The letter indicated that some feel that inadequate coverage of school activities is the main fault of the paper. Are Among those reasons cited were: better programs at other schools; not enough available financial aid; did not like baccalaureate degree names; and the lack of facilities for recreation and social life. Ms. Young thinks the "main reason why most of the students who decided against attending Capitol. . . is not an academic one but a social-personal one. Because increasing enrollment is seen as vital to the continuation of this campus, the university is pulling out all the stops. Thus, the agreement to have guaranteed admissions policies with HACC and now Peirce Jr. College in Philly. Also, the CLEP program is in high gear, as well as the possible take over of the University Center in Harrisburg. In addition, Capitol has been • granted permission to advertise in the newspapers of junior colleges throughout Pennsylvania. But, it may be too late. Since its inception, this campus has struggled to survive. In the near future, the struggle may come to an end with the unfortunate death of the campus. These are not scare tactics, but harsh reality. Only through the immediate implementation of programs to stabilize enrollment can this campus survive past 1976. When enrollment for the fall term 1974 dips down to 1,000, perhaps my personal alarm will be shared by all. Robert W. Bonaker ** * * they not literate.enough to write a small article themselves? A handful of students cannot cover the activities of the school without missing much of what is happening. In vain, the newspaper searches for support and help but receives only idle complaints and mocking jeers. It is wrong to' say that the newspaper is the voice of the students. Ideally, this is its purpose; realistically, it is the voice of a few trying to interpret the voice of all. The extreme laziness of the students to actively voice their opinions within the school newspaper cannot be blamed on the staff. We are trying. THE CAPITOLIST Hooray for The Capitolist Editor; As a recent graduate of Capitol Campus, I was shocked and dismayed to read a letter in last week's issue concerning this publication's efficiency, or lack of it. I was particularly dismayed by the list of co-signers to that writing; people that are usually well informed of the why behind the what. I am bewildered as to why they would make such a statement without first checking the facts properly; thus, committing the same error of which they accuse the "Capitolist." Without trying to belittle the efforts of the fine Capitolist staff,l would like to recommend a quick glance at all the by-lines in this paper over the past term. How many times does the name "Robert W. Bonaker" appear? This man gives of his own time, usually at the expense of his academic and social life, for this paper and the student body. I know how hard he works to cover as many events as is humanly possible. I also know how hard he has tried to get others to cover those events that he cannot attend. These latter efforts usually end in futility. Is it fair to ask Bob to do more? If the co-signers are as unhappy with the results of this situation as they lead me to believe, why don't they do something about it. If, at the next event you attend, a Capitolist staff member is not present, take some notes and submit an article of your own. I know Bob will appreciate it. and think of the service you would be doing the student body at such a small additional time expense of your own. A second conclusion by the letter was a ridiculous, flamboyant display of an impulsive and irrational deduction. The paper is not an instrument of the administration and it is not trying to mislead the students in believing anything. The newspaper is attempting to dig and to pry and question any action within the confines of the campus. We want to publish the truth. The main problem with the paper is basic and can be solved -- we need help. We need writers, reporters, and enthusiasm. Three people cannot be in a million places at the same time. We need ideas and people to transform these ideas into writing -- not airy opinions or silent, troubled thoughts. We want students to speak; we need and want students to speak using the school newspaper as their means of communication. ** * * No Capitalist Next week, Thursday, May 31, The Capitolist will not be published due, to the holiday week-end and scheduling conflicts. The final issue of the term will be June 7 with an issue for Commencement on June 16 a high possibility, if funds can be secured from the Student Government Association. It should also be noted that all campus facilities will be closed for Memorial Day, May 28. ** * * Letters Capitolist Supporters Editors; "As students of this school we are dismayed to find that the only voice of the student body, The Capitolist, is an inefficient amusement weekly." However, it seems that the 'only voice' of The Capitolist belongs to Bob Bonaker, whose 'inadequate' reporting' may be due to inadequate aid from belly-aching bystanders. WE submit that the students of this school who demand a better newspaper should uncover the 'correct facts' themselves! Or, is the truth too much for them to take? P.S. Keep up the good work, R.W Kick in the Pants Editor, For the two years that I was a member of The Capitolist staff, I had never written anything for the paper. But now I must in hopes of giving the junior class a kick in the pants and get them interested in the organizations on campus. With June coming up, we have held many of the positions in the organizatiorn will be leaving and in some instances there is no one to fill these positions. A case in point is the newspaper. Last year the staff was made up of about half seniors and half juniors. This year's staff was almost all seniors. We had about five juniors during the year but now we have but two, the new coeditors. If more juniors don't jump on the wagon and give these two their aid, • the quality of The Capitolist will surely go down and we can't let that happen. For the students need the newspaper because it is the major medium they have. No other media on campus reaches so many or is open to anyone who has something to say. Mark Israel for Arts Festival Editor, To try to thank all of those people who' were involved in the planning of the - Spring Music/Arts Festival is an insurmountable task. However, a. particular thanks to Russ Rhorabaugh and members of the maintenance department is in order. Their cooperation is greatly appreciated, and in the past has often been overlooked. Ed Gangsle, Tom McPoyle and Jim Yorgey did an outstanding job with the stage and sound set-up. Their ingenuity and long hours helped to greatly reduce the cost involved for this event. Pete Forrest and Bill Fleischer also did more than their share in assembling and scheduling student marshal's. Last, but not least, a special thanks to a small but dedicated group of die hards who spent a large portion of Sunday afternoon cleaning up the parking lots, roadways and the Meade Heights area. These people are: Aaron Spicher, Mike Leasher, Al Williams,. Frank Bellini, Jim Yorgey(again), Tim Gnap, Jerry South an; ete Bull. Again, a complete list is impossible, but a sincere thanks to everyone involved. I think most everyone enjoyed themselves, in spite of the Weatherman. Sue Mann Mary Jean Tamanini . Dianne Bryan * * * John Wolford ** * * Thanks Paul Mirabile ** * * May 24, 1973 Students and distorted priority Structure Dear Editor: Having just leaned that the parking fee for the summer term has again increased- to $7.50, I feel it is imperative that I write this letter. Somehow I get the impression, which is pure speculation on my part, that this $7.50 or at least part of it will be applied to the Student Activities Fund since University Park has stated the fund will receive no monies from them for the coming school year. fUniversity Park's decision shows 'once again that the student enjoys a position just above the curb in the distorted structure of priorities. • However, just because University Park has made this decision, there is no reason why Capitol Campus should expect students to pay a mandatory Student Activities fee to create a fund. Part of my objection to a mandatory fee is due to the expected increase in tuition 'beginning with the school year in fall 1973. The other part of my reason is mainly • personal. I am a married, commuting student from Mechanicsburg. I have 'hestred from faculty that a good deal of the students at Capitol are commuters also. Because of my situation, I have never attended a student activity nor will I be able to do so in the future; consequently, I see no reason why I should be expected to fund activities in which I will not participate. This does not mean that others cannot contribute to the fund if they so- desire. My main objection is that the decision to contribute or not to contribute has been nude by someone else and not me. I am not exaggerating when I say that money is scarce in a student's life, especially a married student and paying $6.50 for which I receive nothing in return is not my idea of thrift. I arrive at the $6.50 figure for the student activities figure since last term's parking fee was only one dollar which, by the way, was stated to be the fixed amount for future terms. This shows the hypocrisy of the administration once again burdening the student with the responsibility that should be assumed by the administration. I hope this letter will initiate some interest by people with the same views, who will also voice their disagreement by boycotting the increased fee beginning with the Rummer term. Patrick H. Flynn ** * * A Mr. Paul Thank Yon Editor I would like to offer my thanks to Mr. Paul, the much criticized security officer on campus. Recently, my automobile was hit while it was parked in the Heights. The assistance he. rendered was quite professional and thorough. He eased my momentary aggravation through his expertise in his profession. For a man who is continuously criticized, I just want to say "thanks." Mickey Wolfson ** * * ED.NOTE: The winner of the five dollar prize in the "Re-name The Capitolist Contest" will be formally announced in the June 7 issue. Yours Truly,
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